Treasure Tuesday I – My Favorite Read…

Yup – my first treasure I want to share with you is my trusted Bible. I know, some of you might not agree, but the NIV translation is still my favorite…Easy to read and if I need some verification, I just consult my other translations I have on hand. Yeah, believe it or not, but I have a few Bibles around the house, but this particular one is the one I use the most. It has torn pages, coffee stains and marked verses. I think they are the best when they are broken in like that…
So, you like my treasure for the week? Leave your link in the comment section, so I can check out your treasure of the week. Oh, also visit Faith at Faithful Mommy (who created the theme of Treasure Tuesday) so she knows that you also participate…

Living by His grace,

Other Treasure Tuesdayers: Faith, Carol , Christy , Addie , Kate , Heather , Nancy , Debi