“Oh sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things! His right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him.”
~ Psalm 98:1 (ESV)
Before I share my grateful heart with you today, I want to thank my sweet friend Lori from Lori’s Reflections, for hosting Thankful Thursday the last couple of weeks.
Also, I would like to thank the readers from the Internet Cafe to nominate ‘Grace Alone…’ for one of the top 100 blogs of women bloggers…
Well, what are the changes for me? Let me just say this: God has been moving over the last month in my life. For a very long time I thought that God would want me to write about His grace, love, forgiveness. But I could not have been more wrong. For one thing, English is not my first language. And yes, even after 18 years in the US, English is still hard for me.
Just within the last month, God has literally ‘dropped’ opportunities into my lap that have nothing to do with writing (well maybe a little bit 😆 )…So, here is what I am thankful for this week…
- Thank You Lord for always putting a new song in my mouth…
- Thank You Lord for a very patient photography teacher (my beloved). I so appreciate that he is willing to share his knowledge with me…
- Thank You Lord for opening the door for portrait shots. Please help me to do a good job on the senior photos someone wants to get done…
- Thank You Lord for opening another door to do some artwork for my workplace. I am very excited about the opportunity, although I am very nervous. But then again, I can do all things through You…
- Thank You Lord for putting me back in contact with one of my favorite digital designers, Michelle Pieters. I am very humbled to be able to work with her again. Speaking of digital scrapping – I had my first digital LO published this month…
- And last but not least, I am thankful for giving me some artistry talents to share my faith through a totally different medium…
Believe me, over the last couple of months I have become more bold in sharing my faith with people outside the Christian ‘circles’. In the future you will see a lot more photography and digital LO’s on my blog — I feel more comfortable in that area 😆 .
Especially though digital LO’s I can share His love, forgiveness, and grace in a more visual way 😛 . As I had mentioned on Monday, I am currently working on a Faith book, which I hopefully will be able to print this summer — maybe even sell it…
So, what are you thankful for this week? Please leave your link below — make sure you have a Thankful Thursday post on your blog. I really don’t want to remove links, but the links are for Thankful Thursdayer’s only.
Thank you for stopping by today. And remember: Sometimes God does a new thing in your life — don’t be surprised by it 😉 .
Blessings to you today and always…
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I’m so excited for the doors God has opened for you. My son-in-love is a photographer and loves doing portraits! May God continue to bless you as you heed His calling for your life. We enjoyed Lori hosting and are grateful you are back! Missed you! Dashing off to work on my TT post now…
Laurie Ann’s last blog post..
Oh it is always exciting (and sometimes a little scary) when God begins to move us in a different directions. But He is faithful – I think it is wonderful the doors He has opened for you. HAVE A BLESSED TT!
Tammy’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday
Oh Iris,
I just knew the Lord was working in your life in this direction. It is like an answer to my prayers… and your prayers. I am so excited to see where this new journey leads you. Girl, keep me posted.
Also, my thank you also to Lori for hosting TT. I LOVE this weekly time of thanks. It is so important to praise our Father and I love to read others praises too.
Love you a ton… A TON!! Hugs, Lynn
PS. I already said congrads.. but congrads again. *smile*
Lynn Donovan’s last blog post..Risk an Affair?
Oh, Iris, this is so exciting! I am so thankful to hear how God is working in your life!!
Shelby’s last blog post..Today (Thursday) Is My Birthday / Thankful Thursday
I look froward to your changes =) Yes God loves to do new things. Congrats on the nomination, you deserve it.
Lori’s last blog post..Mary Pierce Live
Iris, this is SO EXCITING!!!! Praise God!
Isn’t it so NEAT to use God’s gifts for His glory? I can’t wait to see your artwork. The “B” page below is beautiful.
I wish you all the best in this new endeaver.
Tracy @ Thirsty for Him’s last blog post..I’m at the Cafe Today….Please visit me there!
I am so very happy that God is opening doors for you sweetie, you are so worthy of these opportunities. I love you.
Denise’s last blog post..Word Filled Wednesday
I agree with you sis! Sometimes God does a new thing in our life — we don’t have to be surprised by it. I am truly experiencing this and I am thankful to God for such unexpected blessings. God Bless
Phebie’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday # 3
How awesome to see how God is opening doors for you! God Bless!
How awesome to see how God is opening doors for you! God Bless!
