“There are many who say, “Who will show us some good?
Lift up the light of your face upon us, O Lord!”
You have put more joy in my heart
than they have when their grain and wine abound.”
~ Psalm 4:6-7 (ESV – emphasis mine)
In the month of October we are meeting over at my friend’s Lynn place “Spiritually Unequal Marriage“. Hop on over to add your link to your own Thankful Thursday post.
Lynn chose the theme of joy for this week and I am gladly chiming in with her (check out her story – she is a silly gal *snort*)…
Why am I so joyous? Don’t know, just making the happy dance in my chair while typing – hubby is saying I am wacky. No, just happy, not wacky. The temperatures finally cooled down to under 100 degrees (we had a major storm yesterday).
Oh, and I am working on a portfolio for Visual Peacemakers (I finally signed up with them). Can you believe that I have photos on my external hard-drive that I never formatted? Silly me. The portfolio is coming together nicely (yeah).
The other thing that makes me dance for joy is a potential photo session with a newborn boy. I hope that I can get together with the parents and little Sol on Sunday afternoon. Have you seen some of my photos from my very first newborn session? I like them, but then again I am partial to my work .
So, what you are thankful for this week? Share with us by hopping over to Lynn at “Spiritually Unequal Marriage“.
Thank you for stopping by this week. Remember: if nothing else brings joy, look at the cross – He nailed your sins there; always brings my feet to dancing .
Finding JOY again in my life was one of my new year’s resolutions. So, reading your post and Lyn’s is a reminder its time for a self-check. Just how am I doing? You know, I’ve learned we have the joy. Its there. Its Jesus in our hearts. We just need to tap into it. I’ve been trying to do that every day but at times I have too much of a wordly focus.
Glad God forgives me and gets me back on track. Happy TT!
Iris, I am sure that your “happy dance” has nothing to do with your restful vacation you recently had. Maybe it was an overdue rejuvenation? lol In all seriousness, I think its just the joy of the Lord seeping out of you. I am excited for your photo opportunity! Happy TT!
We’re all dancing for joy here in south Texas, where the temperature is an invigorating 48 degrees this morning! Just being part of this blogging community brings me joy.:)
Cooler temps sure are something to dance for!! I’m doing the same!! Newborns are so sweet!!
The temperature change alone would be MORE than enough to bring great joy. We had a horribly hot summer this year so when the cool hit we all felt revived. Enjoy!
I too love cooler weather. I can’t wait to start taking photos of the leaves changing. This is my favorite time of the year. Have a blessed day!
Beautiful verse!
I am also am thankful for the cooler weather!! So nice not to be in the 90s and 100s! Have a great day!!
Your post is overflowing with joy today! Thanks for sharing that with us. Hope all goes well for the newborn photo session and look forward to seeing those pictures!
Oh Iris,
Loved, LOVED your joyful post. Doing the “Happy Dance” with you my friend.
The JOY of the Lord is my strength. How cool is that??
I am so excited for your photo opportunity as well. Neat… Let me know where you post the photos. Love you much. Happy day. Hugging you tight from Cali. Lynn
Those pictures are beautiful! I wish I had taken newborn pictures of my little boy. At the time I just didn’t think about it with all that was going on. (He didn’t sleep much at all untill he turned 3. Now he is 4 and sleeps great. Thank you Dear Lord for letting him find out sleep is needed!) I’m feeling your joy here with me today too! Have a blessed week!
sure want to do a happy dance with you too. i love it when in spite of all the troubles happening around us, we still have joy in our hearts… something that we experience because of Jesus. love that feeling very much.
God bless.
Happy Dance is usually always seen by those around. I don’t think there is anything I enjoy more than seeing and/or being a part of a happy dance. It’s got to be one of God’s enjoyable moments also as He is blessed with His kids abounding in Joy He has provided. Opening His Gifts with excitement and then sharing them with each other. Don’t you know He Smiles with pleasure. I’m giggling with Him over you today…! Thanks for sharing.
thanks for sharing your joy, love you.
Our temps have cooled off much further than yours – we had them in the 20’s last week. Brr. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
My friend,
I’m rejoicing with you…I hope you get the photo shoot with the little one and that the portfolio is coming along good!
Looks like GOD has some great things in store for you and HE wouldn’t have it any other way right?! Right!
Thanks so much Iris for your visits and comments on my blog recently while I was on break. I smile every time I see your beautiful face.
Blessings and giving thanks to GOD for you!
P.S. How appropriate that the anti-spam word is Journey. That’s what we’re on as sisters in Christ — a journey in HIM.