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Can you believe it is already Tuesday again…Time flys if you are busy (…or having fun for that matter). Well, I was dreading this one, because it is ugly…But as I said to Janice (who by the way is the hostess of Tackle Tuesdays), get a big trash-bag and off I go…And I did. Even though it was a long day at the office, 110F outside and I had to pick up the son who still doesn’t drive, I had to urge to get it done…You wondering what? Well, we all have them. Those drawers that seem to ‘catch-all’. Well, I have several of them, but this one was the worst….

Messy Drawer

What can I say – Miss Piggy? Well, I just had enough. Nothing was fitting in this drawer any longer. We had everything in there. Paperwork from appliances we no longer have…batteries that didn’t work…pencils (I was wondering where they went)…little ‘Thank You’ notes I was missing for the past two years…I know, I know 😳 – I am ashamed of myself. But thanks to Miss Janice, I got ‘clean’ tonight….Wanna see? Cool – huh…

I am claiming my drawers back – one at a time….:smile:.

Accomplished to Clean

So, did you play? Let me know and I’ll stop by after work (or before I leave)….

Happy Tuesday – visit the ladies how are standing in the cheer section – they are incredible: Mom2fur, Sandra, Mom Nancy, Stacey, Dana, Janice.
…Eph2810 :grin:.

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  1. Wow you did awesome, I have those drawers too and I’m too scared to go near them for fear they may bite LOL

    You’ve inspired me to go do mine for next week. 🙂

    Great job, mine is up too 🙂

  2. I did not play. But I am happy to report that my two junk drawers get cleaned out on a monthly basis. I refuse to let them get messy ever again. Not the mess under my bathroom sink. That is another story!!

  3. WOW
    i LOVE clean drawers –nothing makes me happier than to look into a drawer and see all the contents RIGHT THERE! alas–none of my drawers are self cleaning!

  4. Now that is good work!!! Congratulations! It is hard to get the momentum to get to those nasty projects – but you did it! Good for you:)

    I have some drawers that will be on my Tackle It list – but I have to get my big projects done first. Then to the drawers…

  5. Hi there! Looking at your table kinda reminded me of how my everyday looks this past week, hehe. Pls pray for me. I posted just now about all that I have to deal with. I need prayers for strength and protection for my (and the baby’s) health. 🙂 Hope you’re doing well! God bless..

  6. Congrats on your organizing. As a recovering pack rat, I try to organize or reorganize something for at least one hour, once a week. Sometimes the hour stretches into 2 or 3, but thanks to the constant urging of my spouse, it’s getting done.

    Carol at She Lives, suggested I hookup with your blog. I have been reading it for about a week and really enjoy your posts.

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