Monday Morning Minute

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
(Proverbs 3:5 ESV)

Do we trust God only when life is good? Or can we trust Him every day, even when life is not so sunny? I go for the later! God never promised us that life, as a Believer of the Way, would be easy (see John 16:33 ).

This past week I encountered more challenges at work. I had to make a decision: either getting frustrated and giving up, or I could put my trust in the Lord. I made my choice to trust in the Lord. And I pray and hope that I, with the help of the Lord, will make a difference in other people’s lives.

You see, it is easy to just give up; throw in the towel so do speak. But then, how can we show others what we are made off and WHO we trust. My sweet friend, I hope that you will not give up and do good as the Lord commended us in Galatians 6:9 (ESV).

Lord, I am trusting You that You will work everything for the good who love You. Lord, I love and trust You with all my heart. I some times do not understand Your ways, but I know that You have my best interest in mind. May I let Your light shine in my life. In the precious name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

Photo Copyright © Iris Nelson

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  1. Trust was my one word for the year several years ago. I’ve made progress but still have times when I struggle. But we can trust God. He sees all and knows all that impacts us. And He loves you and me Iris. How good is that?

    Blessings and love,

  2. I’ve learned to trust God at all times, but I must admit, there are plenty of times when I worry and try to figure things out on my own before I release it to the Lord. However, all my worry never changes a thing. It is only when I live out my faith and place my trust in God, that things calm down. One practice that I’ve found that helps me from falling into that worry trap is to simply repeat the word “Trust” (as a prayer) over and over again in my head when I’m facing something challenging. Before long, that familiar peace descends on me and I’m able to handle the situation.

    Love the new Monday Morning Minute!

    Love, Joan

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