“You cause the grass to grow for the livestock
and plants for man to cultivate,
that he may bring forth food from the earth
and wine to gladden the heart of man,
oil to make his face shine
and bread to strengthen man’s heart.”
~ Psalm 104:14-15 (ESV)
Not only does God supply food for the body, but also for the soul. His Word is comforting to me when my days are stressed and do not turn out the way I would like.
But this week I am especially thankful for food for the body from our ‘Farmers Market’, Sprouts. I stopped there today to pick up some vitamins. Strolling through the produce section, I picked up some fresh veggies to make salad for tonight’s dinner. The temps are currently at 108F, little hot to cook out on the grill 😉 .
I do not go often to Sprouts, but when I do, I don’t want to leave or buy everything. It somewhat reminds me of the true Farmers Market in Germany. We have them there every Wednesday and Saturday where farmers bring in their produce for people to buy; miss that!
What are you thankful for this week? Please do share with us by leaving a link to your TT post below.
Thank you for stopping by today; remember: God supplies us with food for the soul and body, give Him thanks for His provision.
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Thank God for providing for you. Thank God that He supplies food for the body, but also for the soul. His Word is also my comfort and strength. Take care and Happy Thankful Thursday!
Warm regards,
Thanks for hosting again, Iris!
Today I’m especially thankful for our new granddaughter, the hope that hubby will be paid within a couple weeks (after working on this project for a year), and the privilege of planting flowers and veggies in my garden. Almost like our own farmers’ market. :o)blessings, k
Wow! I hope you get some relief from the heat soon. We have had below normal temps here in the Pacific Northwest, so you can send a little our way. LOL. That sounds like a great market. Hope you enjoyed your salad!
So thankful that I can overcome spiritual warfare with Jesus’ help. It’s been a rough month or so! I am climbing up out of that pit.
Great TT post Iris. I also had food on my mind, watermelon to be exact. It always amazes me the things that God speaks to me with. lol Happy TT!
God supplies indeed! I pray as I cultivate a thankful spirit, I won’t miss it so much.
Sorry I messed up my first link (#10). If you would be so kind as to remove it, that would be great. Thanks.
I love farmer’s markets! I, too, am thankful for God’s provision. He is so GOOD!!
Blessings, Joan
Great post Iris, this causes me to think about my post today, how God gives when we don’t even deserve. It’s amazing how God provides our every need.
I miss the market days in Germany too, actually all of Europe. 🙂
Hope you get some relief from those hot scorching temps.
I haven’t been to the farmer’s market yet, I have been meaning to go in our new place.
Thanks for hosting. Have a great weekend!
Amen! The Lord nurtures our souls, esp when we need it most.
I have definitely found that He is with me, filling me up, keeping me whole during my darkest hours….
there is no way I could be sustained otherwise.
We have Market Days downtown where there are all kinds of things. Some fresh veggies as well as organic ones, arts, crafts, etc. I try to sell my art there as well. I love it there. Seeing all the people, see old friends, making new ones. I don’t usually buy the veggies just homemade brownies! LOL It runs for a block. A lot of my artist friends are there.
Love, love, LOVE this post and theme. Love you too my friend. Blessings and happy eating. *grin* Hugs. Lynn
Wonderful post and great reminder. Thank you for sharing!
We have been dealing with near 110 all week and cooking is out of the question! Enjoy your fresh veggies!
It is nice to take a moment to count our blessing and remember that we always have a reason to be thankful. Even if it is just 2 Corinthians 5:14 because one died for all. Thank you