The winners will be announced tomorrow, March 31st.***

To enter the give away please leave a comment. And if you find it in your heart – share the give away with your girlfriends (not necessary to win)….The deadline to sign up for the give away is March 30th with the winner to be announced on the 31st.
Have a blessed week…
Its always interested how my anti-spam words FITS perfectly for me whenever I comment … today it was GRACE. I was granted some grace this morning by a police officer on the way to work! (ugh!)
Very blessed by your blog and ministry and hope for more years to come!!
CONGRATS!!!! Enter me please, I will post a link on my blog.
Dear Iris,
Happy, happy bloggy birthday. You are a gift. You have blessed my life and I am so grateful. Have a wonderful week.
Happy Bloggy Birthday, Iris … I’m so glad you’re in the bloggy world. You’ve really blessed me.
Happy Birthday and congrats! It’s hard to keep a blog going sometimes. Kudo’s to you for not only hanging in there but for providing quality posts! I hope it’s ok with you that I put a link to your blog on mine.
Iris, you bless me with your writing and your desire to please and honor God. Congratulations on keeping your blog going for three years. You are to be commended to sticking to it and being so good at doing it. Blessings on your day. Please consider me entered, those are really neat things that you are giving away.
It’s my bloggy birthday this week too! Count me in!
Happy blog-a-versary!
Great prizes!
Happy 3 years. Enjoy the blog!
Happy bloggy’day. Celebrate let your hair down and party, you always need more reasons to Party.
God Bless…Naomi
Happy Bloggy Birthday my dear friend.
Happy Blog Birthday! You bring me joy and inspiration! Blessings! Melody
Please enter me!!! HAPPY BLOGGY BIRTHDAY! You have really been an inspiration for me! I love visiting your blog. Thanks for all you have written. God Bless~
Happy Bloggy Birthday!
Bless you!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRECIOUS IRIS!!!! 3 years go by so fast, heh? i have been blogging for just over 3 years as well. love to you….
Iris, every one of those prizes sound wonderful! Happy 3rd blogavesary!!!
Congrats on your blog anniversary! Please enter me in your draw!
All the prizes sound great!
Count me in! You’ve got fabulous prizes and might I add that I TOO am having a blogger-birthday soon and am also having a give-away!
Happy Bloggy Birthday!
Your prizes are awesome! Enter me please.
(Also, I have a question for you Iris. If you find a spare moment, could you email me at Thanks!)
Happy Anniversary…….. gosh 3 years……. I am coming up on my first…….. I have a lot to learn……………….
Congratulations Iris!! Please enter me as I would love to win either of these fabulous gifts!
I came over from Kim@Scattered Stones. Happy Bloggy Birthday!
Hey sweetie~CONGRATULATIONS on your 3-year milestone! What an accomplishment :). I’m visiting some of my “older” bloggity friends, friends I haven’t seen in a while and what perfect timing to see you :).
Grace and peace and joy as you enter your FOURTH year in the B-sphere–As I’ve always thought, you make it a more lovely place.
Hello.. I’m led here by my ‘little girl’ jennyv. I’m also having a blog birthday this month..2 yrs old. I started as a way of communicating information to all our family when hubby had a quad bypass. Love the blog!
May God bless you today!
hello sweet friend. I remember when you first started blogging, and you haven’t stopped blessing me since. Thank you for being such a light in the blogosphere. You are dearly loved!
Happy birthday! I just started blogging this year and it’s a lot of fun but it’s also a lot of work. So to make it to 3 is an accomplishment!
I just like being part of the Christian SAHM community! I’m meeting lots of great friends, and finding lots of great blogs. Love yours!
Visit To Love, Honor and Vacuum today!
Happy Bloggy Birthday my friend! Thank you for being such an inspiration and encouragement to me. Your prizes are awesome! Please enter me.
Blessings to you!
Happy Bloggy Birthday, Iris! The bloggy world is more blessed and inviting because you are a part of it. I am so thankful, unto the Lord, for you!
Blessings and love!
Congrat’s Iris! You’ve truly furthered the kingdom by your web presence!! Happy Birthday!!
Happy Bloggy Birthday!!!
I had one myself a couple of weeks ago — never thought about giving away a prize!
Count me in!
OOOO–Enter me please! That sounds like “triple fun”! Happy Birthday Iris! Your blog has ministered to my heart and soul more times than I can count! AND I can count pretty high! You are a tremendous blessing to so many! Have a blessed Bloggity Birthday!! Woo Hoo!
What fun! Happy Blogaversary! Wow, 3 years blessing the blog world! You go girl!
Kim at Scattered Stones gave you a shout-out and sent me over.
Happy Bloggy Birthday! You are such a blessing.
I’d love to win any of these prizes. Thank you for offering them. Congrats on the anniversary and thank you for all you post here. Sometimes, it’s just what I needed to hear. Take care and God bless, Cory
Congratulations! I would be thrilled to win any of these, they are all fabulous!!! Have a blessed day.
Happy 3rd Birthday!! Yeah Iris! That is fantastic and your site (and particularly Thankful Thursdays) are ALWAYS a blessing! Woohoo!!
my anti-spam word is ‘God’. today has been a hard day. Thank you for the reminder that he is close to me today. I needed that reminder 🙂
Just found you and look forward to reading your blog regularly. The giveaway is great! Thanks for entering me! Congratulations on your third anniversary and God bless you.
Count me in!
Happy Blogaversary!! Blessings on you and yours. Hope you have many more years of blogging bliss!
Happy bloggy birthday to you! I’m glad to have found your blog.
Happy 3rd Bloggy Anniversary Iris! Big Hugs to you. I can’t get over your generosity! May God bless you greatly dear friend!
Happy Blogiversary! What a great idea to celebrate. Thank you for continuing to be such an encouragement to others!
