Faith Shape… – the questions are getting harder, especially looking at them from God’s point of view. Do I really do what He has called me to do? Do I follow His voice? Will He say: “Well done, good and faithful servant…” (Matthew 25:21) – I pray He does…So here are my answers to this week’s questions…

How do you tend to go about things and how does that affect how you obey, worship, and love God?

Are you a go-getter or laid back? ~ I would say I am laid back. But when He gives me a passion, you better get out of my way – I go for it…

Do you keep it simple or do you go all out? ~ I keep it very simple. Maybe sometimes too simple. But then again – the Gospel message is simple :wink:.

Do you finish what you start or leave it for someone else? ~ Most of the time I finish what I start, but have to admit that I sometimes get side-tracked…

Do you like the best laid plans or prefer to wing-it? ~ Nope – no winging here. If I do something, especially when it has to do with His Word — I better get my ducks in the row. How can I lead Bible studies if I am not sure what He telling me?

Do you like to be different, to stand out in the crowd? ~ Hm – very good question…”Stand out in the crowd”? – Yes, I do – especially outside Christian circles…I share what I believe.

Do you prefer to go about unseen, be like everyone else? ~ Again, depending if I am with Christians or in the circle of non-believers…”You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.” ~ Matthew 15:14

Do you prefer the unusual or the normal, the intellectual or action? ~ Oh my — what is normal these days? Some would consider me unusual and abnormal…they avoid my like the plague.

Are you a doer or a dreamer? ~ I think I have a mixture of doing and dreaming. Sometimes I dream really big. Depends on Him if those dreams are realized…

Are you a follower or rebellious? ~ Is this getting any harder? Follower of Christ – Yes. Follower of the world – No. Rebellious against God – sometimes (I tend to argue with Him when I don’t feel comfortable doing something and get a knot in my tummy). Rebellious against the world views – Yes!

Are you diminish yourself or do you struggle with pride? Oh, the pride issue again :oops:. In some situations it still rears its ugly head…

Are you old fashioned or do you like all things new? In some things I am very old fashioned – some call it conservative. But I also like new things – especially when it comes to music :grin:.

Do you like things the same or do you prefer change? I would love for the world to change – more in step with His Spirit…

Are you very open about your life or are you more secretive and careful? I would say I am very open about my life.

Last of all, how does your personal style affect your relationship with Him? Open to His calling, honest, love, hope, trust…

How about you? How would you answer the above questions? Please do share…To check out out other Shape of Your Faith journeyers, visit Heather at Graced by Christ…And if you are looking for the Chick’s carnival, please scroll down :razz:…

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  1. Wonderful interpretation Iris. I love it. I so enjoy seeing how each of you loely ladies interpret my questions. I think I am learnin as much about myself as I am about you all. 🙂 Hopefully it is growin each of us closer to Him.

  2. Yippee! Thank you for doing this, Iris. It’s so nice to read your responses. These exercises have really called to mind things about myself I never thought about or realized. I hope when we are done, we will better recognize our roles in His kingdom!

  3. This is my first Carnival since becoming a Blogging Chick yesterday. I’ve written about summers I used to spend at my grandparent’s house. (“Fond Memories”)

  4. You have some interesting answers. On one hand I am laid back and then on the other I am a go-getter…I guess it depends on the situation. 🙂 I also like to be myself and stand out as much as I can in the crowd and really I think it is important to shine my light for God!

  5. Very Cool! I like your answers, and I feel I learned a little bit more about you! You are a born evangelist… with a heart for the lost, that’s for SURE! “I would love for the world to change – more in step with His Spirit…” I say, Amen to that!

    (When you have some time, if you want learn a little about me, you can read the answers to two memes posted in my “Cafe.” I finally posted some of my own pics!)

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