Poem for the Day

Just want to share a poem with you today. I received that via my morning devotion from Proverbs 31 Ministries: Happiness keeps you Sweet, Trials keep you Strong, Sorrows keep you Human, Failure keeps you Humble, Success keeps you Glowing, Only God keeps you Growing. – Anonymous So, keep your eyes focused on the Cross….

Yep – A New Look

I have found another passion of mine – I think it ranks in the #4 or #5 spot. I really love to work with HTML codes. This new template is from Italy; the designer’s name is Cristina and the website is called Pannasmontata Templates. Check out the work – it is worth it. I had…

He Missed his Calling…

Usually I feature my personal reads Fridays on My Lighter Side, but I just couldn’t wait until tomorrow. Check out this blogger, “The Broken Messenger” – found his link this past Saturday on BE. I think that he missed his calling and should have been a pastor. Check out especially this post, very insightful and…