Photo Theme: Time ~ Join the blogroll ~ Visit participants.

I know – stretching it a little for this week’s theme, but I thought I would share with you a landmark that Arizona is famous for. We had a wonderful time at the Grand Canyon. You can actually see the Colorado River running through…
You see, I have a ‘gazillion’ pictures (35 mil), but I had no scanner ~ until today. Our son, Daniel, camped out (with friends) to get his mom & dad a scanner for $20 that normally costs $90. You know – the ‘Black Friday’ thing. He had a great time. They watched movies on his laptop…and we got a greatly reduced quality product :razz:.
Isn’t it cool that I can scan my pictures with this high quality? I am totally giddy tonight. More pictures to choose from for Saturday Hunt and Wordless Wednesday…
Have a wonderful Saturday ~ let me know if you played and I’ll stop by in the morning.
Apparently your scanning went very well. It looks almost like a moon landscape. I have been there twice and it’s very impressive, but my favourite place is still Brice Canyon !
hello and happy weekend.. I am a new blogger (fairly new)… what is Photo Share Saturday?
Hey that is cool he did that for you…. I have been to the Grand Canyon ( I grew up in Vegas so Arizona was a hop skip and a jump pretty much)…. It is very beautiful. Great for this weeks theme too. Such a beautiful picture
Thanks for stopping by!!
See what happens if you leave the water running for a long time?
thank you for visiting my blog! I will check out the blog link you sent me on the photo share… thnx again.
I love getting new toys like yours!!
It’s a beautiful and a great take on today’s theme. Happy saturday
your photo is breathtaikingly ( is that a word?) beautiful!!
thanks for visiting & commenting on our pic too
Wow – what an amazing photo of the canyon. And congrats on the new scanner!
That is a beautiful picture of the Grand Canyon! I only get to read about and see it in photos. It must be truly awesome to be actually there.
And you have a very thoughtful son!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Iris you know it took a very long time to make the Grand Canyon! I look forward to your pictures! I want to thank you for stopping by and leaving me such nice comments. I am back at blogging and will be around a bit more often now!
My photo is up! Happy Saturday!
wonderful picture – God’s creation is amazing. I’ve been to the Grand Canyon twice and it took my breath away – especially early morning!
Beautiful photo! Love that your sweet son went to so much trouble for such a thoughtful gift! What a deal! My daughter and I used to have so much fun going out at like 4:30 am and it was amazing the deals we would get!
What a beautiful photo, I love the Grand Canyon.
Mine is up too, have a wonderful weekend.
The Grand Canyon is one of the places that I would like to visit sometime. Its beauty is just amazing!
I don’t know if you do memes or not, but I’ve tagged you for an A-Z Meme.
Reminds me of my visit to the Grand Canyon over ten years ago. Time does fly!
Beleive it or not…the Grand Canyon is one thing we did not do when we were stationed in Arizona..I quess God knew I would be able to enjoy it’s beauty through your blog ;)…hope your weekend goes well and you have fun aong the way.
Daniel is ONE COOL KID! How cool of him to do that for you!
This picture brings back memories of a past trip to the Grand Canyon. Great trip, but I was “motion sick” for 50 out of 60 minutes of our helicoptor ride over the canyon. Sigh…
You could also think of it as how much TIME went into God’s creation of this beautiful landscape.
Beautiful, kudos to your son for doing that for you.
COOL!! Go Daniel!!
Beautiful picture! Hurray for your new scanner! I think it’s a great choice for “time.”
Wow! Cool pic!
Thanks for stopping by mine
I love Grand Canyon. When I went there on the way to California with my sister and my 2 year old…it was fun…and scary. I was scared I might lost my little boy if he slipped into those deep ravines.
I’ve never seen the Grand Canyon but this picture sure makes me want to! It’s absolutely gorgeous and an excellent choice for this weeks’ theme.
Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog-thanks also for reminding me about Photo Hunt, that eased my mind a bit. Stop back and see what I picked for today’s entry. : )
I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon and this is an awesome photo!
Beautiful photo and nice idea for the theme of time.
Beautiful picture. How can one see such majesty and beauty and not believe in God?
Mine is up too. Nice to meet you.
Beautiful photo
The Grand Canyon is an amazing place and a perfect picture for todays theme.
Way to go to Daniel! You’ve raised a thoughtful son.
Come check out my pic when you have time.
great picture! Wonderul TIME definitely goes with the theme.
such gorgeous colors! An infinite array of God’s glory. . .
Gorgeous Picture! Definitely took a long TIME to make that canyon:)
Beautiful picture! The grand canyon is awe-inspiring. The photo hunts will be so much easier now that you don’t have to limit yourself to pictures that started out digital.
A postcard-worthy photo!
Beautiful photo. The Grand Canyon is amazing. We visited this summer. Cute take on the theme.
Thanks for stopping by my Sunflower blog. I love photography. Hope to meet more new blogger friends here.
How wonderful of Daniel!!! Congrats on the new scanner!
Beautiful pic of the Canyon….the color and depth….nice!!
First off, what an AWESOME photo!! Wow, truly amazing – this place called Earth. Second, What a cool thing for your son to do for you!! He rocks! Third, my connection didn’t come on till 11pm – I wish I could MAKE them do something. Argh. Fourth, I am OK – the mood is due to my cold I caught. Ho hum. Last, hope you have a blessed Sunday! xox
For infos Please come to my blog, CATS ON TUESDAY is created.
the grand canyon is GRAND.
i remember being totally struck with wonder and awe when i was there in 99.
Gorgeous picture! And that must be a good scanner!
I’m only a day’s drive away and have yet to see the Grand Canyon…someday I hope…thanks for stopping by tis past weekend as well….beautiful photo….