Valley of Shadows

Valley of Shadows

Have you ever been in a valley of shadows? It’s not a lot of fun. I have been there several times in my life. But there is a Comforter. Jesus says “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matt. 11:28. And in in book of Hebrews we read 13:5b “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” That is a great comfort to me and I hope for you too. If you are in a valley right now, leave a comment or go to Bible Gateway.

What is Your Belief?

The other night my Sweetheart and I watched a great movie. I usually don’t like black & white/silent movies, but this was an exceptional movie. It was called “The passion of Joan of Arc“. Ah, you say – this topic was done over and over – so I thought. This version was from 1928 – and the best part was the music – awesome (Voices of Light). Very compelling to me. I turned this movie over and over in my head. As I was driving Monday morning to work – the movie popped back into my mind and I thought of the first century Christians who also died for their belief; even if it meant to die at the stake. I hope that I would be able to stand as firm as Joan and the first century Christians.

The same day I read a great devotion from Pastor Greg Laurie titled “A Pivotal Belief”. I guess that was my theme for the day. Pastor Laurie said it this way: “This is why the Resurrection of Jesus is such an important message and also why it has been opposed so much throughout history. The devil knows that the resurrection spells his defeat. He also knows that if you believe this great truth that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and rose again from the dead, it can change your life.” Mhm – I guess that was true for Joan, the first century Christians and I pray it is true for myself. So, what do you believe? Were Joan and the first century Christians crazy, or did they had something to hold on to?

Easter Blessings 2005

Easter 2005

I just want to wish a blessed Easter to all my Blog visitors. Although it is a day of new beginnings – most people forget what Easter truly means and what it is all about. I hope that you will not forget the true meaning. If you want to find out more – visit

Picacho Peak 2005

Moi at Picacho Peak 2005

March 26, 2005 – Trip to Picacho Peak – Arizona.

My Sweetheart and I took a 1 hour trip south, toward Tucson. The weather was perfect for Arizona – cool and a little breeze. Another fun trip we had in the last month. It was a nice hike and the view was just breath-taking. I was just a little sad that almost all the wild-flowers were gone. I still enjoyed the time we had – so little we have in this busy world.