My Life’s Motto

Carnival LogoSo here I was with my Bible, note-pad, pen and a cup-o-java in hand to write a post for this week’s ‘Carnival of Beauty’. Absolutely nothing came to mind, I was drawing a complete blank. Even after a search in my concordance for the word ‘limit’, the theme of this week’s carnival. Well, I thought, don’t write this week. Don’t torture yourself! If it doesn’t come easy, just leave it alone.

As I was preparing dinner, it just hit me. Why do thoughts come to mind when you don’t have a pad and pen – mhm? It never fails! My mind is always going a hundred miles an hour, if I don’t have anything to write them down with. How about you? Does this happen do you?

So you are wondering what came to mind? I tell you! My life’s motto! If you have ever received an email from me, or saw my profile on a web-forum, you know what it is. For you who don’t know me that well – it is Philippians 4:13: “I can do everything through him who gives me strength”.

Yup – this tag-line goes with me where ever I go, what ever I do. Now you say: ‘But what does this verse have to do with this week’s theme?’ Everything my friend, everything.

You see, with the Lord, there are no limits. When I am close to give up on a project, I remember the verse. If I am close to tears, I remember it. If I am totally exhausted, I remember it.

When we are at our human limits, He will carry us through. No matter what we are going through; no matter how hard the road ahead of us seems. Look to Him, who gives you strength.

In His grip,

Celebrating Christmas as a Child

LogoThe Beauty of Tradition is a wonderful topic to contribute to during the Christmas season. Although Jesus warns us not to hold on to traditions of men (Mark 7:8), I have fond memories of celebrating Christ’s birth as a child. As I mentioned before in my post Weihnachten vs Christmas, there was never a question that Christmas was about celebrating the arrival of our Redeemer.
I miss the traditions we had at home some years more than others. Although now having my own family, we really never established our own ‘traditions’ at Christmas. Mostly I think it is because my husband’s and my background are a little different, due to the fact that Germans focus their celebration more on Christmas Eve than on Christmas Day.
When I was a child, our parents bought the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve morning (not a day before that); we decorated the tree as a family at noon. I even remember that we used real candles until our son was born in 1985. Than my dad thought it was too dangerous to have a Christmas tree with real candles with a little baby around. I didn’t think so, but who was I to argue with my dad. He was a wonderful, God-fearing man and I miss him and his guidance greatly (he passed away at the age of 52). Sorry I got sidetracked there, but I looked up to my dad and even to this day it makes me sad that I didn’t had the opportunity to thank him for my up-bringing – *sigh*…
Okay, back to Christmas Eve. After we decorated the tree, we had quiet time. Everyone retreated to their rooms. At 5 O’clock, we got ready to attend the 6 O’clock service at our church. After the service we had a light supper; a traditional meal which consisted of Wiener Wuerstchen and German Potato salad (family recipe) and can be traced all the way back to my great-great grandparents. Ah, what a wonderful memory. This is one of the traditions I carried on; I do prepare the same meal almost every Christmas here in Arizona for the past 14 years (sometimes I just don’t have the time to drive into Phoenix to get the Wiener Wuerstchen). After we had our meal, we exchanged Christmas gifts.
I think what I liked about Christmas as a child was, that it was more about Christ and spending quality time with the family, than exchanging extravagant gifts. The gifts came from the heart and were chosen carefully.
That brings me back to God’s greatest gift to mankind. He sent His son to be our Savior and our Redeemer. God choose the gift from His heart to ours. So, do remember this Christmas (no matter what you or your family traditions are):

“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11 NIV)

Tuesday Tidbits from the Blogsphere

SmileySallie from Two Talent Living has done it again…She is in the process of creating a “Carnival of Beauty”. Please visit her Blog for more details on this particular carnival. The first topic is “Beauty of Giving”…Well, I better think of something quick…

Jillian from The Write Way Home announced today the winner of the Dr. Seuss writing contest. Check out the winning entry – it’s great. I sure could never write (oops – almost used the wrong ‘right’) that way.

Wendy from Wendy’s Whimsies had a casting call today. It is a great way to find new Blogs – I found two today I really liked (one I couldn’t comment on though, because you have to be a member of that community); one I already visit every single day (yup, went for three helpings). Check out Wendy’s casting call; I hope that she’ll do it again in the future…

Oh, I love my little world of blogging – always find something interesting…You all have a great night…