To Forgive Is Easy…

Psalm 32:1

You think: No, it is not!!!

I do forgive easily, but there is a more difficult part about forgiveness, isn’t there? At least for me and for some other fine blogging ladies. I came across three posts this past week, talking about forgiveness ~ and yes they were written by different women on my Blogroll (very interesting)…

Jamie at TNChick was talking about that she could forgive, but really has a hard time to forget…Heather at Midlife Moments was talking about the same thing, just in a different situation…Vicki at Windows To My Soul got hurt, forgave the other person and moved on…

So the really hard part of forgiveness is the forgetting part…You see, in Spring of 2005 I made a lot of changes in my personal life. I was involved in many things at my home congregation. I was rarely home during the week, or prepared for things for church at home. Even on the weekends I spend time at church…God gave me a new perspective on serving Him. He gently (or maybe not so gently) reminded me that I do have a ministry at home!

You probably start wondering where the forgiveness and forgetting part comes in…Let me tell you.

After I stepped back from all the ‘public’ ministries, I was laid ‘waste-side’ by most people of my congregation. I was okay with it. They were just too busy to deal with my personal hurts, I forgave and moved on. The forgetting part was a little harder. When I needed my congregation the most, they dropped me like a hot potato…But I continued to seek comfort in God’s Word and it helped me to stay focused on what was really important in this life! Him and His promise: That He was the only one who can see me through the valleys of life…

The biggest clincher though came this last spring. My best friend told me that I have changed too much; that I had more time for on-line friends than for real people. Ouch! She was the only one I still met for Bible study and now she was gone too…Yikes! But to be perfectly honest with you, I see my writing on my Blog as ministry. The people who come across my blog and read what I have to write are REAL people too. We are only divided by a computer screen…AND my main ministry is at home. With God’s help, I can be the wife and mother He wants me to be. Sure it is not a public ministry, but it is the most rewarding one.

Did I forgive my best friend for the hurtful words? Of course I did! Did I forget them? Nope. They come up once in awhile and sting my heart…but…

“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” ~ Philippians 3:12-14

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Carnival Logo

I hope that you will allow me to host your entry this week on ‘The Beauty of Philippians’. Please visit Sallie’s blog ‘A Gracious Home‘ for guidelines.

Please email me your information (name, blog name, title of your post and a short lead-in) by Tuesday, 3pm EST. – Thank you :smile:.

Not Speechless Today

Carnival Logo

Not because I am out pictures, no I have plenty to share, believe me. Because I want to share more than just a picture today. You see, today, author Mary E. DeMuth is giving us the honor to host the Carnival of Beauty. Check out all the wonderful entries over at Relevantblog what women think about the Beauty of Blogging.

Next week’s carnival is hosted right here at Sting My Heart. I hope that you allow me to host your entry about the Beauty of Philippians. As I have stated many times, Philippians is my favorite Epistle. And some of my readers who know me a little more, know that Philippians 4:13 is my life’s motto…

Also, today I am sharing a couple of thoughts about sharing our faith over at Blogging with CWO. Hope you have some time to stop by.

Have a blessed day :razz:.

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With Keyboard & Mouse

I actually went through my archives and checked how many times I have stated why I like blogging. A lot! ~ But I didn’t want to ‘recyble’ a post – maybe I am sharing this time some new thoughts. I think blogging is a beautiful tool for Christians to witness. Especially for a soft-spoken person like myself. I am not saying that I don’t have my own opinion on things and sometimes I have to bite my tongue (better, restrain my fingers) to not leave a comment because it is the opposite view of the blogger. I just don’t like conflict, so I won’t comment and move on.

Am I a different person on the Internet than in real life? No, not really, just more straight forward and I can share with the ‘world’ what is on my mind and in my heart. I can share my faith, my struggles and failures. But the coolest thing is that I always can point to my Lord and Savior, who is my Strength and my Shield. If people are offended by it ~ they just move on and won’t return…I can say on my blog what I want and don’t have to be ‘politically correct’.

Since I am not a great Evangelist like Billy Graham or Greg Laurie, I can share His promise of salvation with people who are searching to find hope. Hope of a better tomorrow. Hope that Someone will see them through their struggles in this life. Okay, so I hide behind the computer screen and use my keyboard to take the message out into the world – nothing wrong with that. My hope is that someone out there will ‘google’ Sting My Heart and will click on the link they will find (BTW – ‘Sting My Heart’ comes up at the #2 spot with the Google search engine and #1 with Yahoo :grin:)…

So, what can be more beautiful than to share my hope with the World Wide Web via blogging. Okay, I could go out on mission trips, but I am not brave enough to do that…

Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. ~ Matthew 5:15-16

Yeah – I don’t have to hide my lamp under a bowl on my Blog – I can just go for it:wink:. How about you? Do you hold back on your blog? Do you write what is in your heart, or are you trying to ‘please’ people with your posts?…Please do share.

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Just a little side-note to self. Don’t mess with the sidebar of your blog when your wireless mouse acts all goofy on you and looses its power. And a note to you Spamers out there. I have Akismet installed and about 99.9% of your Spam is blocked anyway. And if you leave Spam comments in German, please learn how to spell it correctly…But actually you are doing me a favor, because you show up as visitors to my site and thus you are boosting my rankings :wink:…


This entry is brought to you by the Carnival of Beauty, which is hosted by Relevantgirl at Relevantblog. You entry needs to be in by Tuesday, 3pm, Est. Hope to see you there. I missed last weeks ~ still don’t have a clue what happened :oops:. ~ And guess who is hosting next week? 😉

Beside myself…

Blog of Beauty Awards

Yes, I am. I can not believe that a reader(s?) think that Sting My Heart is worthy of a Blog of Beauty Award…

You can not believe how much that means to me to be nominated. Thinking that you, my dear readers, think I am in the same league as She Lives or Joy in the Journey…That is huge! 🙂

But I do have to give credit, where credit is due. His inspiration…I have written many, many post, only to hit the backspace-bar or delete an entire post…He is faithful….

So, thank you again for nominating Sting My Heart for several categories, especially “Best Encourager – General” and “Best Meet for a Mocha”…and thank you Jamie for making Sting My Heart unique to be nominated for “Best Contemporary Design” as well.

Please visit ‘A Gracious Home‘ and visit all the beautiful women Bloggers out there. I know, I have my favorites, but I will make sure that I will visit all the finalists…Voting is open until Monday, July 17th, 8pm EST. Thank you Sallie, for this beautiful award and taking on the task hosting it :razz:.

And speaking of beauty. Visit Ellen at MzEllen & Co., who is hosting the carnival this week. The theme, you might wonder? The Beauty of Psalms