Hope Fulfilled

Carnival LogoThe word hope ~ what a wonderful word to meditate on this week for the Carnival of Beauty…
I was curious what Webster’s definition of hope is, so I went on-line this morning. One to the entries said: “b : someone or something on which hopes are centered…”

You see, as Christians we have the living hope through our Lord, Jesus Christ as the apostle Peter stated in 1 Peter 1:3-4 (NIV):

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven for you,”

Yes, I do center my hopes on Someone. I am glad that God gave us this hope to hold onto until life everlasting. Without this hope I have in my heart, how could I face all the struggles in this life? I know that even when I struggle or fall, I can look to Him and ask Him to see me through. He is just one breath away through prayer. Why not center my hope on Someone who actually can fulfill that hope. How about you? Who or what do you center your hope(s) on? Please share…

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” ~Romans 15:13(NIV)

In His grip ~ Eph2810

There is still time to submit your entry for this week’s carnival – see Ellen’s blog MzEllen & Co for details!

Come with Me…

Joy…around the blogging world that is! There are a lot of very neat places to visit this Wednesday and I want to share them with you…

First, lets stop over at Carol’s place (Sallie is taking a well deserved break) She Lives for the Carnival of Beauty. Once again, 13 wonderful ladies have met in one place to reminisce about Beauty – this week’s topic – winter.

PM is having a contest until February 7th (she is a little mysterious about the prize though). And while you are there, check out today’s post titled People and Friends.

My current tenant – Guppyman’s Rant Zone, is celebrating his first birthday! Blog Birthday that is. So, blog on over and sing a little song if you would…

Present Storm is requesting prayers for strength and peace as she is awaiting surgery – so please pray for her – thanks.

Jill (who will be my guest author on My Lighter Side next Friday) at The Write Way Home gives tips what you need to look for after you completed your novel, – finding an agent, which sometimes is more frustrating than ‘Writer’s Block’…

Blest is giving away two copies of ‘Daws – A Man Who Trusted God’. Check out her post and sign-up.

Doris at Nature’s Artwork has a cat that loves to have his picture taken – check him out. He poses for her!

But the best news I want to share with you today comes from Lenscape::OttoK Photography…He is a finalist in the BoB Awards. Click on over and congratulate him, pretty please! I will let you know as soon as I find out when the voting begins…

So, that was my trip for this Wednesday – hope you enjoyed your stay at my place…and I hope to see you next Wednesday, if not sooner…

His Ways

Carnival LogoThe beauty of winter? To be honest with you, Arizona and winter really don’t mix. For years I have complained about living in Arizona and had asked the question: ‘God, why did you plant us here? There are no seasons in Arizona! There is no winter; with cold and snow.’

Sometimes I miss the long evenings. And to be honest with you, the blue sky all the time can get to you. I know, it might sound silly missing the cold winter months, but I used to love sitting with a hot cup of cocoa and a great book, curled up on a chair and read. It is too warm for that here…

But I have come to the conclusion that His ways are much higher than mine and I just have to accept that. Would I have ever returned to the Lord if I would have stayed in Germany? To be honest with you, I don’t know…You see my life was just too busy to hear Him. I know that He had called my name many times, but did I listen? No! He had to up-root me from the life I thought was so important. I didn’t need Him! I was doing fine!

Today, although still missing the seasons, my family and friends, I am very blessed to spend my time doing out-door things during the winter months. I don’t have to worry about shoveling snow, ‘pre-heat’ my car or just do everyday normal stuff because it is winter. God has shown me that He knows what is best for me.

So, think about it this way: don’t fret where you have to spend your winters, you are where He wants you to be.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.”
As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV)

My Wednesday Trip …

Joy…around the blogging world.

I was ready to call in a search team for Jeff at Becoming Our Destiny, but he just took some time off from blogging – and I totally understand. I am glad he is back though. He is looking at New Year’s resolutions from a realistic point of view!

Yesterday I was tagged by Miss Jill on My Lighter Side with the Four Fab meme (which originated from Miss Wendy). BTW, Miss Wendy is having a 48 hour comment casting call. It is fun. I participated last time and I visited some interesting blogs. Want to find our more? Well, blog on over to Wendy and see for yourself.

As it goes for memes, you tag others. I tagged Blest, PM, Boy Story & Brutally Honest…Well, Blest, PM & Amie (Boy Story) did it because of my charming personality – lol. Mona from Brutally Honest is on a business trip right now and promised to complete the meme upon her return…But check out Mona’s Photo Blog. She posted some great pictures from her trip to Houston. As for photo bloggers, check out Otto. I really like his new subject – flowers. Doris another great photo blogger – what do you know. She was tagged with the Fab Four meme as well – check out her answers…Oh, and speaking of photo bloggers – yours truly finally posted a new image *grin* (like the self promo?)…

Dee at Dee411 is moving all her blogs over to WP. Check out her new home(s)….

Last, but not least check out Carnival Day at Sallie’s Two Talent Living. This week’s theme was “The Beauty of Limits”. One particular blog I have become found off over the last three weeks – Heather at Mom 2 Mom Connection. I usually don’t wait until Carnival Day – I visit her blog before that….

I hope you enjoyed my little trip around the blogging world (check out some other great bloggers in my sidebar titled “My Personal Reads”)…

In His grip,