“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” ~ Philippians 4:7 (ESV ~ emphasis mine)
This week, my dear friend Laurie at Women Taking a Stand is hosting Thankful Thursday. Hop on over to read other Thankful posts and to leave your link.
Oh – peace. I love peace. This past week has been very peaceful for me. No alarm, no work, no hustle, no bustle. Just sweet peace that I enjoy so much. I had a lot of time to reflect on this past year. A lot happened at work and in my personal life…
I am not going to bore you with my work (actually I don’t want to remind myself of it – lol)…I used this past year to get back to reading. It was wonderful to reflect on soul issues — I was discontent earlier this year — I wanted things that were out of my reach. Not possessions mind you, but I so wanted to visit my family — it was just not possible to fulfill the dream in 2009 (I hope for it in 2010).
One thing God has taught me through His Word was to be at peace. Peace that surpasses all of our understanding how Paul wrote in his letter to the Philippians. You see, I have a problem with rushing things, which usually does not work. When things don’t come to pass, I get frustrated; I like to give up. But if I lay everything down at His feet and let Him work in my heart, peace does settle in…So, this last day of 2009 I am thankful for peace that surpasses all human understanding.
What are you thankful for this week? Hop on over to Laurie’s blog to leave your link and to follow other thankful hearts through the links on her blog.
Thanks for stopping by today — may His peace work through your soul through and through…
I am so happy that you found a peaceful time to relax
I just couldn’t agree more that His peace which is like nothing that can be fully explained is what I desire most in my life. To just be still and KNOW that He is God of everything that happens is so comforting. May your New Year be full of His abundant love and peace and rich with His blessings of mercy and grace. Hugs Debbie
Oh Iris, the peace that passes all understanding will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus. Yes, how I love Philippians. To think that Paul wrote it from prison and he was still peaceful and content. I doubt I would be that way in similar circumstances. But he teaches me much as I long to grow in my walk with the Lord. Learning to trust His perfect timing and His perfect ways ~ not mine.
I pray that you will experience that peace even when you long for a visit with family so far away. May His presence comfort you and provide all that you need.
I’m so thankful for you Iris. You are so talented and kind and I think you’re simply wonderful.
Happy New Year friend!
Love you,
Iris…Happy TT and a very blessed Happy New Year to you and yours! Thank you for having such a grateful heart and blessing us with your words in 2009. I so appreciate our online friendship! (((hugs))) LAURIE
Hi Iris,
One day I see you leaving the corporate world and photography your full time enjoyment. Cling to the dream, God gave it to you.
So thankful for your friendship. Iris, you are a treasure and jewel in my life. Hugs.
You have been a source of peace and blessings for me. I have enjoyed meeting you in 2009 and thank you for hosting us with words of widsom. I wish you a blessed New Year!
God Bless You!
Hi Iris, I am glad to know that you have experience much peace in our Lord. Truly He is the Anchor of our soul and it is so wonderful to find rest and peace in Him.
I am so glad to meet you and many wonderful friends through Thankful Thursday. Thanks for hosting Thankful Thursday together with Lynn and Laurie. It has been such a blessing to me to join TT and read of the many wonderful ways God is working in our lives. Thank God that He is with us through all the changing scenes in life and we are More Than Conquerors through Him Who loved us!
I have created a “More Than Conquerors Award” and I like to share with you. Please come over and receive it and feel free to pass it on to your friends who also are More Than Conquerors! Take care and Blessed New Year!
Happy New Year to you sweet Iris! I pray God brings you new lessons from His Word in this coming year.
Peace — true peace that comes from our Lord, is a wonderful gift. May the Lord bless you in 2010 with His glorious peace.