All I Can Say Is…

Thank You

…thank you for your prayers and support. His faithfulness is incredible (I know, I should not be surprised – but you all knocked my socks off)…I will pass your support on to my sister, as soon as I am able to talk to her.

Have a blessed Sunday ~ Living in His grace ~ Iris aka Eph2810

A Very Personal Post

Prayer CrossNormally I don’t write too many posts about my family in Germany. But I needed to just get it off my chest this morning. If you remember, I had asked for your prayers several months ago for my sister and her family. I just spoke with my mom and I am so sad right now, I could just cry.

My sister’s marriage has been in trouble for several years. My sister is a very strong, Christian woman and always tried to patch up her marriage. Her husband has been cheating on her for the third time now – and she still wanted to mend this marriage. But this past week was just horrible. Now, her husband even got physical, meaning hitting her. Now my sister has had it and will be filing for divorce. I know that she wants to do the right thing and honor the Lord. I would love for you to stand with me in prayer. That God will give her strength, and especially the peace that she is doing the right thing. I know this is hard for her, since my niece is only 10 years old and my nephew just turned 15.

You know what the hardest thing is right now! That I only can lift her up in prayer and can’t take her into my arms and support her in person. Oh my, now I even start crying just typing this post….Okay, so prayers would be really great – thank you ladies (gentlemen?)…

Living in His grace ~ Iris aka Eph2810

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” ~ Matthew 11:28

Mommy’s ‘Little’ Girl

“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs with no fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and kindness is the rule when she gives instructions. She carefully watches all that goes on in her household and does not have to bear the consequences of laziness.”
Proverbs 31:25-27 NTL

These verses pretty much describe my mom. Although my sister and I are grown womenMy Sweet Mom now, she always has wise words for us two girls. I miss her terribly. We talk once a week and she sends ‘care packages’ four times a year (there are some things I just can’t get here in Arizona :lol:), but it is not the same as having coffee in the afternoons together.

My parents were very strict with us, but I think you need to raise children with a strict, but loving hand. Don’t you agree?

When growing up, my sister was always jealous of the relationship I had with Mom. I don’t know why my sister felt that our mom favored me – I think we just had a different relationship. We were more like friends than mother and daughter. We talked about everything. She was always there for us (even though she worked part time). As I got older, I was able to support her once in a while.

I remember the time when my dad got really sick from the chemo treatment. My mom was beside herself, because the nurses in the hospital wouldn’t call the doctor (it was night time mind you – how can you call the doc at night time? – That would be just too rude). So my mom didn’t know what else to do, she called me and asked if I could come and sit with her. You bet I went. Our son was in good hands with my Sweetheart – so no worries at the home-front. When I walked down the hall to meet with my mom, I got really angry (it takes me a while to get angry, but you better not cross my path when I am). Here is this wonderful woman, usually up-beat and smiling, reduced to tears because the nurses felt it was inappropriate to call the doctor. ‘Excuse me? This man is loosing blood by the gallons and you want to wait until morning to get orders for the blood transfusion?’ As I mentioned, I was angry (a little more on the mad side). Needless to say, the doc was called and my dad received the blood transfusion with 2 hours. Why I am telling you this little story? You see, my mom always put the needs of others before her own, especially with us girls. Here was the one chance for me to put into action what I had learned from her. Put my own needs (sleep) on the back burner.

Oh, do I miss just meeting for coffee in the afternoons and talk about things. Talk about our hopes and dreams, talk about the daily stuff. You see, my mom used to come visit us every other year, but her arthritis got so bad; her body can’t take the 12 hour flight any more. I am praying that God will allow her to come just one more time. Here my mom can just rest and kick-up her feet. It is her little retreat away from the daily chores she has in Germany. And it gives me the chance to spoil her for a change.

Thank you Mom for loving and raising me the way you did. I can never repay you, but I am very blessed to have a mom like you. I love YOU!!! Happy Mother’s Day.

Writing Contest – “Mother’s Love”

My MomIt is time to write about my Mom, who was very instrumental in my up-bringing – and is to this day. Although we are 6,000 miles apart from each other, she encourages me every single Saturday morning via the phone. You know, I have been so blessed with my parents and their commitment raising their girls with love, hope and a strong hand (that goes with it I think).

But this post is not (yet) about the love I have received from my Mom, but to announce a ‘Writing Contest’! Heather at Mom2Mom Connection is hosting the 1st annual Mother’s Love Writing Contest. Heather promised ‘Brownie Points’ if we mention the contest :grin:. Hm – should I really announce it? Now I am taking away the chance for me to win…No, not really. Because this will be an awesome contest reading about all the wonderful mom’s out there. The deadline is May 1st – so please visit Heather as soon as possible to get all the details. Looking forward reading your tribute to your Mom :smile:.

(Note about the picture – this is totally how my Mom is – laughing all the time. Sorry about the bad quality – this photo is pre-digital and not much I can do about it)