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You would not believe what I tackled this weekend…You see, in Arizona during the hot summers (and I am talking hot ~ 110+), we don’t cook much inside the house. First the smell that lingers through the house and it heats up the house. Anyway, we use our BBQ a lot and I haven’t cleaned it for awhile. So…I tackled the grill on Sunday afternoon. We wanted to have fish tacos, so I thought I would get the grease off. Oh my, what a task. First I scrubbed it with the brush, but it didn’t work very well. So, I got the garden hose. Haha – got the stuff off in no time.

Well at least the surface is clean. The rest, I didn’t, because while I was cleaning the grilling surface, a dust storm approached from the south. No wonder I was so cranky. Yeah, I get cranky when the weather changes. Needless to say, my weekend was not very productive…As I had mentioned to Janice, I didn’t get a before picture, but I have a picture of the clean grilling surface:

Accomplished 5

So, we did get our fish tacos after all on Sunday night. Did you know that you could grill fish-sticks? I didn’t either. But my hubby suggested it ~ like I said, we didn’t wanted to heat up the house…

Little up-date on my previous projects. The drawer is still organized, the laundry is still caught-up and the corner in our living room is still clean…But…remember the paper-stack? Well, I have to confess, it is back….argk…I can’t believe it! It keeps sneaking up on me. I guess, I have another project to tackle tonight…

So, what did you tackle today? What about your previous tackled areas? Let me know and I will stop by as soon as I can, either in the morning or after work…Thank you Janice for keeping me in-line with my chores. I have to say, I even tackled my vacuum chore tonight. I know, kind of silly, since you really can’t see my house, but I feel I need to get things done around the house because of you, my fellow tacklers :razz:.

Have a blessed Tuesday – hope to see you soon…
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  1. I need to tackle laundry (the never-ending pile!) and a huge stack of papers and junk that we have piled on our kitchen table-sadly (dont’ tell anyone) the whole thing is covered except for a small, square spot where my daughter sits to eat breakfast and lunch.

  2. Looks great!! Good work – in the heat and all!! Fish sticks on teh barbeque – now that is interesting. We cooked our turkey on the barbeque one Christmas because the power went out. It worked really well!!

    I must say, I cannot imagine living in that heat! I would die. I am such a wimp. It never gets that hot here and it usually always cools down at night.

    I visited Arizona in 1999 in Feb or March – I can’t remember exactly. But we were so disappointed cause it was not that warm that week. We sat by the pool in our sweatshirts with our towels covering our legs to keep warm as we read our books!! Some moments were warm, but a lot was just a little too cool for suntanning. Just our luck!! LOL

  3. I complain about the winter when there’s ice and snow (although I’m glad I don’t live in Minnesota!) but darn…it’s HOT there, isn’t it? I think I’d suffocate. Anyway, the grill looks great. I’ve never seen one like that before!

  4. Great job, you did awesome. We also use the grill a lot during the summer and I hate having to clean it, but has to be done….which reminds me, now I have to clean mine 🙁 LOL

  5. Our grill gets a minor brush over with a grill bursh before/after each use but it likely needs to be “cleaned”. We grill a lot in the Spring/SUmmer/Fall. I just prefer it. Simple, Quicker…. not as much mess.

    Will have to pass on the fish tacos – we aren’t fish eaters.

  6. I haven’t been to Arizona in a long long time but I do remember that heat!!! I wouldn’t want to turn on the stove either but I don’t know if I could get our bbq THAT clean!!

    I really like fish tacos, I was introduced to them on a recent trip to California and I made them for a Missions night at my church, this one was for Mexico. (Once a month we have special service, we all make food from a certain country, eat together, learn some facts about it and then pray for it.)

  7. Congrats on that clean grill. I can’t believe you posted about the “paper stack”. I’ve been working on that this morning. It seems they never go away! It starts as one piece of paper and before I know it, it’s 2 inches high. If I don’t tackle then, it can become a foot-high monster.

    What we do also besides cooking on our grill and it’s side burner, is I use my old freestanding small convection oven. I have it plugged in on the outdoor plug on the patio. If I choose to bake, I have some smaller baking dishes that I can use in it. Speaking of that oven–I think I’ll take a lesson from you and clean it…..

  8. Hey, thanks for stopping in and checking on me, that was really sweet of you. Everything is fine, I just decided to take a little “blog vacation”. I’ll probably start posting again next week.
    By the way, your grill looks great!
    I know that had to be a tough job. My previous Tackle it projects are still decent looking, although the top of my refrigerator is starting to look messy again…uh oh!
    Have a blessed day!

  9. I haven’t really tackled much as far as cleaning up goes. I do just pick up each day as I go. I do have family coming in on Saturday so I guess Friday will be a do the full clean day to make sure the bathroom is wiped clean and the sheets are fresh!
    Sure wish our grill could clean up like yours. Not a chance!!

  10. Hot, hot, hot! That is very hot! It is bad here and the humidity makes it worse. I understand why you cook outdoors for sure! I hate cleaning grills, that is such a task. But, it has to get done. I love the taste of grilled food, the flavor is so much better. Enjoy! My project is up!

  11. a hip hip hooray for You! And kudos for working in SUCH HEAT, it really makes me want to do NOTHING.

    but I did do my Tackle it project . . . so I’m happy, as I am sure are you!

  12. I’ve found you Eph!

    I need to tackle the entire house! From top to bottom and beyond. And build a wardrobe, chest of drawers and a coffee table. Before Sunday. Argghhhh.

    I really don’t like the heat. 110+? No wonder you feel hot!!

    Snoo…I am so happy to see you over on my orginal blog. Thank you so much…:smile:

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