“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” ~ 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (ESV)
Although I have done “Thankful Thursday ~ Love” in the past, one can never talk too much about love – Christ’s love for us, the love between spouses, the love for our children, the love between believers, the love for the ones who do not know Him yet…
- I am thankful for Christ’s unconditional love. The other day I marveled again how much He loves us. Did you ever read the prayer He prayed for us? You can find the prayer in John 17. He prayed it right before He was beaten, smitten and endured the cross for us. I urge you to read it in your quiet time with Him this week. I know it will bless your socks off…
- I am thankful for my Sweetheart’s love for me. Although he sometime does not understand my actions (they are irrational to him at times), he loves me anyway. On Monday night I felt horrible–I mean really horrible. The heat is kicking my tush. My stomach was so up-set, I had to lay down on the bed for hours. I couldn’t move. My Sweetheart came in the bedroom to rub my back (I still had to get back up to write my devotional for CWO)…He asked me lovingly what I had to eat throughout the day–he knows that I don’t eat when it is hot. I had to admit to him that I only had pretzels to eat. He just shook his head while rubbing my back…
- I am thankful for our son. It is hard to love him some days because of his attitude–I know it is the heat that makes him speak unkind words…
- I am thankful for the love that is displayed in bloggy-land. No matter where I turn to read some comments, there is always support from sisters to pray for each other. God is amazing…Girls – we are taking over the Internet, so keep the love coming. You never know who might be reading our blogs. Maybe someone who is searching for genuine love, love that is found in Him–Speaking of bloggy-love! Would you all do me a huge favor today? Please visit my sweet friend, Barb at A Chelsea Morning–she could use your love and prayers…
- I am thankful that the purses came this week. Who ever will win the purse, will so
loveenjoy it. It has a lot of room–well, it is just too cute. If you have not signed up for the drawing, there is still time. The winner will be announced on Sunday afternoon, July 8th… - I am thankful for the opportunity to share His love on the Internet and at work. It gives me goosebumps to know that He is able to use my weak vessel to glorify His name. I am praying that our Lord might open a door/window of opportunity to put some devotional thoughts in a book-format (I know I am dreaming big here
What are you thankful for this week? Please leave your link below and share with us. As your time permits, please visit other participants.
The Thankful Thursday community has been growing in leaps and bounds – how awesome!!! This being said, I had to make a little change how to contact me regarding Thankful Thursday. If you have general questions or would like to be added to the Thankful Thursday Blogroll, please email me at “thankfulthursday at gmail.com” …
Blessings on your Thursday and as always…
1. Training Hearts 2. Ann 3. Betty Jane 4. Deena @ Wholly Devoted 5. Denise 6. Lisa 7. Amy – Knights Acre 8. Sharon @S.W.M.A 9. Crystal@ God is in Control 10. Liza’s Eyeview 11. Irene (The Green Greek) 12. awannabe 13. Dana 14. Chocolate and Coffee 15. Melissa @ Breath of Life 16. Sarah @ To Motherhood and Beyond 17. Changed by Love 18. Christina~ Lifted High 19. Patty |
20. In Light of the Truth 21. Devildogwife 22. Alycia@Where Your Treasures Are 23. Janis-Dandelion Momma 24. Gloria 25. chupieandjsmama 26. SharonB 27. My Blue Eyed Babies 28. Mama´s Coffee Corner 29. Mariah 30. Angie 31. Nise’ 32. Angel ():) 33. Sharon 34. Linda 35. Lyndy 36. Terri @ in His hands 37. Susanne 38. Leslie |
39. Amber-TITL 40. Mandi 41. Kim 42. Cmommy~Singalullaby 43. To Know Him 44. Thoughtfulmom 45. Layers of Me 46. Tami 47. Multiple Hats 48. Brenda 49. Brenda 50. Vicki at Windows to My Soul 51. Hopeful Spirit 52. TammieFay 53. Light for the Writer’s Soul 54. Shannon – CMA |
Learn more about Thankful Thursday here.
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Mine is up…but I guess I missed following your theme…sorry! I’m still new here.
I love how God loves us so unconditionally. Thanks be to Him for ever and ever
bless your Sweetheart
Im sori you werent well on Monday night
Isnt it awesome how God uses the internet through us. I pray it continues. Bless you for doing this meme
I’m very thankful for the Christian love that’s shown through the internet! Thanks for organizing this!
Feeling so so blessed! God’s abundant blessings to you!
I’m up, and I’m early for now!
I meant for “once”…my bad!!
I’ve posted my first Thankful Thursday entry.
Thank you for the wonderful theme this week.
Have a blessed week.
I LOVE that i can post early since tomorrow will be busy. Thanks for the theme.
You have a blessed day!
And, it is the heat that make our teens say the things they do? Can I lock him in the refrigerator? Or maybe we should invent some refrigerated clothes.
eek, you’re so right about the meaning the love, or should I say God is so right
He is really, I mean that verse pretty much sums up the meaning in a nutshell.
I am so thankful for how openly you share your heart with us every week!
Blessings on your Thursday!
Lovely and true. Thank you for hosting!
I’m thankful I’ll get to meet Christian bloggers like you someday (in heaven). You have a nice blog.
I am thankful too, for God’s unconditional love!
Your husband sounds really sweet. I hope your feeling better!
You would make a great devotion writer
What a great post and reminder that we need to demonstrate more love in our lives.
