“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.”
~ Proverbs 3:5 (ESV)
Trust no one! Well, except the Lord and the ones that are very close to you or know you for a little while.
I really wavered between ‘Trust’ and ‘Gift’ for Thankful Thursday this week, but ‘Trust’ ‘won’…Again this week I was reminded that we really can trust only a handful people this side of heaven. There are a lot of mean-spirited people in this world. But I digress, so here is my thankful list for this week…
- I am thankful that I can trust the Lord with everything in my life. I can pour out my heart to Him without Him sharing it with anyone. I can trust that He will give me comfort and peace in times of distress…
- I am thankful that I can share my heart and concerns with my beloved. Even when I loose total focus on a matter, he is there to comfort me. He helps me to see reason (thank you Lord for placing this particual treasure in my life)…
- I am thankful that I can trust a handful of friends with whom I can share my hurts and feelings…no matter what – they do not judge…
- I am thankful that I can trust the Lord to give me strength for days where I don’t seem to have any strength left to ‘swim up-stream’…
- I am thankful that I can trust that everything will work out for the good and that all mean people will be exposed in due time…
- Last but not least, I am thankful that I can trust my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ to be my protection until eternity…
Before I let you go, I want to say publicly ‘thank you’ Mama Bear and Jenileigh for the wonderful gifts you have sent me. Yeah – can you believe that I won two drawings in the month of June/July . I hope to share a digital LO with you soon that feature the wonderful prizes.
So, what are you thankful for this week? If you have posted your own Thankful Thursday post, please link it below.
Thank you for stopping by today…and remember: even when you think there is nothing to be thankful for, just step back, take a deep breath — the Lord is always worthy of our thanks – no matter what
Learn more about Thankful Thursday here.
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Beautiful list!
It truly is a blessing to have those in our life whom we can really trust to keep our secrets, let us vent without judging us, etc.
When my son, was in the hospital, there was nothing more important to do than trust God to work on healing my son. He is just so good. Thanks for sharing your heart today.
Oh Iris,
So much we want to trust someone with the whole of who we are. You are so right… Only our Jesus is completely trustworthy. I find so much comfort in this truth.
Girl, I have really mssed Thankful Thursday. I am going to try to get around to visit as many participants as I can. Thank you again for this ministry of thanks. Love you. Lynn
Trust is so important my friend, love you.
Hi Iris,
This is such an awesome post! Trust is a gift; I always feel sorry for those who are living in the cage of distrust – what a way to live.
Thanks for hosting TT.
Great verse–it was my “theme verse” during my first pregnancy. I am so glad we have a savior we can completely trust with everything!
Great theme Iris. And so true. We will let each other down, but HE never will!
It is so wonderful to have close friends whom you know are not going to judge you. That is worth so much!!
Hey Iris, I like what you said about pouring your heart out to God and He doesn’t share it with anyone else. I’ve been burned with some people too. I think we all have. We have learned very quickly who you can share with and who you can’t. It’s so important to have integral people around you who will love you in your weaknesses and pray for you. Thanks for sharing! Blessings
Trust is a wonderful thing, when our trust is broken say in a relationship it can be devastating and it may make us uneasy to trust again, but I am so glad that the One that I can totally trust in will never let me down. He said He would never leave me nor forsake me …now thats something I can put my trust in! Great TT post! -Blessings, Laurie
Trusting is one of my hardest things to do. The absolute. I guess maybe that is why the Lord is working on that one. After painful heartbreaks in family life of all kinds….it is hard to put the pieces together to resemble a life…but if God—is the glue—then it holds…and portrays a life of Christ that is trusting…when the world would say–“how”? All I know to do is trust Him.
I love and appreciate you girl. You have no idea how much you have blessed my life in the past year and half. But when you get to heaven…there will be a special star—that will resemble me….don’t you think???
Star in your crown I meant. I am not a star….*grinning* far from it!
This is a wonderful post. Trust God above all! Remain blessed!
Congratulations on your winnings!!
Enjoyed your post. You’re right. The brighter side is always better. Thanks for trusted friends!
Thank you for sharing, Iris.
Love your list, Iris! I posted the same scripture, after I saw what you had posted. I’m thankful I have people who I can trust as well. It’s sad there are so many mean-spirited, etc people. They so need our prayers.
Praying for you, my friend.
You are so right, Iris. Trust…we all desire it, but we’re also afraid to step out and trust – at least I am at times. When you’ve been burned by ‘trusted friends’ or someone you love it’s difficult to step out in trust. That’s when I need to trust Him the most.
Thank you for this post.
Trust God, that’s also my Thankful Thursday.
Trust God – nicely said. He is dependable and trustworthy and never fails. Thanks for the reminder.
“I am thankful that I can trust the Lord with everything in my life. I can pour out my heart to Him without Him sharing it with anyone.”
it is so true, with God your emotions and feelings and all the frustrations, everything..you pour out to him is safe. It’s so comforting to know that there is ONE up there that can understand what’s goin on in us.
Nice list!
Hi, it’s my first time to do Thankful Thursdays but I hope to do it every week. And I’ll try to visit (when my son allows it!) as many as I can. Blessings! :o)
What a great theme. We all need to be thankful for those in our life we are able to trust. Bless you for sharing.
This is an issue I struggle with! I love how you pick the themes and they always are so relevent! God bless you today!
Love the list. I am also thankful for God’s strength. I need it daily. I am also thankrul in knowing that all things do work together for good.
