“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” ~ Romans 6:23 (ESV)
I missed last week – I started, but once again got side-tracked. Let me tell you, life is just flying too fast past me. I need to slow down (too bad that I can’t slow down the clock)…
Last week I was reminded how precious life is. It can be over in a second. One of our managers out in the Florida field was killed in a car-accident on her way to work. She was my age. I really couldn’t get this off my mind for a few days…
We ‘fly’ through life; always on the run without taking a deep breath and relax. My dad always told us, no matter if you are angry, never leave the house without saying goodbye and ‘I love you’. He was so right; you never know if you will be home that night.
What also made me stop and think: I get sometimes irritated over really little stuff. Stuff that really doesn’t matter in grant scheme of things or life everlasting. So the death of my co-worker was another wake-up call for me; take one day at a time. Be thankful for the moments I have with family and friends, and don’t let the little stuff get in the way…
What are you thankful for this week? Please stop by my dear friend Lynn’s blog “Spiritually Unequal Marriage” to link up with other Thankful Thursday bloggers.
Thank you for stopping by today. Remember: let the little irritations go, and let God handle the big ones 😉 …
Iris, I love how we can post about all we’re thankful on Thursday. Thank you for starting this one.
Love you,
Great reminder of the important things in life….I needed to read this….
My Sweet Iris,
I look forward to meeting your Dad one day. Wise indeed.
First, love your new look here. Beautiful and peaceful and filled with your personality.
Second, I’m so sorry about your friend. Life is a gift and you are right we waste too much time on things and thoughts that hurt instead of help.
You are a wise friend. Love you so much. Have a wonderful TT. Hugs. Lynn
so true. i get so stressed out over some things that God promised He’ll take care of. i forget to thank Him for the little things He brings to my life as blessings. that’s why i’m thankful for thankful thursday meme because i get to stop and think what to thank God for. ?
Hi Iris,
Thanks for this precious reminder. I need to remember this too as I often get carried away with too many things I love to do. It’s the people around me that truly matters and especially the Lord. I need to remember to cherish them. Thanks for sharing with us what the Lord is teaching you and your thankful heart. Take care and happy TT!
Warm regards,
Thanks so much for the post. A friend of mine lost her dad this week and although he was sick it was still a shock. Life is short!
Such a powerful, and very truthful post. I am very sorry about your friend, love you.
God bless you.
(Remember: let the little irritations go, and let God handle the big ones…)
I love that. I definitely cannot hear that enough. Blessings to you.
So true Iris, we never know our time. If we are healthy we like to think we have all the time in the world. Each day we need to be living like it is our last. It puts the irritations in perspective. Amen.
This was such a thought provoking post. It is something I do think about quite a bit as well. You just never know when your time (or your loved ones time) is up and we must be ready. I was affected for weeks when a young girl my daughter (only23) went to school with was killed quite suddenly (and instantly) in a car accident last Fall. I just literally hurt for her mother. She had just graduated college, married and found a new job. Just like my daughter. Yes, we really need to cherish our time here and our loved ones, grateful for every moment. Thanks for sharing this and have a wonderful day. Blessings.
Life is a precious gift. Thank you for your post. It is a good reminder to be thankful for everyday and to never miss an opportunity to tell my family that I love them!
Iris – My brother always says “life is all about relationships” – first with God and then with each other. Why do we get so easily distracted with the “stuff”. God keep us on track so that we love what You love and that would be people. Right? Love you girl. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.
Thanks for pointing out the need to slow down and appreciate life. God bless you, friend.
first time to join!
here’s my entry: http://coupleslovebook.blogspot.com/2010/04/thank-god-for-care-and-hands-to-cure.html
Dear Iris,
A family friend of 21 years was killed in a terrible car accident 9 years ago. The worst pat of the tragedy is that our last words were not pleasant. I wish I could tell him how foolish I was to get upset over something so petty that I can’t remember it now. Thanks for the reminder of how precious our lives are.
Please feel welcomed to submit your prayer requests on my blog at http://awalkoffaith.wordpress.com. I would love to pray for you and anyone else on your heart.
God bless,
Michelle Jensen