“Walk about Zion, go around her,
number her towers,
consider well her ramparts,
go through her citadels,
that you may tell the next generation
that this is God,
our God forever and ever.
He will guide us forever.”
~ Psalm 48:12-14 (ESV ~ emphasis mine)
Today I am thankful that God is forever ever!!!! In Him I can trust and no one else.
Do you sometimes wonder where He leads you? Honestly, I do. This past week (from last Thursday to now), many things have happened at my work. I do not understand them, but I know that there is always a reason for everything. We had some lay-offs at my company; I am not sure if that was it, or if more are to come.
I just have to trust that God has a plan in all this. I am hurting for the people that they let go; one of them was a very, very, good friend. On Monday I was bawling my eyes out, because it actually hit in my head and heart.
But God had a sense of humor in all of this. I was worrying that I may be next, but instead I was named ‘Employee of the Month for April’. I guess I am safe for next month 😉 .
You know, maybe I should just lay down “Corporate America” and really do what I love doing: photography.
But like I said; God is Forever and Ever and He will guide my future. I just have to lay it all down and let Him handle it 🙂 .
What are you thankful for this week? Please do share with us by leaving your link to you Thankful Thursday below.
Thank you for stopping by today. Remember: God is trustworthy; yesterday, today and tomorrow.
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Trusting is so hard in uncertain times. What I always find amusing (but of little comfort!) is that things are just as “out of control” when they’re going well as when they aren’t. I don’t control ANY of it!! But the illusion is there, nonetheless, which makes that “peace that passes understanding” in tough times so special. It will come. ?
Oh Iris,
I remember going through all of this when I worked in Corp America. I am hoping that you are able to and enjoy photography. That is truly a gift from the Lord. Also, doesn’t surprise me in the least you were name d employee of the Mont. Congrats. Love you my friend. Lynn
Dear Iris
I’m sorry that you and your company are facing such an uncertain future. How marvelous that you can keep your sense of humor in the midst of it all! I hope my linked post will be a blessing to you during this difficult time!
Have a blessed week!
You’re right, sometimes it is hard to trust God when we don’t understand what He is doing sometimes. Congrats on the employee of the month! Thank you for hosting us for the month of March!
for sure God has reasons for everything that is happening… just have faith and things will turn out fine.
Whenever our security gets tampered with, it’s scary! Glad you have the Lord to give you peace and perspective. Blessings!
Trusting God through the storms is important, not just for ourselves . . .
“that you may tell the next generation”.
Thank-you for your post and for the reference to Psalm 48.
Congrats Iris on employee of the month! In the times we are in, and the shape our economy is, any of us can be facing what you are talking about. But in everything, we have to place our trust in God. I have been going thru something very similiar. We are in a place of decision in our ministry and even though on paper, it looks scary…God has shown up this week to prove to me that He is in control. Just when I was worrying about the “what if’s”, someone out of the blue gave us a check that was enough for us to get debtfree. Praise God! He showed me firsthand this week that no matter how BIG the problem may seem…He is a BIGGER God! 🙂
Something we all have to remember during these changing uncertain times we live in. It’s good to know God is trustworthy and always there.
Have a lovely day!
Amen. God indeed is faithful.
My word for you is PEACE. I am sorry about the lay-offs. I know that is hard esp when a friend is involved but I know you will be there for your friend even though it is hard to see the reason right now. Congrats on Employee of the month! I KNOW your photography keeps you sane as it does me. Hang in there. Praying you won’t be laid off. Thanks for this post as we all go thru things we do not understand.
In him we are always safe we should trust him
In these uncertain economic times, we are blessed to have God’s faithfulness and provision. Bless you!
Iris, I pray that God’s will is accomplished in your life and I pray that you will have the strength by His Grace to accept whatever happens. I have found that in surrendering to Him, I am then able to fully receive all He has planned for me… a door may close but He opens something even better.
God Bless!
Thank you so much for hosting us this month, Iris!
Thank you for the link up party. It is always great to be reminded to be thankful and share it. It helps to clear the perspectives!!
That’s such a scary, hard place to be…waiting…trusting.
Will pray you can truly rest in knowing He loves you.
Doesn’t make it easier, but offers strength in the midst of it all.
Just posted today on “Faith That Walks”.
It’s exactly what you’re doing right now.
I found your blog through Among the Pots and Pans blog. Your words are very encouraging.
I linked up!
Iris – there are many times that I wish I could walk away from the corporate world. I would love to be able to write full time and lead Bible studies from my home.
However, that is not financially possible right now, but I trust that God has me where He wants me – for this time.
Congratulations on being named emloyee of the month.
You are so right. God is faithful. He will lead you in the way you should go. I am thankful this week for all the promises fulfilled with Easter. Thank you, Jesus!
There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that you should pursue your passion: Photography! Your photos are outstanding, moving, pieces of art! Maybe this is the Lord speaking to you, giving you a nudge? On the other hand, you’re obviously doing well in your job, as congratulations are due you on being named Employee of the Month! (God does have a sense of humor, that’s for sure!)
Praying you’ll hear clearly what His plan is for you, and knowing He will direct your path.
Thanks for sharing your heart!
Trust in the face of uncertainty and adversity is truly the definition of Faith Iris, and one of the most difficult tests we have in life. And the simple Truth that we don’t have “The Big Picture” can be an elusive and frustrating stress in our lives without that Faith.
Your trust that God will lead you where you’re intended is a testament to that Faith, and I pray you get your answers. 🙂
Have a Blessed Day!
“Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom” – Psalm 45:6.