I am so grateful that we can trust the Lord. I was working on my LWG devotion this morning and it goes along with that – so when I saw your list – it was a confirmation of sorts.
Congrats on the cool winnings too!
I am thankful the Lord is trustworthy & He has proven Himself to be over and over. Praise Him!
I can totally relate. There is only One that we can completely trust and He is so trustworthy. Did you tell God on those mean people? I learned that years ago, run to Him and tell Him. When I do, I feel so much better. Thanks for hosting this rich blessing!
Oh Iris,
I really needed the word today. TRUST, TRUST, TRUST,!!! God surely is speaking to me in this area.
Thank God we are instructed to TRUST HIM only. I think we get off track when we start placing this in other people, and things, yikes!
Blessings to you?
What a wonderful blessing to see so many participants! I’ve just posted my list…thank you for the opportunity!
Trust is a delicate word. Usually in this great big scary world, we have learned to guard ourselves and have to re-learn trust. What a great topic.
Very wonderful list.
Hi Iris,
It brings peace to know we can trust the Lord with everything.
Have a good weekend.
I am so glad that I can trust in my Savior. Trust friends and family.
Thanks for sharing your heart with this great list of thanks!
Have a fabulous day!
Iris, you could not know how much I need to know “trust” today. Trust our heavenly will make everything work out for good…thank you so much for this wonderful information, it really reminds me and encourage me so much on Trust.
I combined my Thursday Thirteen with this today. Thirteen things I’m thankful for:
You made me think today, Iris. Most of the time I get frustrated that I seem to have to learn the trust lesson over and over and over. Good grief, what is wrong with me that I can’t be done with it?! But today God showed me the continual lesson is not all bad. Thanks for the suggestion to be thankful for trust.
Iris, thank you for hosting this wonderful, is it meme? People have so many trust issues, mostly with good reason, but God is so gracious and wonderful that not only does He call us to trust Him, but He guides us into doing it. He proves Himself all of the time (and He doesn’t have to) where we can trust Him. He shows us how. I’m so thankful that I can trust Him. Now if I could just get it down 100% of the time, I’d be okay:) Have a great weekend!
Thanks Irish for this opportunity of sharing how thankful we are to God…Your entry is wonderful bless your nice heart. My entry also is ready for us to visit…
You are so right with your post today. Thanks for a great thankful list! Have a great weekend! God Bless~
There is so much rest in trusting God with everything in our lives. He is always faithful and is always working for our good in every situation.
Thank you for your list! And thank you for this wonderful Thankful Thursday!
Hi, Iris.
Sending loving , caring thoughts and prayers your way.
i finally found you! i had heard about thankful thursdays and have done some on my own, but now i’m linked up with the group. love, love, love the idea of being thankful every week. such a good encouragement for my soul.
gail in idaho
I am happy to again participate in Thankful Thursday. I had to take a blogging break to deal with various matters. Thank you for continuing to host this lovely feature.
I’ve posted my Thankful Thursday!
My Thankful Thursday list is up.
Iris I joined your Thankful Thursday today and wanted to let you know. This is one of my favorite verses for many reasons and you encouraged me to also share it next week. Please come by my blog because I left you a present on todays post.
Thank you for hosting Thankful Thursdays.
Have a Blessed weekend.
Here it is the afternoon and I have just remembered to sign up on Mr. Linky! Thanks for continuing to provide this special outlet for us to specifically give thanks to our Lord!
~ Leanne
I enjoyed your thankful Thursday.
Hi Iris,
I am really late for the party, in fact it’s almost friday. But wanted to drop in and say I am thankful for you! I know what you mean about “trust” no one, but God and our trusted friends. People will always disappoint us, but God never will.
I need to play catch up on your blog tomorrow. I have been out of touch this week it seems. But I enjoyed reading your testimony last week and I am anxious to read more.
Have a blessed night!’
that post today really made my night. Thank you Iris! I quoted a bit of you in my post tonight. Thank you!
Thankful for trust too. One year that was my word of the year. I tried to focus on growing in my ability to trust God for all things. It definitely helped, but I still have times when I battle for control. Trust is so open ended and unknown. But when I do trust, I feel light and free.
Great word!
Love your list this week Iris and your theme. That verse is written on one of my journals. I bought it to write in during a time when I needed to remind myself that God is really the only one we can trust to never disappoint us. Thanks for continually inspiring me to be more thankful.
I have something for you on my blog Iris!
I just linked to your site and I love the thought of Thanksful Thursday…I plan to participate
You surely stung my heart…
“I really wavered between ‘Trust’ and ‘Gift’ for Thankful Thursday this week, but ‘Trust’ ‘won’…Again this week I was reminded that we really can trust only a handful people this side of heaven. There are a lot of mean-spirited people in this world.”
I really wavered between ‘Trust’ and ‘Gift’ for Thankful Thursday this week, but ‘Trust’ ‘won’…Again this week I was reminded that we really can trust only a handful people this side of heaven. There are a lot of mean-spirited people in this world.
Praise God we serve a Loving Father who has conquered all that. There is so much hurt in this world and unfortunately hurting people who rather than seek our Father for healing and compassion, often choose to project their hurt on others to try and help themselves feel better.
The path to heaven is narrow, but there are many who love you, but more than anything, there is our Father, who raises you high and weep tears of pain with you and smile with laughter at your joy.
God bless you Iris for your honesty, your encouragement and your convictions.