Laced with Grace – October 2011 Desktop

I am not sure why I am so excited about this month’s desktop wallpaper. I guess it is just the newness of the lens I used to photograph the water-bubble 🙂 …If you haven’t had a chance yet to check out this month’s downloadable desktop, please stop by our devotional blog Laced with Grace. Here is the sample:

This month I have chosen Psalm 51:10 as your inspiration. I hope you like it!

Thank you for stopping by and your continued support of Laced with Grace.

Love & peace,

Week 14 Good to WOW SOOC “Faith”

I just noticed something; this is my 1,000th post! You would have thought I hit this mark earlier, since I have been blogging for 6 years. Well, Happy 1,000th post 😆 .

This week’s Good to WOW challenge theme is faith. I wanted to think outside the box; not photographing again another Cross. So, what does it look like to show my faith? The first thought that came to mind was that I believe that the Bible is God’s Word; I believe what it says and it tells me about Christ’s resurrection.

Here are my two entries for this week’s theme:

Not sure what I will do with both of these photographs; the first one I probable will just brighten the background a little. We will see what I come up with.

To find more Good to WOW, please visit my friend Jill Samter at “Jill Samter Photography“.

Thank you for stopping by today. Remember: don’t be shy sharing about your faith; even if it is not popular with the masses (or even with friends).

Week 13 Good to WOW SOOC “Up” ~ Edit

For the edit of the SOOC images, I am linking up with Ashley from “Ramblings and Photos“. I know I am a little late on getting this up; but honestly, I am late on everything these past two weeks. Can you believe I forgot to pay our power-bill on time (never happened before). I really need to get back on track with everything, with life in particular…

At any rate, here is my edited photograph from this week’s SOOC challenge “Up”, hosted by my friend Jill Samter from “Jill Samter Photography“. Jill has been of lately a huge encouragement to me regarding my photography, and I want to thank her for that (thanks Jill!!!!).

I did like how my American Flag reflection shot came out; all I did on this photograph was a boost to the color (helped the red come out of the American flag stripes), sharpened it and added a light vignette. Let me know what you think 🙂

Thanks for stopping by today. This upcoming week’s theme is “Faith”…hm, wheels in my head are turning 😉 .

Week 13 Good to WOW SOOC “Up”

This week I found time to participate in Jill’s weekly SOOC (straight out of camera) challenge. This week’s theme is “UP”.

My hubby and I went yesterday afternoon down-town Tempe and Tempe Town Lake. Actually it is one of our favorite spots to take photographs in the Metro Phoenix area.

I usually challenge myself to photograph with one particular lens on our weekly photography outings. This week I went with my very slowwwwww kit-lens (18-55mm/3.5-5.6). The only thing I added to the lens was my circular-polarizer filter; this was a good investment with the harsh light we have here in the Valley of the Sun 🙂 .

So, for this week I am entering the below photograph: a reflection of the American flag in a window. I had to look up in order to take this photograph 😉 .

To see a larger version of the above photo, please visit my Flickr Page. I have a couple of ideas on how to make the photograph “WOW”, but not sure if I will get the result I am looking for.

To find more “Up” photographs for this week’s challenge, please visit Jill’s website “Jill Samter Photography“.

Thank you for stopping by today; remember: sometimes we need to look up to see ‘treasures’.