“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. ~ Ephesians 2:8-10 (ESV)
Before I share my thankfulness with you this week, I would like to thank Crystal, Laurel and Lynn for hosting Thankful Thursday for me the past 3 months. Wow – the time went fast. I am glad to be back blogging. I missed it, but also got some things cleared up in my hear about blogging…
Second, I want to announce the winners of my little impromptu giveaway of the “Iris Kit” designed by Michelle Pieters. The winners are Josie (2BoysMom) and Denise Walden. Congratulation Ladies – I will send the gift certificates tonight to you so you can purchase the kit at Gotta Pixel.
Now to my short thankful list this week: All About Grace (grace is defined as ‘unmerited favor’ either of God or from one to another. Isn’t His grace beautiful?
- I am thankful that He was pierced for my transgressions. That His grace saved me – not for what I have done, but what He has done at the cross…
- I am thankful with a dear friend of mine. I just love when God shows up when we least expect it. The joy is indescribables…
- I am thankful that God allows me to share what He has done for me and that it sometimes touches someone. Thank You, Lord…
- I am thankful that His grace is never-ending. I have messed up so many times in my life – big and small, He still loves me…
- I am thankful for the times my friend have extended grace to me over the years…
- I am thankful that my Sweetheart extends grace when I mess up things or just plain forget. I can’t believe that he has stuck with me for almost 25 years…
What are you thankful for this week, my dear friend? Please do share with us. As your time permits, please visit others on the list below as they are sharing their grateful heart.
Thank you for stopping by today. I want to close with Paul’s words in his letter to the Corinthians:
‘The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.’
Learn more about Thankful Thursday here.
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It’s good to have you back 🙂 I’m back myself after taking a Christmas/Holiday break from too much blogging to spend time with my family. Thank you for hosting a very inspirational and encouraging meme.
I’m thankful too that God’s grace is never-ending. He sure knows that I need that!
Oh my……….. Thanks so much………. what a fun thing to win………..
I am so thankful for the goodness of the Lord and the promises that we can hang on to when the darkness comes around us………….
I would like you to pray for my friend Jean… she is very very ill and I am going over there daily to see her……. She is 62 and has pancreatic cancer.. God has kept her for 3 years after her diagnosis…
I am praying that God keeps her from long suffering……. She lost her husband just 5 months ago……. I have known them for 25 years and he was a precious friend… He died unexpectedly……….. I know that the Lord can heal her but her home going will be the ultimate healing………… thanks for your prayers…
So glad you are hosting TT again. I opened up this page and saw the words GRACE. I felt like I got a hug just from you at this moment.
Your words about God’s unending grace always encourage me and leave me feeling loved all the more.
God bless you Iris. Love and hugs, Lynn
It is SO nice to have you back…It’s such a blessing to take time out of our busy lives and reflect on how GREAT our GOD is!!
He is SO GOOD, ALL the time!!
Happy Thursday!!
Welcome back Iris! Grace…where would we be without it, lost for sure…
Wow. …and you’re back. Finally. I’m so thankful for that – and for other people who hosted the TT while you had a leave of sorts.
I’m just happy because I sort of woke up with you hosting the TT -and now you’re back. It’s great.
Welcome back! Grace is just so amazing…how trite that sounds, yet how true! Words just fail to express it…
wonderful to “see” you hosting again, Iris! 🙂
… am also thankful that Crystal, Laurel, and Lynn were around to continue hosting Thankful Thursday while you had your leave.
Hi Iris,
What a blessing it is to have you back hosting! I pray you will be blessed as you graciously be our host once again.
Yes, I’m so thankful for God’s AMAZING grace!
Have a great day.
These are inspiring thankfuls!
So happy you’re back:)
I am very glad you are back my friend, love your list.
I am so glad you are back! Thank for being an inspiration to us all!
Thanks for sharing!
Welcome back 🙂
“Grace” is a wonderful thing – God’s grace is amazing!
The grace of God is so wonderful! Thanks for the list of reminders of His grace to us! Not only the greatest part His gift of life, but the grace He bestows on us each day!
Good Morning Iris,
“THANK YOU” for hosting “THANKFUL THURSDAY”. I am “THANKFUL” for being able to pay some bills this week. It’s been a bad year last year for me and my Family and then my DH had to get a new job first of this New Year, and it’s just been so hard on us financially. But, “PRAISE GOD” things seem to be looking better for now. Also, who do I need to put down each week that is Hosting “THANKFUL THURSDAY”? Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Karen H.
Welcome back, Iris! Thanks for sharing not only your thankful list, but for giving of your time to host TT.
Welcome Back Iris! Glad your back. Thank you for the beautiful reminder of God’s amazing Grace.
Welcome back, Iris. Your sweet spirit was missed.
I love your post. Thanks for hosting. God Bless!
Welcome back, Iris!! It’s interesting that you titled your post “it’s all about grace”…and I focused all my thankfulness today on my daughter (middle name “Grace”) in honor of her birthday!! In His infinite, marvelous, matchless grace, He not only saved my wretched soul, but saw fit to “Grace” me with the beautiful privilege of mothering this precious little girl! Thanks so much for the wonderful post, and for hosting us. We missed you!!!
Hey Iris! Welcome back. Hope your break was fruitful and refreshing. Thanks for sharing girl! Blessings on your day!
I was thinking about grace this morning too! It’s so amazing.
Welcome Back, Iris! Look at all the people who have already commented and I haven’t even had breakfast yet. Great list from a thankful heart!
I’m glad you’re back, Iris! I posted about God’s grace, too. Great list!
SO GLAD you are back! Awesome—inspiring list—GRACE. I blogged that in the “Sisters of Faith”—(my side bar)–and God just reminds me of His love and goodness everyday. Thanks for being a “blessing” in my life!
This is proving to be a challenge to my spirit (in a good way). It causes me to consider me life and to purposely thank the Lord for how He does things and what He does – because sometimes it’s not easy to be BE thankful. So thanks,Iris for this spirit-challenging time each week!
A good husband is indeed a blessing from the Lord! And your husband is so blessed that you realize that. Have a wonderful day!
I posted this week =) Welcome back to hosting your Thursdays =)
Thank you for hosting Thankful Thursday. It’s so great to see many humbled Sisters in Christ.
Wow Iris, what an awesome and inspirational post. We all fall short, but He saves us by grace. great reminder!
i am glad that you were able to take a step back and access things — so many of us just carry on and never stop and take a little shabbat here and there. i think it is necessary. 🙂 WELCOME BACK!!
i am thankful for grace too. specifically, a little 2 year old whose name is shiloh GRACE!
Hi Iris, I especially loved this one: “I am thankful that God allows me to share what He has done for me and that it sometimes touches someone. Thank You, Lord.” I constantly stand amazed that He would even want to use me to touch someone else. I think, “Lord, there’s someone so much more qualified”. Then He gently reminds me “I don’t call the qualified, I qualify the called.” So humbling.
I’m loving forward to getting to know you now that you are back. Have a blessed day.
I cannot imagine what my life would be without grace. You have said it perfectly Iris. Thank you.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and for hosting TT
59 people!! Wow.
I blogged just now!
Welcome back. Thank you for hosting TT.
I’m so glad you’re back! I look forward to getting to know you!
Tanya 🙂
Iris….I have a quote from Max Lucado at my desk….If you have everything but no grace, you have nothing…If you have nothing but grace, you have everything. That sums it up fairly well I believe…Blessings.
I’m thankful for you, my friend!