However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.
(Ephesians 5:33 ESV)
Love and respect go together in marriage, just as much as ham and cheese go together on a sandwich. I know, not a great analogy, but I know you get the point.
My husband is the BEST – at least for me he is. You see, in the early years of our marriage I had a little issue with the respect part. I think that love comes really easy for us women, but we have to admit that we sometimes (at least it is true for me), we lack true respect.
My beloved never has been the romantic type; well maybe when we were dating. I sometimes envied (I know bad word – but the truth) women who had a romantic husband. When they received flowers at work on Valentines Day, birthday, or anniversaries. But then again, these might have been ‘young’ relationships; I do not know.
But let me tell you, my husband is the most romantic guy; it just took years for me to realize (yes, sometimes I am a slow learner). Honestly, my husband has never forgotten our anniversary; not once in 30 years. And every year on our anniversary I get red roses (one for each year married). Mark also has never forgotten my birthday.
Lets take last weekend as an example. Imaging USA took place in Phoenix over the weekend. You have to understand, although we both are photographers, we have two different genres. My husband loves/enjoys to photograph architecture; I am on the other hand are a portrait photographer. Imaging USA was totally geared toward portrait photography. But my husband went with me, because I wanted to go. For me, this is being romantic :)…
I know that we all see ‘romance’ a little different, but I think spending time together and doing things you husband/wife likes doing, that is romance. Period!
What are you thankful for this week? Please do share with us by leaving a link to your Thankful Thursday post below.
Thank you for stopping by today. Remember: spend time with your spouse this week; put your plans on the back-burner an do things your spouse enjoys.
Love & peace,
PS: Thankful Thursday is about being thankful and not linking up to promote your blog posts via the widget below. I have deleted the links that were not for Thankful Thursday. Thank you for understanding.
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Laughing because we both wrote about our marriages this week. I agree with your definition of romantic–not lots of flowers around here, but he always is willing to do the things that make me happy. Thanks for sharing, and as always for hosting Thankful Thursdays.
Hello Iris…and thanks for this link up. My post is about my husband and our gratitude to God in helping us stand strong before marriage. And you are so right. Romance comes in all shapes from attending a photo conference to kisses in the kitchen to making you that first cup of tea in the morning and sometimes even, just sitting quietly in the same room with him yet each occupied in different tasks.
One of my favorite posts of gratitude for my Michael is: He is my husband, he is my hero http://wp.me/p2B5BG-2ot
Blessings to you and yours today…
Romance comes in many different ways! I agree, our husbands simply spending time with us is totally romantic! Today, for instance, Roy and I are sitting on the couch, watching football together. Very romantic!! The key word is TOGETHER! We love spending time with each other because we love each other!! It’s important not to compare our marriages to other people’s marriages because each one is unique. I know that God chose the best person on earth for me when He chose my husband. I am so blessed!