made us bow our heads in shame, He can use for His glory.”
~ Joanna Weaver~
Having a Mary Spirit
When I read this week’s quote, the words of the old hymn “Chief of Sinners†came to mind. I wonder why…Maybe because I stumble a lot???
I dug a little deeper on this week’s quote to find out where the author comes from. Joanna has written a couple of books on the issue of Mary and Martha. I have written many times about the issue that we need to spend more time with our Lord in order to get refreshed and ready for the world. Our Lord needs to fill our cup so we can share with others His love, grace and mercy…
I also have shared many times with you that my relationship with my husband was not always the way it should have been from the beginning. Well, first off, I really didn’t understand this whole ‘respect thing’. I didn’t want to be ‘under my husband’. I had as much education as he did. So why should I now follow my career…
I asked God many years why in the world He would take me earthly father from us at such a young age…Why didn’t God heal my dad????
I wondered why God allowed my sister’s marriage to break apart; and now He allows my sister to be in a very unhealthy relationship….
Why didn’t God give me all the strength I needed to serve Him in public ministry—I burned out and He didn’t do anything about it…
You see, God allows things to happen in our life so we can become a witness to others who might experience the same thing. He will use our circumstance, our experiences to help a hurting sister. He teaches us compassion toward others. We can attest that we have made it through the rough spots. He has given us answers in order to become His hands and feet.
So next time you stumble, remember that God can and will use it to bring glory to Him and to strengthen your sisters in Christ.
“Therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed. Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no “root of bitterness†springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled.†~ Hebrews 12:12-15 (ESV)
Lord of Heaven and Earth. Sometimes You allow us to stumble; sometimes we even fall. We know You are always there with us. Sometimes we do have to scrape our knees in order to become a witness to You mercy and grace. Lord, help us to learn from lessons of life so we can share our experiences with others. In the precious name of Jesus ~ Amen.
Blessings on your day and as always…
Please visit my friend Loni at Joy in the Morning to read her take on this week’s IOW quote, and the thoughts of other Christian women Bloggers as they are sharing their own thoughts…
I’ve never been a “why God” kind of person, but lately I have certainly been curious and asking God what He needs of me in all of the things going on that have been challenging and confusing. I think I’ve been learning even more about humility, more about relying on Him, more about not thinking too much into stuff, and realizing as you said that all this will increase my sensitivity to others’ circumstances even more so.
Thank for your lovely thoughts on this devotional:)
“You see, God allows things to happen in our life so we can become a witness to others who might experience the same thing.”
Thank you–Just the reminder I needed ;today!
Thank you for the encouragement and reminder today.
Beautiful post Iris, bless you.
“God allows things to happen in our life so we can become a witness to others who might experience the same thing.” That’s something that I need to keep in mind more often . . . I need to remember that there is always a purpose in everything. Sometimes I forget that and that memory loss is a stumbling block. Well-written, Iris!
Great thoughts as always! Blessings on your day.
“Scrapped Knees” I love the title!
It reminds me of my childhood and I have the scarred knees to prove it. I suppose that’s what God sees…our willingness to improve and gives us hope to succeed tomorrow.
Thanks for sharing the awesomeness of our God and how he uses it ALL for our good, and the good of others!
You can’t be chief–I’m chief. I have proof–many scrapped knees scars.
Thanks for the encouragement. Love the vers from Hebrews never seen this version.
I had a ‘Why God’ experience when my beautiful daughter was diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome. I still don’t know why she has to bear the cost of so many of societies sins. I had a very wise sister in Christ remind me that in some ways we all do… living in a sin-filled world and looking forward to heaven.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this weeks post ~
“God can and will use it to bring glory to Him and to strengthen your sisters in Christ.” Oh Amen, I enjoyed reading this Iris…so very true, so very true.
I love this quote. I read it over on someone else’s blog.
What a powerful lesson to learn.
If we could just remember our lives are for His glory–maybe it would make things a little easier.
He promised He would work all things together for our good–do we believe it?
Great post Iris. I loved your insight and especially this part:“You see, God allows things to happen in our life so we can become a witness to others who might experience the same thing.â€
Thank you for sharing and may the Lord bless you this week and always.
Angel ():)
Great thoughts, Iris. Sometimes it is so hard to understand what God is doing or why he allowed things to happen. thank you for sharing as always.
Thank you so much for sharing your heart and being personable here Iris. I always appreciate your thoughts.
Blessings ~ Loni
Thank you so much for sharing. I often times have found myself saying “why God” but have recently found that He has a plan for me and that I just need to follow along and stop asking “Why”. I stumbled across your site by chance and just want to say Thank you for the wonderful things that you say and for the beautiful words that you write.
great post my friend! there is a jewish proverb that says, “light is not recognizable except THROUGH darkness”
God bless you!! abundantly!
Very well said, Iris! Every single thing we go through…the Lord has a purpose… All to His glory!
Thanks for sharing.
I am in full agreement with you concerning things we go through that allow us to minister to another sister or brother. I am a living testament to this. Many times I have had someone ask me “Why?” I am not always able to answer all their “why’s” but I always let them know that God knows what He is doing and that we may not never know the answers, but He is fully aware of our circumstances and has not left us comfortless. I am thankful for His love and mercy in my life. Blessings to you!
Love your thoughts on this, Iris! I’ve seen this first hand with my husband and his rheumatoid arthritis. When you wonder why God would allow it to happen to him, a star college athlete, you know as soon as he opens his mouth. He has a gift of helping others with this disease as well as other auto-immune diseases. He has a gift for raising money to help fight this. He has a gift of compassion that he may not have had otherwise.
Great post!
“He teaches us compassion toward others.”
~lump in throat, tears~
Yes, Iris.
The pain He’s gently allowed has been used to give me eyes to *see*… I look forward to the day when my sight is fully restored ~warm smile~.
Thank you, wise friend.
Ann V.
Thank you for reminding us to strive for peace and holiness! It truly is my desire!
Beautiful post Iris! Blessings!
Yes! What great insight on what I call “hindsight faith.” So often, I have grumbled my way through the ‘why’s’ of my life only to find when I take the time to reflect…..God’s grand purpose in all things of my life. If only my faith would not be conditional! He uses our strengths and our weaknesses; He uses our gains and our losses….for His divine purpose. In fact, I have learned that His power is most often most evidenced in our weakness and losses.
We may not always understand the why’s…but we can always know the WHO–who promises to reveal Himself to all–if we only look.
Exactly, Iris! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve helped someone get through a difficult time because I’d been through what they were now going through. This is spot on.
That’s what our sermon was basically about on Sunday. It was a good one. I guess God wants me to learn this lesson this week. Thanks.
Poignant thoughts, Iris. I’m sorry you’ve scraped your knees a few times. :~( I’m reminded that it’s the enemy who is the author of the bad things that happen to me
–not God. God is my redeemer and rescuer! It’s so true that out of the hard things of life comes compassion and the strength to comfort others as they walk through their own firey trials. Bless you for keeping your eyes on your sisters in need.
Great and beautiful post Iris thank you. I feel blessed
Oh Iris… Amen. Beautiful post!!
PS. no need to email me back. Love you. me
I was used to ask” why God” each time I met somethings which I really did not want to met. But now I just learn to not ask “why God”. I believe that he is in control for everything, if he let me stumble, he also will help me to stand by his love.
Iris,thank you so much for so wonderful post, it hits my heart again..