‘No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.’ ~ Romans 8:37-39 (ESV ~ emphasis mine)
What a powerful statement by Paul, don’t you agree? Absolutely nothing – nada, zip, sulch…nothing can separate us from His love. I find this very comforting.
I used to use the word ‘love’ very loosely in the past; I love the dress, I love the music…you know what I mean. These days I really try to be more selective using the word ‘love’ — more for people, relationships (oh, I hope I make sense).
I truly believe that there is just ONE perfect love. The love Paul describes in the letter to the Romans – the love of Christ. Oh, I know that I am loved by my husband, by friends. BUT He is the only One that loves me with a pure and perfect affection. His love is tender. He loved me before I loved Him. I wish that I could love like Christ.
So this week I am very, very thankful for this love that I was given by Him – His love that ended on the cross for Him, but meant freedom for me.
What are you thankful for this week? Please link up below with your Thankful Thursday post. I hope you will be able to visit with a couple of other participants this upcoming week.
Thank you for stopping by today. Remember: There is One who loves you without any conditions – it is a perfect love. Happy Valentine’s Day…
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i’m grateful that He loves me even if sometimes i feel like i wanted to do something stupid. He reminds me immediately that i’m not suppose to do that. He loves me that much. when i feel lazy, He still loves me. His love endures forever. praise God!
happy valentine’s day!
Amen Iris,
I think I recently wrote…. something like, I love pizza and how we use the same word and yet can mean many things.
I too am thankful for this amazing love of a Holy God who would find lil ole me worthy. Amen. Praising Him. Thanks for hosting this wonderful event. Hugs. Lynn
PS. I am finally on the right day. Whew!
You make perfect sense. And you are right we toss the word love around to easily. I remember telling a boy friend in high school I will not use the word “I love you.” We need to save it for special things.
So sweet and so true! What a great message to share this week.
guess what? I made my post earlier today..I smiled when i saw that what you wrote is about Love..because that is just what I posted in my blog..I feel so loved by the Lord 🙂 and can’t thank HIM enough for that perfect LOVE.
I’m so thankful for His love, too!
Happy Thankful Thursday, Iris!
Such a beautiful Valentine’s post!
What a lovely Valentines/Thanksgiving post 🙂
So right that we throw love around, often just talking about such simple things (and yet, I think we tend to forget to use it when we describe our true feelings for those we care for most. Why is that???)
Happy TT! You are very much loved and appreciated! <3
Thank you for the opportunity to link up and share with each other what we are thankful for!
Love Collette xxx
He Lavishes his love on us! Thank you for giving us the priviledge of Thanking him together! It helps us to become more and more aware of His presence!
Amen to love! True, God-given, God-shared, people-shared love! So rpecious and such a privilege…
My children, especially, give me insight into how God loves us and how we are to love him — and into all the fruit of that love.
Thank you for the opp. to link up and share belssings with others.
On an unrelated note, I am amused as the anti-spam word I had to type for this comment this week and alst was my eldest child’s name. Weird!
Jesus is my forever valentine.
Thank you so much for hosting us this week.
You are right about how we use the word LOVE loosely.
I am so thankful for the ultimate gift of HIS love!
This post goes perfect with my theme of the month “love”. Very nice post!
Thank you for the reminder!! There IS nothing like His love!
What a lovely post! The verse that you chose really spoke to me today, I guess I needed to be reminded of how much God loves me…thanks! I hope that you have a blessed Valentines Day, and every day remembering that there is no one who could love you more!
Indeed! I understand what you are saying completely! We do use the term too loosely sometimes. My husband loves me more than life, and I know he would die for me, but that still doesn’t measure up the love that God has for me. It’s a love that I truly believe we can’t fully comprehend in this fleshly body! Praise God for His unconditional love!
Thanks for hosting. What a great opportunity to share the good things of the Lord.
Iris, Thank you for hosting Thankful Thursday! I find this verse very comforting, too. Your words, “BUT He is the only One that loves me with a pure and perfect affection. His love is tender. He loved me before I loved Him. I wish that I could love like Christ” really touched me. I am very thankful today for the love of Christ.
Thank you so much for this post and for hosting Thankful Thursdays!