WW ~ Velvet Beauties…
Get the WW code here.
Welcome to the New Kadence Theme!
Get the WW code here.
Since I have nothing to say today, I leave you with the picture of my favorite place on this earth 🙂 Blessings on your day…
Yes, I can not believe it, but the launch of Laced with Grace is happing tomorrow. I just want to invite my readers to stop by this up-coming week. We have a fixed rotation (I know it sounds like an oxymoron – but is really not) of the team members. The Team-Blog consists of 5…
Grab the Scavenger Hunt code. Photo Theme: Sleeping ~ Join the blogroll ~ Visit participants. I know, what can I say. Not creative, but very much calling my name by now (12:10 am)…Yeah, my sweet bed, I will be there in a minute as soon as I publish my photo-hunt picture… I hope you all…