“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” ~ 1 Corinthians 13:2-7 (ESV)
I know that I have used ‘Love’ before this year…but His love and the love of family and friends have kept me focused and sane over the last couple of weeks. So writing and sharing my gratitude for ‘Love’ was natural in this current storm I find myself in…
- Lord, thank You for your never ending love for me. Because of Your love, I can face tomorrow with a smiling face (even when I don’t ‘feel’ like it)…
- Lord, thank You for the husband You have placed by my side. With gratitude in my heart, I thank You for the 25 years of marriage…
- Lord, thank You for my loving mom, who always has a word of encouragement for me…
- Lord, thank You for showing me what ‘sacrificial’ love means. Although it is not easy, with Your help, I can manage it…
- Lord, thank You for loving friends who pray for me when I am in need. You know how much I need the prayers right now…
- And thank You Lord for helping me to show love to unloving people in this dark world…
Sweet sisters in Christ. Thank you so much for your willingness to share your grateful heart every week. I know that some times it is not easy to show gratitude. But our Lord is worthy of our gratitude, love and devotion every single day. Even when our own little world we live in is up-side-down. He is the One who will help us even through the darkest moments in life. We know that this is not ‘it’…the best is yet to come. Until then I will praise Him from the valleys and mountain-tops…
What are you thankful for this week? Care to share with us? Please do leave your link below for others to follow…
If you have time Saturday, please do stop by and see what I would like to give away in honor of our 25th anniversary. Thank you in advance…
Thank you for stopping by today and remember that ‘Love endures all things’…Be blessed today and always…
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I don’t think I’ve EVER been first! It was just luck…the kiddos are in bed and I am heading there myself…and posted my Thursday…and THERE you were!
LOVE is the answer…and what a gift it is that we get to experience it in this life….
Iris your posts always inspire…
Happy Thursday…and here’s to 25 MORE…in LOVE…
Great List as usual, and as always, I’m so grateful for you Iris!
Oh boy, your 25th, how exciting! CAN’T wait to see this surprise!!
Oh Iris,
Sacrificial love…. Unconditional love. I can only begin to understand or comprehend it all. I know this, I love you my friend.
If you don’t have love you are like a clanging cymbal. Love is what makes things bearable and soft. praying for you girl, can’t wait to see what your giveaway is.
Thanks for your post! I enjoyed this one. Happy Thankful Thursday!
Congratulations Lori.
You couldn’t have picked a better subject than Love for current circumstances. Thank you so much. Many blessings to you and yours.
Love is the greatest gift of all.
Love is a precious gift, bless you my friend.
Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us. You are always very encouraging and your love for the Lord is so encouraging. Thank God for His many blessings upon you. May God keep you near to Him always and bless you and family.
Have a blessed Thankful Thursday!
Thank you, sweet friend. I am so thankful for your thankful attitude~ no matter what circumstances you face. Thank you for reminding us of the importance of love and of us showing love. “They (the world) will know us by our LOVE.” Oh, Lord, may I be filled with more of Your love!
Blessings, sweet friend!
Happy anniversary. 25 years of wedded bliss! Wow! Here’s a toast for you and your husband. To infinity and beyond…of loving. 🙂
This is a wonderful post. I am really thankful for having love in my life too.
another wonderful thankful post, Iris! 🙂
Blessings …
Thank you for picking this theme Iris, and for hosting TT.
I can’t get enough of the love of God – its awesome!
God bless you.
I love this theme this week. Thank you again, as always.
It’s funny, I never really understood those verses until I met my hubby. God showed me, through Hubby, what true selfless love is. What a gift that God gives us!
His Love is amazing!!
Without Love, we are nothing! Congrats on your 25th!
Congratulations on 25 years, Iris! And Happy Thankful Thursday.
Hi Iris! Thanks for starting this meme. I’ve just started my blog and I think it is the perfect way to get started 🙂 Hope to continue! Great to meet you!
His love is amazing and if we allow it to penetrate our hearts it can be life changing. It doesn’t stop there – we need to pass God’s love to others.
The “love” theme is so fitting for me this week. Happy TT and have a wonderful week ahead!
Happy TT – Thank you for this opportunity to share with each other about our blessings/ and reasons to be thankful…
I am thankful for you!
Love….The greatest gift!
Thanks for sharing on Love this week. My daughter is graduating High school next Thursday and I have been in a bit of a slump. LOL
It is strange…..you can’t wait for your kids to grow up and then when they do …you get in the slumps. LOL
I enjoy being a part of Thankful Thursday!
Thanks for having the idea and going with it!
Have a great week!
Thank you for hosting this every week. I don’t get to come read everyone’s because of time but I am glad to stop and be thankful!
Be blessed!
Sure appreciate you hosting this, Iris. I really enjoyed your list this week.
Can never talk too much about LOVE. It is our greatest gift.
Thanks, Iris.
Thank YOU IRIS and HOW beautiful your Gratitude is for LOVE!
You show LOVE in each of your “thank You to the Lord” to your hubby of 25 years, your mom, your friends, the unloveables, us and FIRST to Your Lord! You bless me
with these sweet reminders of sacrificial love, unconditional love…AGAPE!
It is such a joy to be refreshed by your words!
It is so true from our valleys to the mountaintops HE IS WORTHY of ALL OUR LOVE!
May the STORMS pass quickly as you are surrounded by HIS LOVE, Peggy
Thank you Iris. I never tire of love…Have a blessed and relaxed weekend.
Thank you, Iris. Reading your post puts a smile on my face. What a great topic to be thankful for.
Thank you for the reminder of the importance of LOVE! I hope to check back on Saturday for your anniversary celebration – 25yrs! Congratulations!
~ Leanne
Iris – thank you so much for that beautiful post! Your heart is such a testimony to God’s love and working in your life. I am thankful for your example and encouragement to walk on in the face of trials and difficulties.
Blessings to you today,
We can never talk about love enough, Iris! Thank you for all the wonderful reminders of His love around each of us.
I was so missing out until I found this site, and I AM THANKFUL FOR YOUUUUUU!
Iris, I’m MUCH later than usual getting my post up. I’m just HAPPY that I got to join you this week. 🙂
Take care, my FRIEND.. and have a WONDERFUL weekend!
Thank you for hosting, Iris! I need this today…
This was a beautiful post, Iris. As always, thanks for doing this because it inspires me and makes me more thankful.
I love this site and your post today. This is my first time officially participating in Thankful Thursday and I didn’t realize there was a theme. I’ll be on top of things better next week! Blessings to you.
I appreciate your thankful post concerning love. I thank you for coordinating this each week. I enjoy participating and reading the posts of others.
Congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary, Iris. May you and your beloved have many, many, many more anniversaries.
I truly enjoyed your post.
Happy TT.
Thanks for sharing your list of things to be thankful for, and for reminding us that through the love of Christ we can face whatever comes our way in life. It truly is the love of Christ that sustains us and gets us going in this crazy world. Have a great day!
Iris! Congratulations on your 25th!!! Yipee! I am sorry I didn’t get to my “Thursday”…if you could see the anguish on my face! I have been so bogged down….can I tell you that sometimes it does not pay to be away from your job…especially when someone hits a “wrong” key on your computer during a billing run and messes up an entire ream of paper and whacks the whole program up for a month? CAN I TELL YOU WHAT I HAVE WORKED THROUGH THIS WEEK??? Hee hee. I sound mad. BUT I’m truly not. It could have happened to anyone. So I have been digging through it. Falling into bed every night exhausted and mind wasted. I have thought of everyone a LOT though!