I have never heard of this movie until tonight as I was browsing the Internet. Has anyone of you seen or heard about this movie? It looks very interesting. I would be up for a great movie, since I haven’t seen any great movies for some time. I think I am going to order the movie…or maybe it is time to get Netflix 🙂 .

If you have seen this movie, please leave me a comment – okay? Thanks a billion.

Have a blessed Friday…

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  1. I had never heard of this movie. Sounds really good. Haven’t seen anything that I would want to spend my money or time on. Going to go by Blockbusters on the way home and see if they have it in. They said on line that it was avilable in all the locatiions near me..so maybe I will be able to find one. If I do, I will come back and tell you yes or not worth watching.

  2. I haven’t heard of this movie either, but it sure looks interesting. Will have to rent it this weekend. It’s hard to come by good movies these days.

  3. Iris, we rented this tonight. It was very good. violent, but good. I could give you a synopsis but won’t, don’t want to spoil it…it is worth watching. They took a few liberites with the truth, but it was good and pointed you to Jesus. I needed this tonight. thanks….

  4. Hey Iris,
    I hadn’t heard of this movie…but did a google search. It looks awesome! I’m going to rent it for sure. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Blessings on your weekend.

  5. haven’t seen it, but looks good!
    thanks for visiting my blog! and hope to see you post on WFW!! that would be great! 🙂
    Your site is interesting as usual! I don’t always comment, but always peeking about!!

  6. I just bought the movie and I’ve seen it. It’s very inspiring, especially what Taurus did to his friend (Broxy??). He seemed to be touched by his friend’s sacrifation. Btw, thx for allowing me to see your blog.


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