However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.
(Ephesians 5:33 ESV (emphasis mine))

Today, 30 years ago, I have met my beloved. Sometimes I wonder where the years went. Don’t get me wrong; we had our challenges over the years. The above verse was one of the verses that saved our marriage. I truly believe that love and respect go hand-in-hand. Both have strengthened our marriage.

I truly enjoy hanging out with him, and photographing together. And I still get a soft knees when my beloved hugs me and kisses my neck…

Thank you Sweetheart for the past 30-years. I am looking forward spending more with you!!!

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  1. What a special day that was 30 years ago for each of you two. Marriage can be very challenging. The verse that you referred to has helped me in mine too. Men need respect and women need to be secure and loved. I have a feeling you may have read Dr. Eggerich’s book “Love and Respect”. It was such a life saver for me to understand.

    May you have many more years of love together Iris.

    Blessings and love,

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