Things are changing around my household. Some things I can cope with, others I have a little trouble with. Let me share with you how I cope the best with fear at…

Yes, it is the same article I just published at LWG, but I want to reach as many women as I can. It is a subject matter that currently
is very dear to my heart .
If you are here for Thankful Thursday, just scroll down to the next post.
Be blessed today and always…
Oh Iris, It sounds like you are really in a time of transition. I will pray for you. As for the scrapping, it sounds like you may have a lot more time to scrap coming soon. It won’t be so easy for your son to call on you to help him when he is living away from you. So maybe now is the time to spend with your son and enjoy this time with him before the dynamic really does change more drastically. Again, I will be praying for you!
Just headed over…
It was such a great article. Thanks for the dose of inspiration. You encourage me in my ministry of motherhood.
You know, I can sooo relate to your post. I think we are in that stage of life that is difficult to handle without our usual amount of estrogen flowing! 🙂
Iris – if it is on your heart I suspect it is on the heart of many others. Women in general really do not think that differently. Write it out, get it out, and share with the world – for His glory!! Love it girl!! Leigh
My kids aren’t old enough to be outfitting an apartment yet. When they are, I too will be scared to death that I have not taught them enough. We never will teach them everything though, will we? That’s God’s job but it sure is hard for a Mama to let go and hand over years of training to the real world.
I enjoyed reading your post at the Internet Cafe. How I can relate! Although our son is living on his own (in a college fraternity), I sometimes wonder if he’ll be able to survive when he must cook for himself, shop for himself etc. etc. Praise God you ended up turning your fear over to God. You set a good example for me! :~)