Thankful Thursday: What Sting My Heart is thankful for this week

  1. For God’s riches. You know, it is so awesome to have a Christian blogging community. There is always someone who blesses you with something. I received a wonderful ecard from my dear friend ‘No Average Girl‘. Although she is quite younger than myself, she is sometimes much wiser than I am. So, thank you ‘M’ for blessing me with your friendship this week.
  2. Once again – for my Sweetheart. You know, like I said it before on this blog, he is my best friend. He even went to the mall with me this past weekend (he really doesn’t like the mall much – I don’t either – lol) to buy some ‘interview suits’. He was really helpful on picking the right things to wear.
  3. The invention of the phone! That is the only connection I have to my family right now. I enjoy our VoIP. It is very inexpensive to talk to my family in Germany.

Links to other Thankful Thursdays
1. Unicorn Child 2. No Average Girl 3. Friday’s Child 4. Child of God 5. Loni
(If you participate, leave your link in the comments and I’ll post it below; or, you can post in the comments)

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Click here for Chrixean’s blog
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  1. Wait a sec. I’m in central time and it’s still Wednesday which means it’s still Wednesday for you, too.

    Oh well, close enough. Time for bed!

    But first, let me just agree with you that we should all be thankful for the telephone…unless it’s ringing with a sales call, then the thankfulness waivers a bit.

  2. aww, dear sister, many times you don’t realize what something as small as an ecard means to someone! i’m also am so “thankful” for you! you have been an encouragement to me, willing to be there and pray for me and my situations! 🙂

  3. Hey, just found your blog through Shash’s site, I am certainly thankful for these things in my life too (especially God!!)

  4. hey girl! thanks for checking in on me. just been busy with normal life stuff. but hopefully, about to be caught up for a little while.

    yes, definitely phones. i think if it weren’t for cell phones my poor girls would be stuck in this house. seriously, i’m not sure how my parents handled not knowing where we were and when we’d be home. i mean, sure we had times but you know how time gets away (especially with teens hehe).

    anyway, thanks for being such a wonderful friend to maegan, she thinks the world of you and you are such an encouragment to her.


  5. I enjoyed reading through some of your blog. I think we are about the same age – I’ve been married almost 21 years and my oldest (19) is in college. BUT . . .I have one in diapers, and quite a few ages in between! 🙂 I liked your Thankful Thursday post. Yes, the phone is a wonderful blessing – MOST of the time (except when it rings, just as we sit down to eat! GRRRRRRRRRRR!)

    My Thankful Thursday Post

  6. You know, I just recently saw a billboard about the VoIP in the expressway coming home from my meeting yesterday and I had no clue what it was about (and I thought I was pretty tech-savvy, hehe)…Enlighten me about what this new communication tool is about? So I could be thankful for it as well in the near future! hehe.

    I’m thankful for you, Iris! Great post! Have a great weekend! 🙂

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