“And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes…” ~ Ephesians 4:11-14 (ESV – emphasis mine)
Over the last couple of week’s I have thought a lot about Greg Laurie’s ministry in California. Not only is Pastor Laurie an author, a pastor to a large congregation, but he is also a well known evangelist.
After his son Christopher died, I thought that Pastor Laurie would cancel the upcoming crusade in California. But not so…What a strong leader; what a strong family. I am so very thankful for the commitment Pastor Laurie (and his family) to keep spreading God’s Word here in the US.
I understand that times have been tough for a lot of us; high gas-prices, rising food cost, some family members loosing their job…(water damages…)
Even if you can not sponsor Bibles or a seat to any of the US crusades, would you consider praying for Harvest Ministry? Pray for people who need to hear His Word that they may come to one of the crusades?
If you have never heard about Harvest Ministry, just click on the logo below and you will find all kind of information about crusades and how you can get involved…

I know this is a very different Thankful Thursday, but Harvest Ministry has been very close to my heart for many years…Spreading God’s Word and making Him known in the world is all that matters. So I am very thankful for ministries like Harvest…
What are you thankful for this week? Would you care to share? Please leave your link to your blog below…
Thank you for stopping by today …and don’t forget – we are all called to share His Word with the world – in small and in big ways …
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Thank you for having such a heart for people my friend. I will be praying for this ministry.
He is just an amazing testimony along with Steven Curtis Chapman in the meaning of trusting in our Heavenly Father even in the face of grief.
It takes a lot of strength and faith in our Heavenly Father and not to say those who don’t exhibit that are weak, but that it shows how compassionate our Heavenly Father is.
In ALL things, He uses to turn to good and to His Glory and to lead people to Him for comfort and encouragement.
Harvest Ministries will definetely be in my prayers. Something I use is the Pocket League Testament;Basically it’s free copies of the Gospet of John to give to people and they are small enough to throw a couple in one’s purse, diaper bag, etc. and comes in many different covers.
It’s such a great and loving way to share God’s word to people one may meet on a day to day basis, or just leave a few say at an office or laundromat or anywhere that people, if they have time and an open heart to hear His word, can read while waiting for an appointment, or clothes to dry, etc.
My prayers is with the Laurie family and to all whose lives in some form and manner are shining testament to our Heavenly Father.
Praise God for the day that comes when no more tears are shed, there is no more pain or hurt and we are in the love and glory of our Heavenly Father.
Iris, I will definitely keep Harvest Ministries in my prayers. What a blessing they are to so many people!
Thank God for the grace He is giving to His people to serve Him even admist great difficulties. This is a wonderful testimony of His power and mercies. May many come to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us, Iris. Take care and God bless!
We are all called to missions….not all of us can go but we can send and the least we can is pray. Thanks for sharing this opportunity with us. I will be praying. -Blessings, Laurie
Sweet friend. I won’t kid you. I almost didn’t post one tonight. But…I couldn’t “NOT” especially when I have been blessed. I am breathing (as Jeff said last week) and I can walk, talk, feel, hear, see and dream.
I had 3 dreams of Wanda in one night last week. I think it was due to the video I watched (and have now posted it). I squalled. Tried not too…but my eyes leaked really bad.
I am tired…I know I sound rough. But I know I will make it.
I love you and am SO THANKFUL for you.
Blessings Iris…Ministry close to your heart is close to ours. It is our mission and an honor to uphold evangelism of the nature of Laurie’s, Graham’s, Chapman’s, Smith’s…examples that are indeed a testimony of our Heavenly Father, strength in such grief, joy in such intense suffering, perseverance to continue the ministry to which they are committed and dedicated. Thank you for calling our attention to this upcoming event. Thank you for continuing to allow us to express our gratitude to OUR KING & LORD! I’m thankful for you, laced with Grace, and Sting My Heart. I pray you received my invite to my post. Because I’m still working through all the names I had to leave it for today! If you want I can put TT’s button. But as is I started out on Tuesday THANKFUL…thankful for your friendship! God bless you & your beautiful heart!
Dear Iris,
Harvest Ministries has always been on of my all time favorites. God has used Greg Laurie to speak into my life countless times. I enjoy receiving his daily devotionals as well.
What a mighty, mighty man of God he truly is. I just cried my eyes out as I watched that video of him sharing the first week after at his church.
I know God will use this in a mighty way and the result of this will be the greatest Harvest ever.
Thanks for sharing this need tonight.
Blessings to you Iris?
Thank you for sharing your thankful heart. I’ll praying for this minister. I would think it would be extremely difficult to go on with crusade.
Have a great Thursday!
Cheryl@ Hope
I agree! It’s just amazing how God works in the lives of these committed church leaders. They are such a blessing to everyone. Now this reminds me to include church leaders and the ministries they belong to in my prayers.
I’m thankful for “big name” ministers like Greg Laurie, but also for the saints like my grandmother, who quietly and individually changed lives. I’m so thankful that God uses us all to do his will, albeit in different ways. Thanks for the reminder to pray for and support all the missionaries.
We were shocked by the news. It’s amazing how Pastor Greg deals with it still. It does not stop him from doing God’s ministry. So encouraging!
