One part of me rejoices that you are now an adult; the other part is sad. You have grown-up way too fast. I remember the first day I drop you off at Kindergarten; now you will have your degree in two weeks. Where did the time go?
I know that you miss Germany. I know that you were angry at us that we have plucked you from there and moved to the US. Sometimes things don’t work out the way we want them to work out. You know that God has a plan for all of us. Believe it or not; He has your path planned very well. You might leave to work in Japan or Germany. You might stay here for awhile. Either way, your Dad and I support you with everything you do.
I thank God that He gave us the opportunity to raise you. You have become a very fine young man. Although you might have disagreed with us along the way, you are our pride and joy. We love you very much and you will always have a home to come back to.

“The LORD bless you and keep you;
the LORD make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;” – Numbers 6:24-25
To be 21! I don’t think he is really angry because he was “plucked”
The older he gets, the more he’ll understand. 
Happy Birthday again! Looks like you did a very good job as parents.
Congratulations to both of you!!!
He’s all grown. Before you know it, you’ll be paying for a rehearsal dinner, then it won’t be long before you’re babysitting your grandbabies.
Iris, are we starting to get old now? I don’t always feel old, but I think I’m starting to get there, you know?
Wow! I can relate. A very happy birthday to your son. My daughter just graduated from college on Saturday… an exhausting all-weekend celebration. And sad and happy all at the same time. I never knew my own mother had felt this way about my graduation. Probably a good thing! Again, congrats!
Happy Birthday to him!
I can’t imagine my little boy turning 21! Do you have only child? Just curious – as a mother of an only child, I find it rare to find others with only one.
I just posted my Tackle It Tuesday – hope you get a chance to play this week too.
Happy Birthday to your son!