Happy Girl

Laurel tagged me with a meme 🙂 She asked me to list 5 reasons why I blog…Oh my, good question…

  • I can share two passions with the whole wide world…My faith in Christ and photography…
  • By God’s divine intervention someone might be led to Christ and receive Him as their Lord and Savior…
  • I might be able to encourage other women to have a better marriage…It sure has been a long journey for me…
  • I have learned so much from so many Godly women with different doctrinal background. It shows me that we are one in Him…
  • I am actually a very quiet and shy person (unless I am comfortable around someone). On my Blog, I can share how I feel and what I think without me blushing all the time…You see, even though I have been speaking English for a while, it still is hard for me to express myself. Typing is much easier and I can use the backspace all.the.time and erase words. Can’t do that in speech…

So, Laurel, did you learn something new? I know those are not really deep reasons, but they are reasons enough for me to continue…

As it goes with memes, I am tagging Erica, Terri, Jennifer and Christine…If anyone else would like to chime in, please let me know.

“May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” ~ Romans 15:5-7 (ESV)

Oh, you are wondering about the little graphic on top? Well, got the link from Miss Laurel too. The site is called “BlessThisChick” and you can create your own too. I thought, since I have the hearts all around here anyway, it was fitting for me…

Have a wonderful Sunday…

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  1. This is my first time to visit your site. I could have written your 5 answers almost exactly like you did !! The only excepttion would be #5 and the last part of #1 since I am not good at photography. I love viewing pictures that others post on the blogs. I am new to blogging and been impressed with all the good writers and photographers. Have a blessed day:-)

  2. I like blogging for some of the very same reasons and could relate to your final point. I’m better at expressing myself in writing than speaking at times. I also share thoughts I might not share in person b/c I’m more of a listener, unless comfortable with someone. 🙂

  3. Is that me? My goodness, I’m all excited now as I have never been tagged before. I will work on this one tomorrow. Thanks Iris!

    By the way, you are an example to me and leading me to a stronger marriage, please keep up the tips:)


  4. I can relate to some of your points too, marriage is hard but so much more easier with the Lord in it and I’m super shy too, blogging is good because you don’t have to talk to people in person, if that makes sense…

  5. Iris, I loved your reasons for blogging, you are just an inspiration to me, Thanks for the Blessing Chick, It was so cute, (thanks Laurel too). Blessings to both

  6. I did mine this morning. That was fun. I enjoyed reading your list. Oh, and I went and made one of those cute little chicks. Thanks for the link!

  7. Haven’t been by in awhile…my list of blogs to read has grown so big. Haven’t forgotten you though. Nice to see you’re still here. Some of our other buddies have gone by the wayside…

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