“And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing. And he said to them, ‘Why do you stand here idle all day?’ They said to him, ‘Because no one has hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You go into the vineyard too.’” ~ Matthew 20:6-7
Some of us are ‘life-long’ Christians; some of us wander off to see what else is out there (people like me). Others don’t trust in the Lord for salvation until the 11th hour…
You can read the rest of my thoughts over at…

Bless you sweetie.
Denise’s last blog post..Mission 4 Monday
Hello here… hopping through!
nancy’s last blog post..you wish… they help you make it come true!
Thank you so very much for the lovely CD Ireceived in my mail today, I love it. Bless you for thinking of me my friend, I love you.
Denise’s last blog post..Beautiful In His Eyes
I loved the scripture you used today Iris! Great post and Happy Thankful Thursday to you!
Good morning! Thanks for hosting this lovely carnival. I’ve got you in my sidebar list of weekly blog carnivals, so hopefully you’ll get a little linky love!
P.S. I thought I had entered my link in Mr. Linky last night, but I can’t remember for sure. Anyway, it seems it might of gotten deleted. If that’s the case, could you send me a quick comment or email to let me know if I didn’t follow a rule correctly? I would have sent you this comment in a private email, but I couldn’t find an email address. Sorry. 🙁 Just wanted to make sure I got things right the second time around! Thanks again so much and have a great one!
mom2my9’s last blog post..Works For Me Wednesday: Patience
Thankful that you are hosting!
Stephanie Reed’s last blog post..He Reigns–Newsboys