Yes, indeed, we are called to tell the world that God loves each one and has made provision for their salvation.
I will surely check on the Harvest ministry, Iris. Coming from you, I am sure it is a noble mission.
God bless you.
I will hold this haverst ministry in my prayer, may our heaven give it more support to do his great work on earth, leading more people to his home.
That sure is alot of strength. Keeping his family and the ministry in my prayers. Yhank you for sharing this.
it’s really amazing how some people can be so strong and be there for others even if they themselves have been hurting. I do so admire them.
will keep this ministry in my prayers …
Thank you for sharing this. Will be praying for Harvest Ministry.
We will include them in our prayers. We will pray that many souls will be harvested in their crusades and we will also pray that God will meet all their needs.
We were just discussing the scripture you posted on another board I visit. Very neat to see it twice in one week!
Thank you for bringing this ministry to our attention…I will be sure to check it out today.
Wow – that is a testimony. To continue ministering even while in grief. God bless his evangelistic ministry in California!
How sad for this family! It shows how you never know when God will call you home! But that he is faithful and that we are Christians have that wonderful hope! God will be glorified through these crusades! Be blessed today!
I have always been blessed when I’ve heard Greg speak. I know that I will be praying for his ministry! Thanks so much for sharing this, Iris!
Have a blessed day!
Thank you, Iris. What a wonderful reminder to be praying for the many ministries out there that are proclaiming the Word of God.
Thank you Iris for being a vessel for God to bless all of us!
I love seeing how God is moving in others lives!
Love in Him,
Love Pastor Laurie’s heart. Thank you for the reminder to pray for ministries. They make a difference.
Great post! It has me thinking.
Hi Iris,
Thanks for sharing this! I am anxious to read more about it!
I will pray!
I have so very many things to thank our Lord for..today I’m thanking Him for all the freedom we have here….most especially our freedom to Worship Him!, to gather together in Churches openly!, to purchase Bibles, freely reading them & give them to others; to go to Bible studies, to sing His praises, to wear a Cross openly..we even have Christian programs on tv! we are so blessed in this area; however let us always remember our brothers & sisters who endure suffering & persecution in His name!
Iris, as usual, thanks for the verse and the post you wrote today. I also, am very thankful for the various ministries we’ve benefitted from, been a part of, or have formed because of the direction of the Lord. When we give to others and love on them, we’re all involved in a ministry, no matter how simple or elaborate.
I have my post up for you or anyone who would like to look in on my TT today. Have a blessed and more thankful day!
Thank you for the post on Harvest Ministry. How awesome it is to read about those who hear the call of God in their lives and respond. Funny – I didn’t read your post before typing my own but I wrote about ministry today, too. I serve with Proverbs 31:20 Ministries in my church and we serve those women & children in our area who find themselves in crisis. I wrote a bit about my experience last night. God calls us each to His work and I love how He puts each of us in those places at work us at our best. May God bless you all in His work today!
I really do understand…in fact your post resonates mine…will pray for the ministry.
Thank you for this wonderful TT testimony of faith. Our prayers and thoughts go out to this family and ministry.
God bless you dear sister.
Thank you, Iris, as always.
I just listened to his “I Still Believe” video and was very moved. I happen to be reading his book “Lost Boy” right now. His family will definately be in my prayers.
I enjoyed reading your post, and the words about Greg Laurie. I to have listened to him many times. Hope you are having a good day.
This was my first time participating, but not the first time reading other bloggers thankful posts. This is awesome!
Love your theme for this week. I used it also! Thanks and have a happy TT!
Our church is praying for Greg Laurie, his family and this ministry. We will be presenting “Lost Boy” on August 24th at our church as an outreach. My son is currently praying for a teammate on his football team who is very “lost”. He no longer believes in God because his mom is very sick.
Our family has the utmost love and respect for Pastor Laurie and we are praying that my son’s friend will see how in the midst of tragedy only the Lord can sustain you.
God bless you!
here’s praying for all the lost souls that they may come to know Jesus and experience the joy that only He can provide. God bless you, iris.
Thank you for hosting this, we are all so blessed to share our blessings!
Wonderful ministry to Jesus you started here! We bring a sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord!!
Hey Iris and everybody! God is SO evident in people like Greg Laurie and Steven Curtis Chapman, huh? How else can they go on like they do?…They must be depending on the Holy Spirit moment by moment! Blessings to you and everyone!
Love in Christ,
P.S. Sorry I’m so late posting this… I call it “Is it Thursday?” You may check it out at: http://dailyprovision.wordpress.com/2008/08/15/is-it-thursday/
My heart breaks for these parents who so tragically lose their precious gifts too soon. It is certainly only by God’s grace that any of us can survive such a thing, and by His power that we can continue to minister to others afterward.
I will pray for Harvest Ministry. It has been a privelege for me to serve in the Billy Graham Crusade in the past, and I know how many people can be reached at these events. What a wonderful God we serve!
Thank you also for hosting Thankful Thursday. It gets me out of my “self” and helps me notice all that I have to be thankful for.
With love and encouragement,
Thank you, Iris for these words on PEACE. They were much needed in my life right now. Have a blessed week.