My Heart Cries Out!

‘Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever!
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,
whom he has redeemed from trouble
and gathered in from the lands,
from the east and from the west,
from the north and from the south.’

~ Psalm 107:1-3

God really taught me a lesson over the weekend. Sometimes I start grumbling about all the things I need/have to do. I want to put up my feet once-in-while, just veg out (I hope I am not the only one)…

Saturday I watched a documentary called “The Forgotten Woman“. Have you ever talked to a TV-screen? Well, let me tell you; I talked a lot to the TV on Saturday; tears flooded my eyes; I shook my head over what I saw/heard.

The documentary is about widows in India. Talk about some awakening of my senses; my sense of injustice. I was upset about how society in India treats its widows; they are indeed forgotten. Did you know that women who lost their husbands are outcasts? They are called witches, because families believe that widows are the cause of their husband’s death? Oh my goodness…

One woman in particular broke my heart. She said: “If god is real, why did he allow me to be born?’…She was first mistreated by her husband; and after he died she was cast out by his family; treated like a slave.

You know what I said the TV? ‘God is real, but not the god you believe in’…Oh my dear sisters…I just wanted to reach through the TV screen and hug this woman; telling her about my God; the God of love, compassion and inclusion.

After watching this 2008 documentary, so many things have become clear to me. For one thing: why the orphanages are full. You know why? Widows that have children are most likely not to remarry, even if they are very young widows. It was said in the film that “A woman is like a flower, and should be only given once in marriage”. Ouch!!!!

There a some organizations thatΒ  help widows in India to become independent. They educate the women, give them hope for a brighter future. I pray that one day these women will encounter the God of love; the God that truly cares for them.

I am thankful that I know a God, who scarified His only son; a God who loves me, no matter what…

Lord of Heaven and Earth. Thank You from the bottom of my heart that You have opened my eyes once again. Lord, there is so much hurt in this world, help me to see it. Lord, show me a way how I can support women who are mistreated. I am trusting in Your mercy. In Jesus’ name…Amen.

Dear sisters in Christ; I urge you to watch the movie. But I also want to put a disclaimer on it: it might be painful to watch.

Thank you for stopping by today…

“The Final Inquiry”

I have never heard of this movie until tonight as I was browsing the Internet. Has anyone of you seen or heard about this movie? It looks very interesting. I would be up for a great movie, since I haven’t seen any great movies for some time. I think I am going to order the movie…or maybe it is time to get Netflix πŸ™‚ .

If you have seen this movie, please leave me a comment – okay? Thanks a billion.

Have a blessed Friday…

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My Little Secret…

Bride & Prejudice

Yeah – I like ‘Bollywood’ movies. I don’t know why, but they are fun to watch. We watch a lot of different movies around this house – especially international ones. My favorite of course are still movies in German πŸ˜‰

But ‘Bollywood’ movies have become close second. Just too bad that they don’t show them often on TV. But this past weekend, I had the chance to watch the last part of ‘Bride & Prejudice‘, which now I have to find in the local video store. My first introduction to this genre was ‘Bend it like Beckham‘ and my Sweetheart was so kind to get it for me…If you have never watch one, just give it try. Of course there is always a wedding, singing, dancing and the colors of the dresses are just incredible…

So, now you know what kind of movies I like. What kind of movies do you watch? And if you are usually just reading my blog (aka lurker) now I have the chance to get to know you if you comment…(see Sarah πŸ˜€ – I changed my post a little)

Oh – don’t forget. Tomorrow I am allow to host “In Other Words”. Check out the quote for it below or over at CWO’s site

Blessings on your Monday and as always…

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Just Some Additional Thoughts…

I really appreciated the comments from my fellow bloggers/Christians (who I highly respect) regarding my previous post on the movie “Kingdom of Heaven” and maybe I should have been more careful/clear on my thoughts regarding the crusades…
Yes, of course, the Muslims were just as bad (and in some countries are still very awful in converting people) as the Christians, but my comments were made from my Christian view.
Many honest Christians died during those crusades. But there were individuals who wanted to get earthly riches during that time. And not just than, even later during the Spanish inquisition and Reformation area in Europe, many more honest Christians died, because they questioned the practices of ‘God’s church’.
Don’t get me wrong, I belong to a ‘church’ to worship God on Sundays. But I would question ‘my’ church if they would rank their agenda higher than God’s agenda…showing His love for all people. I can’t convert someone (that anyway is the work of God by the power of His spirit) if I go to war against them…
As I was reading Scripture this morning, I came across these passages in Isaiah, which really say what I was trying to say…O my people, can’t you see what fools your rulers are? They are leading you down a pretty garden path to destruction. The LORD takes his place in court. He is the great prosecuting attorney, presenting his case against his people! The leaders and the princes will be the first to feel the LORD’s judgment. “You have ruined Israel, which is my vineyard. You have taken advantage of the poor, filling your barns with grain extorted from helpless people. How dare you grind my people into the dust like that!” demands the Lord, the LORD Almighty. (Isaiah 3:12-15 – NLT)