“Whoever gives an honest answer kisses the lips.”
~ Proverbs 24:26 (ESV)
Sorry ladies that I am a little late tonight – was looking for a dress for our anniversary, without success *sigh*. Why do they not sell dresses at a place you can afford, but sell dresses in places that your budget is not cut out for…I wonder…
So, I better get started with my short Thankful post tonight (still got to cook dinner for my beloved…)
Honesty – what a wonderful word. God is real honest with us – even when His honesty is hurtful sometimes…So, this week I am thankful for honesty and honest people…
- Lord, thank You that I am able to come to with an honest heart. That I can pour out all my tiredness, fears, confusions. I love when I am honest to You, You always seem to give me an answer in one way or another…
- Lord, I am thankful that when I confess my sin with an honest heart, You forgive me…
- I am thankful that I can be honest with my husband. When I am hurting emotionally, he listens – that is HUGE to me…
- I am thankful for friends that are honest with me. If I mess up something that they let me know that I have messed up — in a loving way…
- …and I am thankful that they forgive me too…
- I am thankful that I can be honest with my readers here at Sting my Heart. I do not have it (life) always together. But you don’t mind if I write what is on my heart. Although I go to my Lord with most of my issues, it sometimes is good to just type it out…
- I am thankful for honest merchants and clerks…
What are you thankful for this week? Would you care to share? If you have written your own Thankful post, please link up below. But like I had mentioned last week, please make sure you link to your blog or your Thankful Thursday post. Mr. Linky sometimes keeps information from your previous link-up, so it drops in the information automatically. Thank you…
Also, please keep your eyes open for a giveaway next week. My beloved and I will celebrate our 25th anniversary on May 20th. I thought it would be nice if you celebrated with us – celebrate marriage 🙂 .
Thank you for stopping by tonight/today. And remember the passage from above “Whoever gives an honest answer kisses the lips”…Be blessed today and always.
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Wow, Iris…. 25 years. That is a testimony to the rest of us. Praising the Lord.
Iris, it is in honesty that we find authenticity and healing. Thank you for posting about this. Love you my sister, Lynn
25 years! God bless you and your husband….that is fantastic..and I love the theme for tonight’s TT post…it is so perfect!
WOW!! 25 years….and still in love by the way you write….
Prayers for many, many more healthy and happy years…..what witnesses you are!
Blessings and JOY!
Happy Anniversary! This year was our 25th also!
Be blessed!
Terri Sue
Congrats on 25 years! What’s the proverb? An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips?
Congrats! And thank you for the great reminder to be thankful!
Hey Iris,
Oh boy, sorry about your shopping trip, I can TRULY relate!! I’m so excited about your 25th coming up! Are you going away, doing something EXTRA special?
We had a formal sit down dinner for ours, invited guests, and showed a photo montage, it was a beautiful night. We renewed our vows too.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Congrats on 25 years, may you be blessed with many more sweet years of marriage.
Thank you for this lovely Thankful lists. Thank God that we can be honest with Him and cast all our cares upon Him and find comfort in His love and grace.
And congrats on your 25th year of marriage! Thank God for blessing you and husband with such a wonderful marriage. May His blessings continue to be upon your family. God bless!
Congrats on your 25th year of marriage! May God continue to bless your marriage. And thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us. Have a blessed day!
Gosh 25 years, that’s an inspiration to me, Happy Anniversary 🙂
25 years? Oh wow! Have a blessed anniversary! This is a great post about honesty. Thanks for sharing.
Congrats on your 25th year of marriage! May God’s richest blessings continue to be upon you and your husband as you walk with Him together. Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us. God bless!
Happy Anniversary!!! May God bless you both with 25 more!!
I too love how honest we can be with God and with those he surrounds us with each and every day!!
such a wonderful post, Iris! i agree, sometimes it feels good to just type it out! 🙂
Blessings …
Iris, This is such a beatiful list of blessings. Honesty is a blessing for all of us.
Congrats on your upcoming anniversary. Ours is this week,too!
Hi Iris,
Congratulations! I hope I am as happy and still inlove as you sound when I’m celebrating my 25th.
Congrats on your anniversary! We celebrate 20 years on May 21. With prices like they are, I am hoping dh doesn’t want to go out. I would rather make a really nice meal and just stay at home.
Happy Anniversary Iris! 25 years, I hope you plan to celebrate in style! thanks for the reminder to be honest in all we do!
Thank you for much for hosting this. It is such a good thing to be refocused mid-week!
Congrats on 25 years! That is awesome!
Thank you for the reminder to by authentic in our daily lives!!
Happy 25th Anniversary! Enjoy your celebration together.
I’m so thankful for Thankful Thursday! It’s a beautiful idea. 🙂 Happy Anniversary!
What a beautiful post! Honesty is so important (and sadly, sometimes not easy to find today- especially in sales clerks! 🙂 )Yes, I am thankful for honesty, too!
Happy, Happy, Happy Anniversary!
Blessings, dear friend!
Happy 25th Anniversary!
