Debi at Caught Between Worlds, tagged me with the A-Z Meme. It is different from the ABC Tag I did in May, so I thought – why not? Thought I have a little fun this weekend. So here it goes:
A – Available/Single? Nope – Married for 23 years
B – Best Friend? My Sweetheart
C- Cake or Pie? Apple Pie
D – Drink Of Choice? Flavored coffee with flavored creamer
E – Essential Item You Use Everyday? Laptop/PC (are there any other items? okay – bed)
F – Favorite Color? Blue like the ocean
G – Gummy Bears Or Worms? Gummy Bears, of course (but has to be Haribo)
H – Hometown? Bremerhaven, Germany
I – Indulgence? Hm – Stollen (see the picture above – yummy stuff :razz:)
J – January Or February? January – my Sweetheart’s birthday month
K – Kids & Their Names? 1 son – Daniel
L – Life Is Incomplete Without? Salvation
M – Marriage Date? May 20th, 1983
N- Number Of Siblings? 1 younger sister
O – Oranges Or Apples? Apples
P – Phobias/Fears? Not sure what I have, but I don’t like it when people are mean
Q – Favorite Quote? “I can do all things through him who strengthens me”
R – Reason to Smile- my marriage
S – Season? Spring
T – Tag Three Four People? Carol, E-Mom, Jamie and Debbie
U – Unknown Fact About Me? I can’t draw anything — maybe a stick man
V – Vegetable you don’t like? Lima Beans
W – Worst Habit? Too much coffee
X – X-rays You’ve Had? Too many!
Y – Your Favorite Food? My mom’s cabbage rolls
Z – Zodiac Sign? The shadow of the cross…
Learned anything new? I doubt it. My blog is an open book…
Have a wonderful and blessed Sunday.
Hhmm der Stollen sieht gut aus ! Tut mir leid wegen CATS ON TUESDAY, aber Du hattest Dich in Mr. Linky eingetragen.
Have a nice day !
i like your zodiac sign.
it’s mine too!
My hubby loves stollen! He was born in Germany and lived there until he was 9 (I think), Wegburg (I hope I’ve spelt that right).
Lol, I love Gattina’s comment… can’t read a word though. Lima beans? Me too. I’ve never liked them. We have stollen almost every Christmas (and English fruit cake!) Thanks for the tag. Off I go to “answer ze qvestions”… :~)
Cool! Thanks for playing along! I like your Z answer.
I’ll play. I just have to wait till my internet comes up – I’m on my Mom’s LOL
yes, Z is my favorite, too!!
I have never had Stollen but it sure looks yummy. Do you have a recipe posted anywhere?
and no lima beans???? I LOVE me some Limas…lol
How fun! I seriously can barely draw a stickman – or should I say stickperson. I am in awe of artists!
Okay. I’ll try to do this. But it’s confusing – says the lady who is easily confused.
It’s asking if I’m single, then wants my marriage date. And where I live and my kids’ names.
Got it. I think.
I am laughing as I read the comments because I when I did the meme I never gave it as much thought as Carol did! LOL But my stab at it is up!
Spring is my FAVORITE season!
BTW…my blog is now hosted at blogger…please stop by and say hello!
Hmmm…don’t see the comment I just posted…so I am going to try again…Spring is my FAVORITE Season!
BTW…my blog is now hosted at blogger…please stop by and say hello!
Love your answers to this Iris, especially the zodiac, that always bugs me but your answer is awesome. I must say that should I attempt this it would look like i ws copying you, except for the drawing thing, I can do that and the things that would have to be different, but much of the rest, yup, especially E.
I most like your favorite quote. I’m not the strongest Christian in the world, far from it. But God sure has seen us through a lot, can’t imagine where I’d be w/o Him.
Oh that looks yummy!!!!!
Where is the recipe for that cake?
Here for C&C Monday. Late again.
I like this meme – I learn a lot about people.
It would be so fun to have you over for my not-world-famous apple pie…it never lasts more than a day or two ;). Carol tagged me on this one, but I’ve been intimidated by 26 things….maybe soon (but I’m still playing catch up (with blogging))! Today I’m mostly READING, and I’m beginning with my bloggerpals who require me to sit…and think…and smile…