I have missed you on TT and glad that you are back. But oh how exciting of the doors that God is opening for you. I love it , I love it, I love it! You are awesome and I am so glad to have connected with you and someday maybe you can help me with your artist talent for a book I am writing…maybe some photography would go good with my devotion pages….hmmm, sounds like something to ponder!! -love ya, Laurie
Laurie’s last blog post..THANKFUL THURSDAY…praise
that’s exciting news. i am glad you found something where in you are comfortable with. god really works on wonderful ways. keep on creating those digital LOs. i know they are good stress reliever.
milet’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday ~ Cha..Cha..Changes
Congratulations on the new and exciting opportunities that are ahead! I look forward to seeing some of your creations!
Many blessings to you!
hello Iris! welcome back to Thankful Thursday 🙂 and thank you for hosting this once again.
Rocks’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday
Thanks for sharing the wonderful changes God s bringing to your life. Be blessed
Willnette’s last blog post..TT–The Power of Christ
I’m so excited to see how God is opening up these doors for you! Thank you so much for the photography class info you sent. I’m asking my beloved German if that can be my Valentine. It looks perfect! Have a blessed day!
Miriam Pauline’s last blog post..Spectacular Sins Book Club–Chapter Two
Hi, this is my second week posting with thankful Thursday. Last week with Laurel. Congratulations on your photography, that is exciting!
purplemoose’s last blog post..TT: Jumping on the band wagie
Hello! I got thankful thursday from rocks of made to worship blog.
thank you and God bless!
Carmel’s last blog post..TT: God’s goodness!
Wow! God certainly is moving! I would never have guessed that English isn’t your first language – what you write here is always so eloquent!
Have a blessed day, Iris!
How exciting for you Iris. That is so awesome to see God moving 🙂 I’ve missed doing this. Thank you!!
Renee’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday
I really didn’t want to write about how thankful I am for change but it turned out to be a good exercise for me. Thanks Iris for this opportunity to participate and learn from each other.
Debbie’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday ~ Change
It is so exciting when God begins to move and change things in our lives!
Blessings and hugs!
Chocolate and Coffee’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday
Iris, your photography is so cool. How neat that the Lord is using you in a new way!
Jerri’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday – Cha..Cha..Changes
Look forward to writing my Thankful Thursday’s! God Bless you all!
fortheirfuture’s last blog post..The Hand that Rocks the Cradle…
How wonderful that our Lord is opening some new and exciting doors for you! Thanks for sharing your thankfulness with us and for encouraging us to do the same!
Oh Iris! I can’t wait to see more of your photos! The Lord has definitely gifted you in this area. And I love the faith book, too!
God bless you, my friend.
Marsha’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday
I’m looking forward to seeing how the Lord will use the wonderful gift He has given you Iris. You are so wonderfully creative. I know He will use your work to bless – just as He uses your writing.
Wow, it sounds like such an exciting time for you! Congratulations, and happy Thankful Thursday!
Lindsey’s last blog post..Getting a Facelift
That is exciting! Good luck and God Bless as He moves you forward!
Sabrina’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday
ok, so now i feel a little silly…i didn’t catch on to the fact there there was a “theme” lol sorry
This is my first time participating. Is there a theme each week? I didn’t see anything about it except for a comment, but maybe I missed it…
“Which Proverbs 14:1 Woman?”
Kate’s last blog post..Time for a Time Map (It’s About Time!)
thanks again for such a wonderful meme to take part in!
blessings to you!
Deanna’s last blog post..Peace
Thank you for this great way to not just accept thankfulness, but to strive towards it. 😀 Lovely blog!
Sarah .aka. Mamalotsoftots’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday: He will carry me
I enjoyed your post. Just wanted anyone reading this that is struggling to check out this amazing Christian ministry:
Mercy Ministries was founded by Nancy Alcorn in 1983. It is a non-profit residential counseling program that exists to transform the lives of young women between the ages of 13-28 who face life-controlling issues. The program is free of charge, which is pretty amazing and is CHRIST CENTERED! I want to spread the awareness about Mercy because these problems are all too real in today’s society!
Take Care!
I love your new look!
Just popped by to say Hi… these cha-cha-changes make a lot of sense for your life! PTL. Bless you as you follow Him in new directions… :~D
Am on VACATION! Didn’t get to do a TT post—was packing… sorry. BUT—I say to you—dear Iris—the LORD is blessing your life with some pretty neat ‘ministry opportunities’ it sounds like! yeah!
I hope your week is full of more opportunities! Love you dearly girl!
Angie’s last blog post..Going Home and going home
What a beautiful kiss of sunshine. Thanks for sharing it. We are cloudy and rain predicted so this was a Blessing.
Sherry’s last blog post..A fun New Monday
Thanks for sharing this sweet bit of sunshine today!
Sherry’s last blog post..A fun New Monday