
Do You Have…

…a favorite Christmas song? As we are in the last days before Christmas 2005, all radio stations are playing Christmas music. From secular to religious ones. Is there a song that you truly like to sing from the bottom of your heart? Please do share. I actually have two favorites I love to sing at…

Just a Little Boost

Have you ever gotten an email, you wanted to share with the world. I did, today…I want to share this one with you, because it put a smile on my face this morning. I tell you after I share the email, why I smiled and why it gave me a boost this morning. Has anyone…

Say Hello To….

…my tenant for this week – Utenzi. I have visited Utenzi’s blog several times through BE’s Battle of Blogs and I really like the nature pictures he posts on occasion. Here is a description of his blog in his own words: Observations about my daily life as well as expositions about science, technology and kayaking….


Hipp-Hipp Hurray

Friends & Readers of Eph2810, please change your bookmark/blogroll, because my ‘stinged’ heart & I are moving…Can you guess where to??? Yep – we got our own little address now. You can find us at http://eph2810.com starting (tomorrow) TODAY…Yup we are live on this above feed My new Lighter side will be residing at http://lite.eph2810.com…