“My people will abide in a peaceful habitation,
in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.”
~ Isaiah 32:18 (ESV)

I love the quiet in the mornings; it is my favorite time of the day. All I hear is the humming of the fan. The mornings give me the time I need to get ready for my crazy days at work.

I receive several devotionals via email that get me focused on the day ahead. My current favorite is “Our Daily Bread“. This particular publication speaks to my heart every morning. It is nice to meet with God in the quietness of my home. I am very thankful for that.

Do you have a particular devotion you enjoy the most? I would love to hear about it.

What are you thankful for this week? Please do share with us by leaving your link to your thankful post below.

Thank you for stopping by this week. Remember: take time out, enjoy quietness and get refueled by the Word of God.

Thankful Thursday Participants

1. Lynn (spirituallyunequalmarriage.com)
2. Laurie @ Women Taking a Stand
3. LaughingLady
4. Jhunnelle
5. bp
6. Jenny Anne@Royal Little Lambs
7. Shanda…Heartburn?
8. UpLIFTing Words
9. Aisling Beatha
10. Cup of Goodness
11. JOHN
12. Kids Turf,Philippines
13. Clever Title TBA
14. Joan @ Reflections
15. Carol
16. Precious Promises
17. the domestic fringe
18. Penni
19. Noreen @ Life Blessings
20. Eileen Leacock
21. Bridget
22. Joshlin@Saving Moms Sanity
23. Melanie @ M & M
24. Sharon’s Reservoir
25. On the way to the ALTER
26. A Grateful Heart
27. Inspirations from Phather Phil – Thankful Thursday: Seeing Through the Veil
28. Hope Easter
29. 90 Candles
30. hosannasmom

Learn more about Thankful Thursday here.

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  1. Oh Iris,

    I love to sit outside in my backyard garden this time of year with my Bible, my prayer journal and a steaming cup of coffee. THE BEST time of my entire day. Happy TT. Hugging you. Lynn

  2. I have to join in with Lynn and say that this time of the year is my favorite, when I can just go sit out on the patio, with no distractions, just take in the sights and sounds of Gods creation and reflect on His beauty and amazing love. But sometimes I am just too busy and I have to find time to do this. It is in the busy times that often I miss out on hearing His voice. If I could just learn to be still and be quiet. Thanks for hosting this month Iris. Happy TT!

  3. Those quiet times are so important. Having the quiet time kinda goes along with Laurie’s post about listening.

    God bless!

  4. Early morning quiet is so wonderful – I think it’s the most beautiful quiet of all – so peaceful.

    I enjoy some of the devotionals that are aired on BBN radio – I’m not sure what they’re all called (“Our Daily Bread” is one of them).

  5. I also love to go outside in the early mornings, when the world is still silent and listen for His voice. Even though our summers are hot, there is something special about the early summer morning.

  6. My mornings are quiet; my youngest child is away at college for the summer session. My husband is retired. I do enjoy a cup of coffee with time for meditation. Last year we read Daily Texts together. This year we are using Today in the Word (Moody).

  7. A lovely post! —I, too, enjoy the quiet of the early mornings! My current little devotional I’m reading along with my regular Bible study is Joy by Lydia Brownback. It is a wonderful little book!

  8. I guess I had a quiet week also, reflecting on the memories my pictures evoke and talking with the children about them. I am thankful God gave me the strength to edit Our Story this week.

  9. I also love the quiet and the peace of the mornings. It is a wonderful time to be alone with God. A devotional I like is My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers. Blessings to you!

  10. I actually like the early evening hours, just as the sun is going down. I can sit on my back deck in the stillness and feel God’s Presence in the breeze that drifts across me.

    Have a Blessed Day!

  11. I’ve been reading the Word Among Us for several years now. It really helps me and gives a lot of insight. I write a lot down in the margins of my bible.

  12. Hi Iris,
    I enjoy my early morning quiet times also. I feel closest to God during those times. I know this is not a devotional, but right now I’m enjoying reading a chapter of Max Lucado’s Traveling Light every morning.
    Have a great week!

  13. Morning is my favorite time of day, too! Currently, I’m reading “Our Daily Bread”. I like that it is short and sweet and then directs us to passages to read and focus on. Often I find that the verses I’m led to are exactly what I needed to hear that day!

    Blessings, Joan

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