I will thank you forever,
because you have done it.
I will wait for your name, for it is good,
in the presence of the godly.
(Psalm 52:9 ESV)

Pei Wei Lemongrass Salad

Once a month I meet for lunch with my sweet friend Lori. We used to work in the same department, but she moved into a different job. One thing we said we would do is to meet once a month for lunch.

The great thing about having lunch with Lori is that we are both followers of Christ. We pray together and we can speak freely about our journey. Today was our lunch date and we went to Pei Wei.

I had a yummy salad, but the best thing was the company 😛 . We talked about our personal life. I needed that! So, this week I am thankful for lunch with friends.

What are you thankful for this week? Please do share with us by leaving a link to your Thankful Thursday post below.

Thank you for stopping by today. Remember: God puts friends into your life – foster those friendships for they are a blessings.

Love & peace,
<>< Iris PS: If you live in the US or Canada, check out my giveaway posted on Monday.

Thankful Thursday Participants

1. Denise
2. Ms. Kathleen
3. Rocks
4. Edwards Granddaughter
5. Laurie @ Women Taking a Stand
6. bp
7. It Feels Like Chaos
8. Kate @ Teaching What Is Good
9. Slenderella Jenn
10. Aisling Beatha
11. Lisa Maria
12. Stefanie @ UpLIFTing Words
13. Melanie @ M&M
14. Cause for Thankfulness…
15. Joy Reflected
16. Mary
17. A Moment with God
18. Tonya
19. Deidra M.
20. Pia
21. First or Last?
22. LIFE by Ashley Pichea
23. My Husband
24. February Joys
25. Daily Journey
26. I sold my life to social media

Learn more about Thankful Thursday here.

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  1. Some of my most treasured memories are of lunch dates with my girlfriends. The laughter, and yes even the tears that we have shared over a salad or a burger have strengthed not only our friendship but also our faith in God. 🙂

  2. I have a “forever friend” I call her, your post made me think of her and our lunch dates, I’ll have to write about her in my post today!

    I missed your post Monday, I’ll have to go look at it.

  3. I totally understand Iris. I don’t get to do lunch with my friends much anymore since I began working full time. However, I did get to go out for a two hour lunch today at the Paradise Valley Country Club (of all places and it was paid for). And what fun I had with my friends. Btw, I love Pei Wei too. I always used to order their spicy chicken salad; yummy.

    Love you,

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