Its a long story and hopefully I will have the time soon to share with you all. In the meantime, check out the book available at
Thanks for stopping by. Remember: God works in His timing, not ours.
Welcome to the New Kadence Theme!
Its a long story and hopefully I will have the time soon to share with you all. In the meantime, check out the book available at
Thanks for stopping by. Remember: God works in His timing, not ours.
This will be my very first entry for the marvelous weekly photo blog contest at ‘IHeartFaces‘. If you are into photography, please check out the blog. I know you will enjoy it. Here are my two entries for week 24… Kids Category: Tyler is two-year-old I just took a photo of last week. He is…
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through…
I usually don’t promote my photos I post on JPG Magazine, but I have published a photo essay about “Faces of Small Town America”. If you are a member of JPG Magazine, would you consider ‘voting’ for my photo essay? Just click on the image above to get to the site and the essay. I…
I can do all things through him who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13 ESV) Philippians 4:13 is my life verse; I hold on to it on a daily bases. I know that all of us have times where nothing seems to go right. Life gives you lemons…But I know that God is with me every step…
Get the WW code here
Grab the Scavenger Hunt code. Photo Theme: Five ~ Join the blogroll ~ Visit participants. ~Hosted by TNChick~ LO Credit: Gotta Pixel Team I am glad that I found this picture tonight 😀 …and of course I had to play a little with my scrap-booking stuff. Thank you so much for stopping by. Have a…
Blessings Iris and CONGRATULATIONS!!! I’m so glad that you were able to complete this purpose and combine your interest in photography in a book!
Looks spectacular (but of course, it should) It has God’s imprint all over it and “LACED WITH GRACE” from Him… To God be the glory! May we all be filled to overflowing as we enJOY your GIFT manifest in this beautiful work of ART and WORD! What a beautiful way to share this dream complete with us! Thanks for the Blurb! May God bless you greatly as you encourage us through this book!
Peace, love and JOY,
So happy for you! You did a great job. God is good.
congrats precious friend. I am so very proud of you. I love you.
Those are great photos, Iris…and beautiful scriptures! Awesome job on your book!
Blessings to you, Joan
Beautiful…congratulations and wow! flowers for you, you’ve done it my friend and continue doing for God’s glory. More blessings coming your way. Happy TT today too!
Congratulations Iris! I’m so happy for you.
Wow!!! Iris, Congratulations! I’m really looking forward to coming back over and checking this out. All the best to you, and may God be wonderfully glorified through the gift He’s given you.
Oh, I’m so glad you put “God works in His timing” in your post. SO TRUE. I’m pretty sure He is trying to get my attention regarding this! Congrats on your book!!!!!!!!
Congratulations! Looks wonderful….I’m on my way…
I am slow to responding I am so sorry but I am so proud of you. SERIOUSLY PROUD. Feel like a sister with her chest sticking out because I am proud!!!! You go Girl!!
Congrats Iris!!!! What a wonderful achievment!
I am so proud of you Iris! Thank you for the copy you sent to me. I am including it on my One Thousand Gifts post on Monday, March 14.
Much love,