“And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.” ~ Colossians 3:15 (ESV)
This month we are meeting for Thankful Thursday at my friend’s Laurie blog “Women Taking A Stand“.
There are many things I am thankful for each day. God placed many wonderful people into my life. This week I am particular thankful for my beloved husband.
Not only does he put up with me and my silliness, but also helps me when my laptop gets ‘hi-jacked’. Yes, you read right; my laptop got hi-jacked on Tuesday night. You see, I do all my personal work (especially formatting my photographs) on my laptop.
On Tuesday night I went onto a photography site that I visited often before. Little did I know the site was infected with a virus. I could not stop the virus to get downloaded to my laptop. Without warning, my laptop had been crippled. I couldn’t access files unless I paid a ransom. I am serious. It was awful.
I was devastated. I have thousands of photographs on my laptop that had not been backed up yet to my ED drive. But…my beloved came to the rescue last night. He knew that to do (he is a computer technician :razz:)…
This morning I am happy to report that the virus has been removed and all my photographs are safe 🙂 …Thanks to my beloved!!!!
What are you thankful for this week? Please head on over to Laurie’s blog to link up with your Thankful Thursday post.
Thank you for stopping by today. Remember: be always thankful for the people God placed into your life.
Love & peace,
Sorry that happened to you my friend, that is terrible. But, praise God for your precious beloved. I love you.
How wonderful everything was saved, which makes me thing I need to back up thing to my external harddrive when I get home. Bless you!
So glad you had a helper to come “save the day” for you and knew what to do! I enjoyed your story.
Have a blessed Thursday!
Iris, I was so sorry to hear your laptop got bitten, but praise God for smart techno people like your husband! Glad you were able to get it fixed! 🙂
So glad that your honey is tech savvy. That is horrible when something like that happens. I have tons of photos that I now need to back up. 🙂
Im so sorry that happened to you!
My Son-in-Law is a computer technician, so I can understand your happiness that your Husband fixed your Computer virus problem!!
I am so grateful that my Son-in-law enjoys working with computers! =)
Have a wonderful Week!
I just found your blog and this was the first thing I read how sad!
The worst that happened to me was the bad morning and the coffee I spilled all over my laptop, my husband was so sweet and surprised me with a new one, they were able to get the old files from the old computer though, that boggles my mind.
God bless and I look forward to more from your blog
So glad it got fixed, that’s aweful. God definitely places people in our life for a purpose. Thanks for sharing, and for the wonderful reminder to be thankful for ALL our blessings!
I’m sorry you got your laptop stolen, but your husband did a great job to restore everything :).
Whew! Glad your hubby saved the day! I better learn to back up my files…hehe….
I’m just out surfing and ran across your blog. I’m going to pass the following along free of charge:)
“Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed” (1 Corinthians:15:51-52) “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words” (1 Thessalonians:4:16-18)
Consider yourself comforted!
God is Good!
Wow, Iris, I relate to have thousands of pics on my laptop. So sorry about the stress of the virus. That’s scary. Glad to hear you got everything taken care of.
This reminds me I need to store my pics somewhere else. I do use an external hard drive to back up, but I also keep them on my laptop. And because of the volume, I really need to slim them down to my favs only. I am sure my computer speed would improve if I freed up some space. But that requires a lot of work and focus.
Well, always love knowing you are leading the way with gratitude.