“When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, “The LORD has done great things for them.” The LORD has done great things for us; we are glad.†~ Psalm 126:1-3 (ESV – emphasis mine)
For some reason, this past week has been flown by in no time. Here we are again meeting for Thankful Thursday—and I love it. There is nothing better than counting your blessings. How about you? Let me share me little list with you and I hope you will join me by leaving your link below and/or comment…
- I am thankful that I serve a God that I can run to when I am hurting, need rest and am plain exhausted. He always puts a smile on my face…Thank You Lord…
- I am thankful that my Sweetheart and I will celebrate our 24th anniversary this Sunday. Although there have been tears once in a while, there have been much more laughter during our marriage…
- I am thankful for just being silly sometimes and laugh so hard that it hurts—with tears flowing down my face. As I told you, my laptop crashed last week; my Sweetheart fixed it, but by Saturday afternoon I had crashed my Photoshop software. I used an .exe file to get to the program. I don’t know why I laughed so hard. Or maybe it was my email exchange with Laurel. We both keep downloading digi-scrapping material but don’t produce many LO – we just love the download I guess. Yes, we admitted to each other that we are addicted to the downloads
- I am thankful for a gift-certificate that I have received from my dear friend Terri to this place. The facial might help to get rid of some of my laugh-lines. Or I will have my first ever manicure—which certainly will put a smile on my face…
- I am thankful for my mom’s laugh. When we talk on Saturdays, we laugh often…
- Last but not least, I am thankful for Miss Peppermint’s digi-material. Her site is my personal favorite. She has once a month a wonderful freebie. I have also purchased some material from her, because I just love her style…and I did create several LO’s with her material
Blessings on your Thursday and as always…
1. Laurel Wreath 2. Rachelle 3. Lynn Donovan 4. MyThreeDaughters 5. Amy – Knight’s Acre 6. Jen 7. on the Rock 8. NspiredByFaith 9. Faerylandmom 10. Denise 11. Crystal@ God is in Control…NOT ME! 12. Alycia@Where My Treasures Are 13. chrixean 14. Jenny 15. Dana 16. Terri @ in His hands 17. FullofGracenBlessings 18. Michelle 19. Mary 20. Nise’ 21. Lauren S. |
22. Christine- Fruit in Season 23. The Preacher’s Wife 24. Serving Him 25. Lori Madison 26. Lori 27. Patty 28. Andie @ Prochnow Blessings 29. Sharon 30. Sharon 31. dirkey 32. Jenny® 33. On the Journey to Victory 34. Deena @ Wholly Devoted 35. Angel 36. Erica 37. Multiple Hats 38. Becki@introverts.net 39. Linda 40. stephanie 41. Captivating Girl 42. Jenny |
43. Rosemarie (Pearls of wisdom…a heavenly voice.) 44. Sarah @ Ordinary Days 45. Bloggin Mom 46. connie 47. Robinznest 48. Sandy 49. Kathleen Marie 50. Melissa Lea 51. marlise 52. MrsX 53. ThoughtfulMom 54. joanne 55. Dori 56. Kim @3peanuts 57. Kahri 58. Devildogwife 59. Brandi 60. tanya |
Learn more about Thankful Thursday here.
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I know everyone is going to get tired of me being first all the time everytime…TIME DIFFERENCE FOLKS =)))
Anyways, I love your list, I love laughing with you, you are always a bight spot in my day!!
CONGRATS on your upcoming Anniversary, hope you get to do something together. AT least you listed a scapper I already know about, so I would not have to stay up all night you know…DOWNLOADING (hehehe)
(((hugs)) sweet friend.
This week, I too, am thankful for family and much laughter. Thank you for hosting this very special and meaningful weekly thanksgiving. Blessings, Lynn
I am a couple of years behind you in anniversaries. Congratulations, I have you have a great day.
wow 24 years? Happy Anniversary! That’s awesome
The Lord is good
Happy anniversary for Sunday and bless your hubby
pary for you this wonderful&wonderful Sunday!
thankful for this thankful post for laughter…
I still remember last year I came back hometwon to visit my parent, my mother told me that I should LOL avoiding wrinkles on face…In fact, I like LOL, I do not care for whether have wrinkles or not, I believe, each time I LOL, I will be younger than before…LOL…..
Congratulations on 24 years!! Not many can say that anymore!
Well Happy Anniversary! God Bless you in every way:)
I love to read your thankfuls! Congratulations on your anniversary! Have a great weekend!
Your lisat made me smile.
Again congratulations on your anniversary………I am so blessed to have “met” you…thankful Thursday has seriously changed my life……..
Blessings on your Thursday my dear!
hi iris! I’m joining the TTh, but if it’s ok, I would like my recent post to be my thankful post as well. It was a very enjoyable experience (something that I do not have the luxury of doing often, sadly), that I am grateful for the simple joys that the Lord gives me and my family
God bless!
Advanced Happy Anniversary also! God bless you and your hubby with several more years of good health, prosperity, love and peace in your relationship.
Oooh! A facial! That will be so wonderful for you….What a great friend!
Happy Anniversary and congratulations!! How inspiring to all of us. The facial sounds wounderful, what a great gift!