Hello Iris,
Thank you for your post. It made me reflect on something I had read. Lightbulb moment. Wishing you a very Happy Anniversary. I’ll pop in again, I hope. Till then, be happy and filled with God’s presence.
happy early anniversary! Honesty is a biggie for me also, enjoyed reading your TT post. Hope you find a dress that you like.
Enjoy a wonderful anniversary! To be an honest one and want to be friend of those honest persons! Thank you so much for showing this wonderful topic, I like it very much.
25 years! That is awesome! I hope you have a special celebration.
What a beautiful post. So often, it’s easy for me to hedge (or simply avoid) the truth to avoid hurting feelings, but truth is so important. This post will stick with me for a long time to come. Thank you.
Congratulations to you and your dear husband…25 years! That’s wonderful!
Iris, we’re happy that you share your honest heart with us. We don’t want someone who comes accross as perfect and inhuman. Congratulations on your anniversary! I remember our 25th. Our children paid for us to go to a B&B for a special dinner and weekend. You have a very heart felt list this week. I know what you mean about buying dresses. And those mirrors in dressing rooms: Why would anybody ever buy anything after seeing themselves there. Have a great week!
Honesty is a trait I value in everyone around me. I sometimes shock myself at how angry and frustrated I get by untruthfulness and deceit.
Happy Anniversary and Happy Mother’s Day to you.
We will be celebrating our 25th anniversary this June also! Isn’t it amazing how fast time flies – especially the older I get! Congratulations!
Thank you for your post on honesty. I know that my favorite blogs to read are the ones where people share their lives and thoughts honestly – it helps to encourage us all, because we are all imperfect and can learn from each other.
What a great post. Honesty is so underrated in our world.
Congratulations on your 25th anniversary. What a great testimony! We will be celebrating our 24th this year….
Hugs! ?
Happy Anniversary!!
Bless you and your Hubby, IRIS…praise God for 25 years!!!
I love everytime I come here and read your HONEST posts!
I am blessed that you have chosen this theme, which by the way, was on my heart today earlier also…in my quiet time and then as I wrote a new blog friend.
I so appreciate your format and how you select a theme!
HONESTY-huh? Well, I am so THANKFUL to see your 7 prayers listed! Each one makes me more thankful! What an encouragement that should be! Each one show your vulnerability and a true heart that HONESTLY says it as she feels it. This is such a blesing for me! Thank you for your honest heart with God…but even if it wasn’t He would know!!! I love that you write honestly what’s on your heart!
I’m wondering about WHY the last honesty but I can truly say AMEN to honesty to any person dealing with money and stores/clerks/cashiers being mindful of staying honest! Times are tough enough!
I pray you’re able to find a dress within your budget! I totally agree!
I feel the same way…about the HONESTY through writing it out! Of course, we can be so Thankful that we can give it all to the LOrd and lay it down but when we express it and put it out there…we can better look at it! Thank you Iris!
Though it may Sting your heart at times…we truly are blessed to be saved by GRACE through faith. Thanks for being an HONEST blogger and example to us
new ones!!! How your dear friends must be thankful for you! I am…Peggy
I appreciated your post today.
Happy Anniversary! I too am thankful for honesty, thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful celebration with your sweetheart!
Honesty is a great theme for TT! I liked that you included honest merchants/clerks.
I hope you have a wonderful anniversary! Congratulations!
I am so thankful for the cleansing power of honest confession too, Iris. That’s what my post is about today…
Thank you so much for hosting this…I seem to need it every week. Keeps things inpersepctive.
Congratulations on 25 years! My husband & I will celebrate our 12th this year. Every anniversary celebration is an important one, especially these days!
Honesty with Love – not always easy to hear or give but so worth it in the end! Thanks for sharing today.
~ Leanne
Great lists. Having a husband who listens is wonderful!
Have a Happy Mother’s Day!!
HI, I have a question to ask and would rather not put it on here but can’t find a contact email. Can you please email me? Thanks
peggie dot loden at gmail dot com
If you’re reading this MeMe (from Evan’s Garden) then tag, You’re it!
Here are the rules for this one:
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people, and acknowledge who tagged you.
I apologize! My first link was incorrect from another Mr. Linky. The second one with this link is my entry for Thankful Thursdays:
Yes, wherever we might find honesty — in others and in ourselves — it is the gift of our God.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! Congrats to you. It feels good when we can be honest and share our feelings with friends! Happy Mothers day~ Have a good weekend!
I missed you…didn’t get to participate nor read any (yet), but had to come by and say quick hey—and have a wonderful Mother’s Day—I thought of you and missed you—prayed for all the things you have going on—and am thankful for your obedient heart…listening out for His word—I love you girl!
I haven’t checked e-mail…and won’t until Monday probably…busy weekend.
Just stopping by to say have a blessed Mother’s Day.
Thank you for the heart touching comment you left on my blog my friend, I love you.
I’m glad that you included being honest with your husband in your thankful list. That is something that isn’t so common in our culture any more, even among some Christians. It’s great to hear about husbands and wives being honest with each other.