So here I was with my Bible, note-pad, pen and a cup-o-java in hand to write a post for this week’s ‘Carnival of Beauty’. Absolutely nothing came to mind, I was drawing a complete blank. Even after a search in my concordance for the word ‘limit’, the theme of this week’s carnival. Well, I thought, don’t write this week. Don’t torture yourself! If it doesn’t come easy, just leave it alone.
As I was preparing dinner, it just hit me. Why do thoughts come to mind when you don’t have a pad and pen – mhm? It never fails! My mind is always going a hundred miles an hour, if I don’t have anything to write them down with. How about you? Does this happen do you?
So you are wondering what came to mind? I tell you! My life’s motto! If you have ever received an email from me, or saw my profile on a web-forum, you know what it is. For you who don’t know me that well – it is Philippians 4:13: “I can do everything through him who gives me strength”.
Yup – this tag-line goes with me where ever I go, what ever I do. Now you say: ‘But what does this verse have to do with this week’s theme?’ Everything my friend, everything.
You see, with the Lord, there are no limits. When I am close to give up on a project, I remember the verse. If I am close to tears, I remember it. If I am totally exhausted, I remember it.
When we are at our human limits, He will carry us through. No matter what we are going through; no matter how hard the road ahead of us seems. Look to Him, who gives you strength.
In His grip,