Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever!
~ Psalm 107:1 (ESV)
Do you believe in divine appointments? Well, I do. You see what happened last week could only be something God had planned…
Although I do have my name with a couple of publishing houses, I usually do not request any books for review. Only on occasion will I request a book (actually only when friends release a new book/study). I love to read, but due to my limited available free time, it takes a while for me to finish to book. However, last week I had a package in my mailbox that came from a publisher…I was surprised, because I didn’t request any books to read/review.
When I saw the title “The Edge of the Divine”, I knew I had to read it. Don’t ask me why, I just knew…I read the book in 2 days flat; I just couldn’t put it down. Want to know why I believe that God had His hands in this?
Let me tell you: I have a huge issue with self-esteem (actually no self-esteem). Sandi Patty shared some wise words in her book “The Edge of the Divine” (full review to follow later this month). Couple of things I wanted to share with you today: “Find something that you really like about yourself” and “…I know I’m worth it ’cause God don’t make no junk!”…Do you know how powerful those statements were to me? Just divine!!!!!
Thank You Lord for having Your hand in this. You knew I needed to read the book. My heart has been so heavy lately…Thank You from the bottom of my heart!!!!!
What are you thankful for this week? Please share by leaving the link to your TT-Post below.
Thank you for stopping by today…Remember: God don’t make no junk – you are His.
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Oh Iris,
Wonderful advice: “Find something that you really like about yourself” and “…I know I’m worth it ’cause God don’t make no junk!
Amen.. Amen… Sounds like this is another book to add to my reading list. Hugging you and happy TT. Looking forward to reading the other posts. Hugs, Lynn
That is wonderful that God gave you that book to read. He knows just what we need, when we need it 🙂 That sounds like great advice.
Remember, God holds you in high esteem… so love yourself abundantly!
Hi Iris,
This is such wonderful testimony of God’s divine appointment! Truly God knows our every need and He works wonderfully to meet our needs. Praise Him. Thanks for sharing with us. Take care and have a blessed week!
Warm regards,
God is just SO good! Thanks for sharing this special gift He gave you.
Always good to have a reminder to take time and give thanks.
Thank you so much for this post, and for hosting Thankful Thursdays!
Praise God for speaking to you exactly what He knew you needed to hear! And praises that you are sharing that message with us!
Definitely a divine appointment! Love it when He shows His love this way….
I will have to check out this book….
Iris, I can assure you that you are not junk. In fact, I love you. You are a warm, kind and very caring person with lots of God given talent. Your photos are beautiful and speak to a special place in my heart.
I’m so glad that book was your divine appointment. May you know how special you are.
I think we may really need to set a date to get together soon. I’ll email you this week.
Sounds like a book I need to read my friend, love you.
Praise God for this wonderful meme.
That is JUST LIKE JESUS to send you a book you didn’t ask for, straight to your mailbox, and you KNEW you needed to read it!
He knew what would lighten your heart and encourage you! He’s SO AWESOME! Praise God!
Happy TT day, and thank you for hosting!
Can’t wait to hear your review on “The Edge of the Divine”. Sounds like a book I’ll have to go buy…..
When we repent of our sin and turn to Jesus, we are HIS. Joint heirs with Christ!! Our sin is forgiven and we have every reason for JOY. It is God who gives us value.
Thank you for hosting Thankful Thursday!
I am so THANKFUL that I found this site! Thank you for having Thankful Thursday. And thank you for the message of joy in the Lord and Him alone.
I can’t wait to read your review on this book! And what a great way to think about yourself. “God don’t make no junk” I will remember that always. I have some problems with self-esteem a good bit of the time to. It’s so hard to imagine Him making me and saying “This is just perfect!”.
I will have to get my hands on that book. Thank You for sharing!
It’s just like Him to know exactly what we need even we you don’t have a clue!
I like to think of it as Christ Esteem. I find my worth in who I am in Christ. Satan knows he can paralyze Christians by having us think demeaning, worthless thoughts about ourselves. Apart of Christ, we are sinful, prideful, selfish human beings.
BUT GOD…. (don’t you just love those words when you see them in Scripture? You know He’s about to set the record straight!)
BUT GOD, made us new creations. When He looks at us, He sees us as one found in His Son.
Psalm 139 – We are PRECIOUS!
1 John 4:4 – We are HIS CHILD!
Ephesians 1:6 – We are ACCEPTED!
2 Peter 1:4 – We are PARTAKERS of His Grace!
2 Corinthians 4:7 – We are TREASURE KEEPERS! He has confidence in us through Christ to be keepers of His grace.
I could go on and on.
I’m teaching at a ladies retreat in September and this is one of the sessions.
You are beautiful, loved and accepted!
Yes, Iris…you are precious in His sight! “How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered!” (Psalm 139:17)
Don’t you just love it when God speaks directly to your heart? Thanks for sharing this message and how God chooses the perfect timing to bring a word of encouragement!
Living for Him, Joan
Sounds like a book I could use too. I’ve spent my whole life searching for other people’s approval. I’ve learned to be happy with own for the most part, but it doesn’t take much to get me to thinking negatively about how someone might view me. I’m glad it was such a blessing to you, and I’m so thankful that God knows what we need before we do..and best of all, He knows how to meet that need!
Isn’t God good!! Oh, my! I love when He gives you these special personal gifts, hand-wrapped, with your name on them.
Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy Name.
…and forget not all His benefits… Psalm 103
Blessed with you,
I had a similiar experience with a book entitled “Place of Sage” by Lyn Nielsen. My best friend sent it to me, but I didn’t read it. Then my best friend called me to see if I’d read it yet. I felt bad so I read it. Then my best friend got breast cancer. Lyn the author knows about cancer as well. Her’s is one of the best books I have ever read. A real tear jerker, but also an eye opener. A lot of things have happened in my life since reading that book that I know are a God thing just as you reading this one. Please read Place of Sage it if you get a chance. My best friend knows the author. I have since met Lyn online. Still cannot believe an real published author emails me, is supportive of me, likes my art etc!
I enjoyed your theme and used it for today. I hope you don’t mind. I wanted to answer the question. I hope you have a great week. Doylene
Thanks for sharing this Iris. That book sounds like one I can benefit from reading.
Iris when I am struggling with my view of self one of the things I remind myself of is who I am IN Christ.
No matter how I feel about myself or what the world tells me these truths I can KNOW that I KNOW are true about me. We are HIS BELOVED. Of course these are only a few things….
Romans 6:6—My old self has died
Romans 15:7—I am accepted.
1 Corinthians 1:2—I am sanctified (set apart, made different)
2 Corinthians 5:17—I am a new creation
Galatians 2:4—I am set free.
Galatians 3:28—I am equal with other believers.
Galatians 4:7—I am a daughter of God!
Ephesians 1:3—I am blessed with every blessing in heaven.
Ephesians 1:4,5—I am chosen by God and adopted as His child.
Ephesians 2:10—I am created to do good works.
Psalm 139:16-18—I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
1 Peter 2:4—I am chosen and precious.
Isaiah 43:1-6—I am redeemed, precious, honored, and loved.
Isaiah 43:7—I am created for His glory.
Jeremiah 29:11—God has plans for me.
Romans 15:17—I am accepted.
Matthew 10:29-31—God cares for me when it seems that no one else does.
1 Corinthians 6:19,20—I have been bought with a price—I belong to God!
Philippians 1:6—I can be confident He will keep doing a “good work” in me.
God bless you because you have confessed.
Protect you from all evil body and soul!
An excellent day full of relaxation you want!