I know what it feels like to dream big on writing – it’s my dream too, and it can become a reality! Keep pressing on and praying. I would love to see it come about in your life! Many blessings today!
I am thankful for you Iris!! I have appreciated your emails and sweet kindness so much this week!! I am a little behind in responding but will do so in the next day!! You are a sweet friend with a beautiful heart!! Have a wonderful day!
God’s love is an amazing thing. I am so very grateful that it’s unconditional otherwise I know that I’d be in trouble.
Keep dreaming big and praying.
Gods unconditional love helps to teach us unconditional love for our own children (even if they do say mean things because of the heat). I hope things cool down where you are. Dreaming big is part of what life is about
Blessings and Hugs!
Isn´t it wondrful what the net brings us and how blogging broadens our horizons.
You have a lot to be thankful for, thanks for sharing!
Thanks for this wonderful opportunity.
Thanks for hosting this! Happy Thankful Thursday!
I really enjoyed your “thankfuls”…and so tell me…what’s wrong with “dreaming big?”….put it in book format! I think it would be great! I want to do the same thing…something for me to pass to my girls—to pass on….in hard copy!
I feel the same way about the fellowship and love experienced in “bloggyland” in the posts I read. My heart/life is blessed every time!
I love Thankful Thursday! Have a blessed week-end!
This is a sweet post Iris. It is God’s love and our love for Him and for one another that make life worth living. It is miraculous the way that love is given from one heart to another by His Spirit and that He can use any means to do that – even the internet!! I pray that the dream of that book becomes a reality in God’s time. I believe He will give you very special things to say that will bless, and honor and glorify His name.
Oh, how I always love your TT posts! I am doing the Sunday Seven, but it seems like the participants are slowly leaving. I think I might join in on the TT!
You are so right about the wonderful ladies we meet while blogging. It’s so amazing to be able to find all of these great Christian ladies who are always willing to help out and support their friends. Your hubby sounds like a great man!!
Now I am off to go check out this drawing for a purse!
I hope you are feeling better and will have a little break in the heat! Dream Big my friend!
I can’t even imagine the heat you must deal with. I pray you will get some relief soon.
I am thankful, too, for the lovely blogging ladies. I wish I had time to visit with them all. But, one beautiful day in Heaven, we’ll have eternity to visit and love one another permanently. What a day that will be!!
I am so thankful for the Lords love and his bringing so many of his believers together. I love your post on Love it is so true. Thanks for being you and all your great posts and friendship. You mean a lot to me.
Angel ():)
It’s nice to wake up and read John 17—thank you for that.
Sorry your son was being difficult. I do think the heat makes people crabby!
I love this group of bloggers. I really do. It’s amazing to think of all the prayers we say for each other–what a force we are!
Loved your thankful, Iris! Blessings~
Praising God for your thankful heart, sweet sister! His love truly is AMAZING!!
Blessings on your Thursday, and always…
I just did my first ever Thankful Thursday, and I feel so refreshed.
This is my first TT! I didn’t realize there was a theme, but I guess mine could kind of tie into this one
Happy Thursday and God bless!
Happy Thursday, Iris!
you are beautiful iris!! SHALOM to the deepest part of your heart today….
Oh, I’m sorry the heat is bothing you so much. :~(
Dream BIG, sister: “I am praying that our Lord might open a door/window of opportunity to put some devotional thoughts in a book-format (I know I am dreaming big here.” I know this is one of your big goals. You could sell many copies right here on your blog (and at LWG)! I’ll pray with you. :~)
Love–we can never get enough of it. Hang in there, Iris. Summer doesn’t last forever.
Iris, (((hugs))) I hope you get feeling better really soon. I love your sharing on Love. I am thankful for the Lord’s unconditional love too!
My post is up at Remain in the Vine and will be soon at Every Day is a Blessing.
Love is the most important thing, isn’t it? Thank you for the reminder. I just love Thankful Thursdays! Blessings to you, Iris.
Iris,Glad to read your thankful thursday list again. I will hold your health in my prayer and also your son….
I really do now know what happen, that I could not visit Hynn and Terri’s blogs any more….ohh….
Wish you have a wonderful weekend..
I added my random list and forgot about the theme (love), but it’s all love to me. God is good, isn’t He? Have a good weekend, my friend.
Iris, I sure hope you’re feeling better soon {{{Hugs}}}
Hi Iris: Great post! I can’t believe it is Thursday already . . . where did the week go? And I’m with you on the heat. I just got out of the pool . . . it is 110 degrees here today. I don’t even want to know how much the electric bill is going to be! It’s a good day to be thankful for a/c!
Blessings to you . . . remember to eat and stay in where it is cool!
Thank YOU for being real & sharing from your heart! You are an encouragement to all Christian women who have a passion for Jesus & sharing His love!
Iris, I know you hear this all the time, but it’s true each time it is written……You are a blessing. I feel for you in the heat. It zaps my energy and I don’t feel like eating either. (Not eating could only help me. *grin*) How wonderful that your husband has such compassion to care for you. So sweet.
And about the book…….. What are you waiting for? You already have a “following”
*huge smile*
Much love to you today and I hope the heat lets up. Bless your heart.
Such lovely thoughts ~ thanks for sharing. You are right, you can never speak enough about love ~ especially the love of Christ. Have an awesome weekend.