Happy Anniversary! I am laughing so hard about the downloading. I’m addicted too but I rarely do anything with them.
I hope you get a facial and a manicure!
Thanks again for my award, it really means a lot to me!
Congratulation on your anniversary — I am alittle behind you. Laughter is so refreshing isn’t it! Thanks for hosting this — its truly a blessing!
Laughter is my favorite thing! God said it’s the best medicine, and I guess He’s right!
Congratulations on your anniversary. You are a “hero” in the covenant of marriage because you have chosen to stay married. You are blessed!
Have an awesome day.
Happy Anniversary. I am avoiding learning about digi scrap because I know I will get crazy with it and then do nothing with it! LOL
Happy Anniversary, Iris! How wonderful! And it’s so nice to have a mom you can laugh with. What a blessing!
I am SO with you on being addicted to downloads..I haven’t even started exploring the digi scrapping..I know my ocd’ness and my lack of follow through….this would quickly turn into a swirling vortex that would suck what is left of any housework out of me…so, for now i’ll just have to let you girls share with us..:))
Hi Iris,
24 years.. You go! That is really amazing, especially in today’s society where people get divorced after 5 years. Have a blessed Thursday.
Congratulations on your upcoming 24th W.A….that is awesome and much to be thankful for. May you enjoy many more to come. (we will celebrate our 5th in July…time flies when your having fun and busy with little ones =) )
This is my first time joining in on Thankful Thursday. I saw this on Sharon’s site and thought it would be fun to join in.
I agree with everyone…Congrat’s on your 24th Anniversary.
I love the gift certificate you received to a spa. That we would wonderful. You will enjoy that.
Congratulations on 24 years!! That wonderful!
This is my first time participating in Thankful Thursdays. Thank you for a great idea, and use of our blogs!
Congratulations on your anniversary!!!
Laughter IS wonderful and I love it! It can always turn a bad situation around, especially when the computer does what it wants to do instead of what you want it to do.
Have a blessed weekend!
my 1st time here and it is an honor to join this group! off to check out others!
Your thankful post made me smile. I just love your spirit.
Iris congratulations on your upcoming laughter. You and your husband sound wonderful together I am so glad you have him and you both have laughter in your marriage. We do too and makes life so much easier. Thank you for your wonderful list and Happy TT.
Angel ():)
Happy Anniversary. I hope it’s wonderful.
Oh, and you’re right, this week did fly by.
I am also thankful for silly days!
What a joyful list Iris!! I think laughter truly is a gift from God. There have been times in recent years when circumstances were so overwhelming I thought there would never be laughter again. But there is!! God gives joy in the midst of our deepest pain if we will just let Him.
Have a wonderful day – and Happy Anniversary in advance.
I actually look forward to Thankful Thursdays. My prayer is that I remember my thankfulness everyday instead of just Thursdays.
Laughter makes for a cheerful heart. “A cheerful heart is good medicine.” Proverbs 17:22 Sharing humor in marriage is so important. My husband and I do it often!
Thanks for sharing this. I hope you have a wonderful anniversary!!
I so am there with you on the first one.. crawling up in my Papa’s lap and letting Him handle my hurts…
Going through a trial at this time and I want to turn no where but Him….
How could we survive without Laughter? I know that I couldn’t!! It would be such a boring life!! Man what an awful life it would be!! Just think about it for a life!! I would hate it for sure!! As you will see on my post today we had some great laughter last night at church!! I think it is wonderful and boy do you need that “internal jogging”….have a great night..
Happy Anniversary! Thanks for your great list. Thanks for hosting this week after week, too. This meme is always such a blessing to me.
Hello! My thanX to Angel @ Pearls of Wisdom for graciously introducing this newbie to Thankful Thursdays. Today, I am thankful for the opportunity to participate for the first time.
happy anniversary!! 24 years!! that is wonderful! my parents just celebrated their 37th year together…..
shalom my friend.
Happy 24th Anniversary! Wow…that’s great. What a wonderful gift to go to have a facial and manicure…enjoy.
I love a good belly laugh too. Laughter is so infectious. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. Hugs.
Congrats on 24 years!!! We just celebrated 10 years earlier this month.
W O W ! ! ! Iris, your Thankful Thursday is becoming quite popular. Way to go, girlfriend!!!
I’m not blogging much any more (although I did today) but I wanted to come by and see how you are and to wish you a VERY blessed anniversary weekend. Our 24th anniversary is coming up on May 28th. We have so much in common.
btw…wonderful choice for your award; I agree!!
Iris, I’m so happy to see that you have 59 Thankful Thursday people!! Wow! That is so much thankfullness–God deserves it.
Happy anniversary, 24 years is hard to believe, isn’t it? Michael and I are almost 20 years.
Hey Stranger, Hope you’ll still receive comments from me :). I’ve “read you from afar” at times, rarely commenting only because of time (plus you receive sooo many comments, I figure mine will get lost in the shuffle).
I HAD to stop and say this particular post caught my eye because of the word “laughter”–you know how that MUST be part of my day!
Congratulations on your 24th! That is something to delight in! Especially in this day and time!
Thanks for continuing to be an encourager to many…you’re making a difference in people’s lives EVERY DAY!
24 Years? My goodness! You two have fun.
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