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Happy 21

One part of me rejoices that you are now an adult; the other part is sad. You have grown-up way too fast. I remember the first day I drop you off at Kindergarten; now you will have your degree in two weeks. Where did the time go? I know that you miss Germany. I know…

A Chicken Carnival

The first ever Chicka-lious carnival is happing this weekend. Check out submission from women across the world here. There is a great mix you might enjoy and you might find some blogs that you want add to your daily reads. The carnival is once a week on Sundays. Hope to see your submission next week….


Blogging This & That

As you remember, my blogging friend Carol is posting ideas, thoughts and tips about blogging this week (and she invited us to do the same and put in our own two cents). If you are brand new to blogging and need some helpful tips, visit her blog and read her post from yesterday – HERE….