Wordless Wednesday ~ Springtime
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…critique 😛 I think it’s amazing to hear how people move across entire oceans to be with the person they love…that’s just what Iris did when she moved from Germany to Arizona in 1991. She keeps this blog about her life and inspirational writing that warms the heart and at spots will bring a smile…
“One of the secrets to a happy marriage is remembering the source of our joy, which is not one another. The source of our joy is the Lord. Yes, we share tons of joyous moments, but we don’t expect, let alone demand, endless joy-filled moments from each other. ” ~ Liz Curtis Higgs ~ from…
…what ever normal is in my life 😆 The Ultimate Blog Party was a success for Janice and Susan (girls, you did a great job)…Over 900 blogs linked to the ‘party post‘ and some even stopped by here. The door-prize winners are announced as well… The devotional I donated to the blog-party is on its…