Smelling Good?

CWO Tuesday Meme

“Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.”
~ Calvin Coolidge ~
Former President of the United States

I love this quote. Thank you Darlene for picking it for this week before Christmas. The first Scripture passages that came to mind:

“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing…”~ 2 Corinthians 2:14-15 (ESV)

Christmas is truly a state of mind for me. I want to share Him with others and be an aroma for Him 365 days a year. I work in a very big and busy office. There is not much time to shine for Him. I like to do it in small things — Be kind to others, smile and extend His mercy to all around me. Especially the ones who don’t know Him…

I am planing on giving little gifts this Christmas (thank you, Vicki for the idea). I wish I would still have the little story about the candy cane — you know the one about the stripes symbolizing Christ’s blood?…Maybe I will find it in time.

Most of the people I come in contact with these days, are hurting. I am not talking about the physical hurt, but the heart hurt. You know…really not knowing what makes one happy? The hurt for searching but not finding? And you know what; we as Christians don’t take the time to explain why we feel different. Sure, we still hurt sometimes inside (I had my fair share this Christmas season), but we have Someone who will listen to our ‘pity-parties’. We know where to find comfort…

Will you join me this Christmas season and into the next year to be good smelling? Smelling of His grace and mercy? Sharing that fragrance with the ones who don’t know the smell yet?

Lord of Heaven and Earth. You are lead us in a wonderful procession. Help us to smell of Your grace and mercy this Christmas season and beyond. Lord, give us the wisdom and the opportunities to share that You came from heaven to earth to save us all. We are trusting in Your Holy Spirit to guide us. I pray this in the Name about all names, I pray in Jesus’ name ~ Amen.

Our hostess this week is no other than the creator of “In Other Words“, Darlene. Please stop by her Blog this morning, check out her post and share your thoughts with all of us by adding your link to Darlene’s post.

Blessings on your day and as always…

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12 Replies to “Smelling Good?”

  1. Love the thought of “smelling good”. The plan is for my house to be filled with the aroma of gingerbread today. But it is so much more important for my life to be filled with the aroma of Christ. Blessings!

  2. Iris, this is absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing. I’m glad to see Sissy B. got the link for the Legend of the Candy Cane to you. I too, want to smell good.

    btw~I’m not sure it’s a Firefox thing. Some friends who use Firefox say they can’t read the posts. I’m on WordPress today.

  3. There does seem to be a lot of pain in the world right now, but I know it’s all part of God’s plan. How blessed of you to try to heal it with all you have and all you are. You truly are an inspiration!

  4. Will you join me this Christmas season and into the next year to be good smelling? Smelling of His grace and mercy? Sharing that fragrance with the ones who donÒ€ℒt know the smell yet?

    This post was exactly what I needed today. This is going to be my first Christmas without my mom, but your post reminded me of what she was all about. She loved to witness and as you said “share the fragrance with the ones who don’t know the smell yet.” Maybe that’s what I’ll try to do this Christmas in honour of her memory.

    Thanks for sharing, it was truly a blessing.

  5. The prayers of the saints are a sweet smelling fragrance to the Lord. That is what your post made me thik of (and that is a super duper paraphrase.)

    I am just finally making my rounds and have to leave soon! Loved this post. Wonderful response. I wanted to write on it this week but dont think I will or have had time. πŸ™

  6. I LOVE how you brought out the “fragrance” scripture, and the idea of “smelling good” in the new year! I’ve been thinking a lot about the gifts that were brought to Jesus, two of which were very fragrant. You’re right, we can still offer him the fragrance of our worship, our prayers for others, and our acts of mercy and kindness done in His name. What an excellent post!

  7. Iris, the one thing that bothers me this time of year is our (Christians) focus on the event of Jesus’ birth, a “day” to celebrate; I love your thoughts that Christmas is a state of mind…something to be “practiced” year round–it’s my heart’s desire, too. I want to be the incarnation of Christ to a world that needs His touch (and can be achieved, in part, by how I chose to “touch” others, for His glory and motivated by our reciprocal love for each other πŸ™‚ ). Making time to do this sometimes comes at a cost, often times does; I have to forsake things I’d like to do, to focus on the needs of others. I pray for the mind of Christ to discern those things He’d have me do :).

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