SHalom, Kim
Hey Iris, Congratulations on your blog-o-versary! I’ve been very blessed by your blog–may you have many more years of wonderful blogging 🙂
Happy Birthday! Wow, 3 years seems like so far off to this baby blogger. I bet it’s creep up on me before I know it. Just like my real birthdays do! 🙂
Congratulations. Lovely prizes.
Hi Iris,
Thank-you for stopping by my blog the other day. I enjoyed your comments and they were very encouraging to me!
Happy Bloggy Birthday!
Happy, happy Bloggy Birthday! I have been following a few blogs (of course yours is included) because I am getting ready to start one. You are one of my inspirations. Keep doing what you do!
Blessings! Please enter me in the contest! Thanks.
Happy Bloggy Birthday, Iris! What an encouragment you are. Many, many blessings. Thank you for sharing your gifts and thank you for blessing us with such neat prizes. Please, please enter me!
Happy Happy Bloggy Birthday!!
Great prizes – thanks for the chance to win!
I love your site. Such great reminders and exactly the things I believe and want to share! Thanks
Wow, Iris…
Three years. What a different world we have because you chose to share your heart here in this online community. I will be forever thankful to our Lord for your giving heart and the words you write here.
Happy bloggy birthday!! How fun!
In His Graces~Pamela
Oh wow, Happy Blogoversary!!!!
I’ve so enjoyed coming by, you are such a blessing?
Count me in on those AWESOME prizes!
Happy birthday! You are just fantabulous! Your giveaways are cool too esp #1. 🙂
Happy bloggy birthday. It seems that I am not late here,just a little bit, thank the Lord. May our heavenly father bless you, give you more wisdom to encourage others sisters, of course including me, here in faith.
hey Iris, happy anniversary!
thank you for hosting this wonderful site.
may God bless you.
Morning Sniffles
Awww…my anti-spam word was Love. So…I’m sharing it. Love your blog and happy blog-a-versary!
Happy Bloggy Birthday!!
How nice of you to give away presents !! Please sign me up!! Great prizes.
Wow! Three years. I have been blogging about two, but only for 6 months here on blogger. Congratulations!
Happy Bloggaversary! (Sp?) LOL!! You’re such a special lady and I’m so BLESSED to call you “friend.”
Happy third bloggy birthday! Thank you for doing a giveaway!
Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary!!! Thanks for blessing us all with your site!
Congratulations on 3 years of blogging! What a wonderful give-a-way!
Happy Bloggy Birthday To You!!!
Happy Bloggy-versary! Wow, three years! That’s wonderful!
Wow! 3 years. Isn’t that like 10 in bloggy years? You are an ecouragement.
Congrats! I love your blog!
Be blessed!
Terri Sue
Congrat on 3 yrs of Blogging!!
I would enjoy the opportunity to be included. Thank you
Well, I certainly would like to be included in the drawing. Happy Blog Birthday. I think it is so wonderful to do these celebrations. I am going to do one for my 500 post around the end of May or the first of June. Stay Tuned!
Oh I would love to have any of those three prizes. Please enter me!!! Thank you.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Bloggy B-day to you!!! Wow. Three years – I find that quite amazing. Hope I’m still plugging away at this three years from now. You’re awesome Iris. 🙂
Happy blogoversary to you! You are a blessing on the blogosphere and I’m truly thankful that I found you! God bless you!
Happy Bloggy Birthday! I just love this Thankful Thursday idea and have not joined with you in being thankful on Thursday, and everyday! May God bless you!
I just found your page via a friend. Cool page and I am amazed that you have been doing this for 3 years. Congrats! What a cool way to minister. God bless.
Congrades on the blogaversery! :):):):):):)
Happy Anniversary! I’m so proud of you sticking with a blog and updating it even..
Aloha.. I finally got a chance to visit your blog… Congrats on your Blog anniversary ” Happy Bloggy Birthday to you!!! lol I love that!!!! I will be back to read more.. I would love to do a thankful thurday can you please tell me more about it??? I’m still new at blogging…. Thanks Lorie
Happy Bloggy Birthday!!! And thanks for the great giveaways!
Happy Bloggy-versary! Many a word of wisdom has been shared over those years. I’ve only been around since late September, but I look forward to spending the next 3 years hanging around with you!
And I love bloggy give-aways! You have wonderful prizes! Please count me in.
Iris, I left a comment earlier, but I just now got the link up! Just wanted you to know! 🙂
Happy Bloggy Birthday to you!!!
Congratulations dear Iris! I would love to enter.. I don’t think I stand much of a chance though, lol. Have a blessed weekend.
Happy 3rd Birthday! Congratulations.
Congratulations on 3 years of blogging.
Love and Hugs,
I just stumbled across your blog. I’ve just started my own blog recently. I will definitely add you to my favorites. If the giveaway is still going on, please enter me. Thanks!
I just stumbled across your blog as well. I am somewhat new to blogging and found you through a response to Tiffany. We have just recently crossed paths.
Congratulations on your blogging anniversary. That’s awesome.
So, you’ve been around for a long time and must know lots of people.
I love meeting new people.
I’m glad I found your blog.
Have a blessed day.
Hi Iris – Just dropping by to catch up. Happy Bloggy Birthday (2 days late) I wish you a peaceful Sunday and a fabulous Bloggy Year #4!
Happy Birthday! Just a little late but I mean it nonetheless! What a great celebration you’ve got going!
You have been such a gift to those of us, your faithful readers! We should be bringing you gifts! I have been so blessed over these past years by your vulnerability, by your honesty, by your wisdom…and by your love of our Lord.
Happy! Happy! Birthday!
I’m just in time to sign up! Happy birthday, Iris!
Congratulations Iris! May the Lord lead and guide you !
In His peace