Treasure Tuesday I – My Favorite Read…

Yup – my first treasure I want to share with you is my trusted Bible. I know, some of you might not agree, but the NIV translation is still my favorite…Easy to read and if I need some verification, I just consult my other translations I have on hand. Yeah, believe it or not, but I have a few Bibles around the house, but this particular one is the one I use the most. It has torn pages, coffee stains and marked verses. I think they are the best when they are broken in like that…
So, you like my treasure for the week? Leave your link in the comment section, so I can check out your treasure of the week. Oh, also visit Faith at Faithful Mommy (who created the theme of Treasure Tuesday) so she knows that you also participate…

Living by His grace,

Other Treasure Tuesdayers: Faith, Carol , Christy , Addie , Kate , Heather , Nancy , Debi

18 Replies to “Treasure Tuesday I – My Favorite Read…”

  1. Good Morning! This is a wonderful post. I “grew up” using the NSAB and my first one is in the same shape. Sometimes I like to refer to the New Living Translation when I seem to be a bit foggy in the head. But God’s word is Truth…no matter what translation! Have a great day.

  2. What a GREAT treasure you’ve chosen for your first one! Translation smanslation! You love your bible, you value getting direction in God’s word….that’s what’s most important!

    I’m looking forward to hearing what you get from your treasure in LBY study! 🙂


  3. I think we have the exact same Bible! Same color and everything. I love my NIV, it was my first. I have many other translations, strong’s concordance… I’ve tried reading others but I already have so many notes in it too. It’s become a dear friend.

  4. When I first got saved, I was given a paperback NIV translation and started memorizing scriptures in that particular translation. It’s probably still my favorite, but I’m started to really appreciate and enjoy the ESV. I have several translations, though, and enjoy referring to them all.

    Good post, Iris. God’s Word is such a treasure.

  5. Awesome! Nothing like a coffee stained, highlighted, underlined, crinkled pages kind of Bible! My favorite version has been the New King James Study Bible my man got me a few years ago. I think it’s the study/notes part I like best. NIV rocks too. What a treasure indeed! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  6. You know, I seriously considered doing my TT on my Bible, but I just couldn’t. I get these study Bibles and have to replace them every 2 years because I’m so hard on them. My current one has parts of Luke and Isaiah that fall out every time I open it wrong. It’s marked to smithereens and nobody but me can read certain parts for all the highlighting and precepts markings running amok on the pages. I’m afraid to buy a fancy Bible because I’m worried I’ll spend a bunch of money only to have to replace it a lot just like these others.

    I treasure the words therein more than my own life, but the books themselves just aren’t holding up for me.

  7. Thank you all so much for stopping by today. I know that we can have all different opinion which translation we use, but one thing we all have in common: We love the Word of the Lord…

  8. hey sweet lady. thanks for your encouragment and prayers during this time of our lives. i’m thankful to have sisters like you, knowing that we are being lifted up to our Father.


  9. I agree! The Bible is to be treasured. Sure my Bible may not be “pretty” anymore, but I’d rather have a used looking Bible than a perfect looking one that just sits on a shelf!! Thanks for visiting my site! Check out my devo site too if you want. There is a link on my sidebar for it!!

  10. About my bibles…

    The one I read from is a New Living Translation and it’s so much easier for me to understand. Sometimes I use my NIV Rainbow Study Bible… at church I usually take my super thin KJV. The one I treasure most was my grandfathers bible. He passed away in 1991 (same year as your Dad, isnt it?) and he was a wonderful God loving man, decon of the church for most his adult life, etc… and I am so thankful his Bible was handed down to me – it’s the KJV.

  11. BTW, do you know if book stores will repair the tabs on bible pages? You know how some bibles have the tabs on the pages for the books? Some of the tabs are worn off and I wondered if it was fixable.

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